“Covid19” and the flu have IDENTICAL symptoms."

Covid and the Common Cold have identical symptoms AND the death rate correlates better with that of the CC than it does with the flu. Who dies from the CC? Those who already have serious illness and limited life expectancy - terminal cancer, frail elderly nursing home residents. Something has to push them into the grave and frequently it is the CC.


These tests are actually biopsies and should have informed consent signed before being done!

They are incorrectly referred to as SWABS. But they are not swabs, as you swab the throat for Strep, which is a bacterium. A swab passes a Q tip over the surface of tissue. The nasopharyngeal PCR test is testing for virus! Viruses are inside of cells and in order to replicate them you must obtain the cells. The implement used to remove NP cells is either a brush or a curette (tiny spoon) designed for the purpose of breaking the tissue barrier and removing cells. It is my understanding that there is an Informed Consent for tissue removal that was given when this test was done. But when the Emervgency was declared the need for Informed Consent went away along with all of our other rights. These tests have serious medical complications: retention of the tip of the implement requiring endoscopy for retrieval; puncture of the Cribiform Plate (soft bone that separates nasal cavity from brain) with resulting cerebrospinal fluid leakage from nose; severe nose bleeding requiring endoscopy to stop; introduction of nasal bacteria into the brain resulting in meningitis and or abscess resulting in death or serious permanent brain injury if treated. THESE TESTS ARE DANGEROUS AND THE PEOPLE DOING THEM HAVE NOT BEEN ADEQUATELY TRAIND ON THE PROPER TECHNIQUE. I can see this in the news clips. They are being rougt and traumatizing the patients. THIS SHOULD GET MORE ATTENTION AND EVEN THOUGH YOU CAN REPORT SUSPECTED VAX INJURY TO VAERS THERE IS NO BODY THAT TAKES REPORTS ON COMPLICATIONS FROM THES BIOPSIES THAT ARE BEING IMPOSED UPON PEOPLE.

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C19 was only one of those steps towards the final goal.. now the world economy and the agriculture is being used as a new step for the same goal..

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#33 appears to be incorrect, based on what I've read recently by Edward Dowd - CAUSE UNKNOWN: THE EPIDEMIC OF SUDDEN DEATHS - INTERVIEW WITH EDWARD DOWD


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Great list! It’s quite interesting seeing a list of everything I’ve said for the last 3 years 😂

I might shove it in a few people’s faces lol. I’ve been telling people for years that my symptoms are the same as long covid including covid tongue and loss of taste and smell. Yet I’d never had covid

I have mast cell degranulation and low vitamin c. I have to keep my vitamin c low to minimise the anaphylaxis as otherwise I’d have it 24/7 and wouldn’t be able to eat

But keeping my vitamin c low caused candida on the back of my tongue and hairy tongue at the front of my tongue which made my tongue look stained by drinks and food.

My lymph nodes are swollen and fatigued. Feel like I have a bad flu and many more symptoms including cardiac issues(low BP, pulse high and all over the place sometimes up to 240bpm)

But all my symptoms are because I have PMMA bone cement in contact with the blood supply in my spine. The more I speed up my metabolism by eating or exercise the sicker I get. It is the ingredient in PMMA bone cement called aluminosilicate which is also a common ingredient in white composite dental fillings. iPhone screens are aluminosilicate as well and I started reacting to it after the bone cement was put in me.

So what I’m saying is that the symptoms of long covid are identical to a toxic reaction or poisoning. It’s the immune system struggling with a toxin. You could argue a virus is a toxin just a different type. But the ingredients in the mrna vaccines are also toxins and the far more likely candidate for the symptoms that have become to be known as long covid. Many people who get orthopaedic implants or breast implants or surgical clips and have a bad reaction to it get these symptoms. These people that have the bad reactions have type 4 delayed type hypersensitivity reactions to certain metals. And I believe it would be very interesting to test long covid patients to see if they are currently reacting to metals

I also think that people who get diagnosed long covid are the people that would have a bad reaction if they ever did get an orthopaedic implant.

Wouldn’t it be interesting to track people diagnosed with long covid to see what happens in future with their health as I think they are likely to all be in the subset of the population that have bad reactions to traditional vaccines as well.

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Interesting. I can recall similar suspicions about dental fillings and vitamin C intolerance.

I wonder how many of the cases in Japan are down to what is being diagnosed as long covid, but is as you say, bad reactions of the C19 with old vaccines.

Active cases in triple dosed mRNA injected Japan starting blowing out on 9/11 in 2022 and are more than half of global active cases now - China cases collapsed and they used "traditional" vaccines.

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I got a composite filling removed in February to see if it would lower my exposure to aluminosilicate and improve my symptoms

And it did. I no longer have cardiac issues. Blood pressure returned to normal and my pulse is back to 60bpm and stable

Still have the other symptoms though but I’m going to remove my last 4 composite fillings in the hope of more improvement

Interesting what you say about Japan and China

I think if I had got vaccinated with the mrna jab it would have caused long covid and then killed me. I am someone who had bad reactions to traditional vaccines when younger

My uncle died 2 days after the vaccine. A cardiac event. He developed the same cardiac symptoms as me including shortness of breath but it killed him

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Ack! Condolences for your uncle - that is tragic.

I have had a couple of fillings drop out in the last few years. I have not replaced them. My gut told me not to.

I wonder whether dentures are different.

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

When are ventilators ever good? Needed? I kept telling the staff about that it hurt my best friend and not help!! :(💔😡. Respiratory problem.

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Hell we're gonna need a lot of rope! Arrrgh!

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Mar 26, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

This is GREAT! All in one place and a great reference place to show everyone who still has doubts. Thank you!

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Thank Kit from the Off-Guardian! He did all the heavy lifting!

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