If it were that simple a lot of the snookered and forced people would not have taken this Bio - Weapon Vx. Many were fooled early by the lies and propaganda. Some were lucky and actually had Cov before we knew what it was and it had little effect on us so the BS Fauchi antennas went up too full attention. There are always complications that have to do with how a person was raised, allowed to be a free thinker, work or live in a place that inherently was filled with freedom lovers, people who are always living with and working for tyrants are extra suspicious, those who grew up being taught the Constitution and the commitment to live it. Those are all factors that make it more difficult too be harsh too everyone who took lie and its spear. I have sympathy for many who now understand what happened. I see some doing different but don't want to admit how wrong they were totally and completely, insanely convinced by the professional liars. And that is not necessary for me, I want many of them to live on, long! I did not believe it, avoided the mark and then knew for certain it was all an awful scam when Dr Birx fessed up. That took a lot of nerve, she did it because she once took the oath and meant it. She did not want to watch knowing she had been pushed into the lie and propaganda fog of Bio-War against her own people. At least I believe that is a big unstated reason she came out and told the truth. And yes, I want to believe that because she was a military Doctor. I know one very well, how they were totally taken in while I told them it was a lie. This person would have done anything to not go along with a lie but totally swallowed the lie unknowing. No one hates Fauchi more than those military Doctors and medical people who first bought the lies. People who know more will never believe anything they say again, never in this lifetime. It will all be lies until proven over and over.

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There are more, they pay to get a vaxx card but never talk about it.

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So 20% of the population are free thinkers

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Most of the "New Arrivals" are NOT Vaxxed......Let's make sure they get their fair share of the BOOSTER !!!!

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We all have known that the British empire was dying, now with the introduction of the jab it is their death knell. The sun has truly set on that once powerful nation.

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I bet 75% of that are men.

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what percent men vs women? cuz the women are all contaminated now.

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Now that we understand the blind motivation of the public-private 'health ministries' and the strange over the top acquiescence of bureaucrats - it is likely even those numbers are fudged. You know, to discourage vaccine hesitancy. Everybody's just doing their part.

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You can't rely on these statistics. Just like here in America, I imagine a lot of people paid for "black market" clot shot certification. It makes it look like a lot of us were more compliant (and stupid) than we actually were.

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Elephant in the room, what percentage of that 80% didn't get it but instead paid for false paperwork?

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Milgram stats 80% will succumb to authority, 20% wont.

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It is interesting how each country treats the definition of "unvaccinated". In the US, you are considered unvaccinated if you (1) never received an injection, (2) only received one of two vaccine injections, or (3) are within two weeks of receiving both vaccine injections. In other words, until at least 14 days have passed after receiving the full does (two injections for some; one for the J&J) you aren't considered vaccinated. Hence the stats are greatly skewed in the USA because many adverse events occur very soon after the second shot. If this is within 14 days of receiving the shot, it does not count as having occurred to one who is vaccinated.

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Some of us were informed by the flu scare of 1976 and how that turned out. How each year after public service announcements campaigned for flu shots threatening pain of death for those not in compliance. COVID-19 was merely an amplified rehash. Then add the Emergency Use Authorization and lack of liability. Add the censorship of dissenting opinion and strong arm tactics to coerce submission including redefining vaccine. Any one with a mind and a choice would choose to face the the flu beast.

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I just don't understand, talked to people yesterday that won't ever take a flu shot yet got vaxx'd and boosted twice for Covid - they MAY not take the 3rd booster...?.

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Vaccinations were not pushed in third world countries so it would be interesting to hear what percentage of Africa is vaccinated. It really appears to be a genocide of those of white European ancestry. They are already moving the third world to the first so they can just step right in as the whites die off from the vax.

Hitler, Stalin and Mao Zedong couldn't have done it better.

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