Here it is:
SC2022-1710-First-Interim-Report.pdf (
The excellent Jeff Childers covered it in his daily report here (amongst many other items!):
(100) ☕️ FREE FLYING ☙ Saturday, February 3, 2024 ☙ C&C NEWS 🦠 (
Comments from the interim report in bold and italics.
“As it should have, the Grand Jury has worked in secret, which frankly has frustrated a few people. I’ve seen more than a few blackpilled comments whining that it’s all hopeless; it’s going nowhere; we should’ve heard something by now, and so forth. Well, I am pleased to report that the Grand Jury issued its first interim report yesterday, and you’re going to love it. The report’s conclusion poignantly observed, “It is a sad state of affairs when something as simple as following the science constitutes an act of heresy, but here we are.”
The 30-page (double-spaced) report is required reading for every literate adult who survived the last four years. It’s well-written in plain English and understandable to anyone with a GED equivalent, and even to some people from Portland. The Grand Jury addressed the first two government interventions, lockdowns and mask mandates, and found neither followed the science, despite terrific and ultimately terrible costs. Later reports will cover vaccines.
Corporate media ignored the news, of course, but yesterday the New York Post ran the story headlined, “Federal agencies refuse to cooperate with Florida grand jury investigating COVID-19 vaccines, interim report reveals.” From the report’s description, here’s what they’ve been up to so far:
“Since last June, this Grand Jury has cast a wide net, eliciting sworn testimony from a range of both expert and lay witnesses on issues both central and adjacent to the questions we have been charged with resolving. We have learned a great deal— some of which we will discuss in detail below — and we would like to thank those witnesses who have appeared before us so far.
Admittedly, however, we are not physicians. Some of us are involved in the medical field, but most of us work in other professions and vocations. We have, however, spoken to numerous doctors, professors and scientists with a broad range of viewpoints on the topics we will discuss below and other topics we intend to discuss in the future. In a way, this Grand Jury has allowed us to do something that most Americans simply do not have the time, access, or wherewithal to do: Follow the science.”
Strangely, every single federal agency refused to comply with subpoenas and other requests from Florida’s Grand Jury:
“Our Legal Advisor has sought the assistance of several agencies of the United States Government which have thus far declined to participate. The Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Army, among others, all had a substantial hand in the contracting, approval and distribution process for the COVID-19 vaccines at the center of our inquiry. These agencies have elected not to provide representatives to testify before this body, and federal law prohibits us from compelling their cooperation.”
Happily, the Grand Jury determined they don’t need the federal agencies. I know just how they feel. There is enough information from other sources, published agency guidance, and Congressional testimony, so that the jurors easily bypassed federal efforts to obstruct them.
This well-written, even-handed, non-controversial report is the first step toward accounting for the chaotic, dictatorial, and ultimately counter-productive pandemic response by federal, state, and local officials. Unfortunately, the people who most need this information will refuse to see. But it is now in the record. Under our form of representative government, the people — not experts, politicians, or unelected bureaucrats — hold ultimate authority. This Grand Jury report constitutes the people’s voice, and the people are not impressed.
It is difficult to calculate the depth of gratitude owed to Governor DeSantis and a large number of courageous Floridians, both in and out of government, who contributed to the preparation and publication of this badly-needed review. We look forward to the Grand Jury’s next report with great interest. Read it and comment!
As with the Canadian Citizens Enquiry and the testimony in Australia in support of a Royal Commission plus all the other enquiries at State level in the US, in the EU and Asia, there is a body of evidence assembled that can be used by all legislatures. In fact, NOT paying attention to evidence could be viewed as criminal negligence and dereliction of duty and care!
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Covid-19 Inquiry Update
New Zealand First Action Team February 02, 2024
Covid-19 Inquiry update
We are happy to announce that we are expanding the terms of reference on the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Covid-19 response – and we want your say.
This includes what we committed to in our coalition agreement, to:
Ensure, as a matter of urgency in establishment and completion, a full scale, wide ranging, independent inquiry conducted publicly with local and international experts, into how the Covid pandemic was handled in New Zealand, including covering:
Use of multiple lockdowns,
Vaccine procurement and efficacy,
The social and economic impacts on both regional and national levels, and
Whether the decisions made, and steps taken, were justified.
And further terms of reference will now include:
The cost-effectiveness of the Government’s policies, and whether the rules set by the Government appropriately balanced Covid-19 elimination with other goals
The Government’s utilisation of partnerships with business and professional groups
The extent of disruption to New Zealanders’ health, education, and business as a result of the Government’s policies
If the Government’s response was consistent with the rule of law
How New Zealand’s pandemic preparedness compared to other countries
The public will have an opportunity to make submissions from the 8th of February and we will inform you of further details on this process in due course.
This inquiry was campaigned on by New Zealand First leading up to the 2023 election and has been highly anticipated by many New Zealanders.
It demonstrates great progress on the crucial commitments New Zealand First has made, to strengthen democracy and freedom in New Zealand.
I wonder why US Fed Agencies failed to cooperate with the FGJ? What are they hiding?