Jun 13, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan


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You are welcome!

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Thanks PH. Now we all know exactly what "Trumped up charges" really are!

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Just have to wait to see how many Trump cards he plays

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Our legal system in various areas of the Country has been turned into nothing more than a firing squad AGAINST the very institutions which created it. And our “Supreme Court” mired in politics has been reduced to extreme delays so the people of this great nation are forever UN-protected from this sort of political gambit. EVERYONE can see what and why this has occurred yet a day is coming that this sort of extreme bullying will be ended...I may not live long enough to see it but hope my kids to some day. Justice run amok is no justice at all...and the same tactics used on Trump/J6 folks WILL be used on ANYONE who gets in their way or thinks differently who is averse to a jab of death.

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They can't do this to ALL of us!

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Talk about 'fiddling' while Rome burns.

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Trump is the 19th President of the Republic. Sworn in by the US Military ( WhiteHats).

Can’t wait for ‘fake Biden’ and all of the US Congress to be arrested in public and the Emergency Broadcast to begin.

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