Politicotards in any Democrotardy, anywhere on earth have reduced their usefullness into negative territory now,

Their constant display of blinding ignorance. Doing zero for anyone in any of their countries.

Maybe we should be grateful to the plandemic for exposing their failings? RIP Democracy.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

That comment about bleach sickens me because it was not bleach that he talked about injecting it was ClO2 chlorine dioxide that can be injected as it is neutral like saline in the body and the O2 oxygenates red blood cells and kills parasites and viruses in the blood. Chlorine dioxide is a known antiviral treatment and they use it to sterilise blood plasma. The media tried to vilify him calling it bleach. I’m using it and you can drink it at 50ppm when you are feeling ill or even ok and it can be used on the skin at 3,000 ppm.

The FDA lied about the dangers of this and never tested it clinically. Check Andreas Kalcker.

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Tell you the truth, ClO2 passed me by as a treatment until Dr Eady mentioned it here


and i looked it up on treatment protocols here click the "select treatment" option on the top far right:


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Good set of questions that should have been asked which would be useful for politicians involved in these sorts of reviews in other countries to ensure focus is on the important issues. I understand your frustration having to listen to 4 hours of side-tracking.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

One of the things that have been sticking out in my mind is that after two full hearings with Senator Ron Johnson ... with all that was revealed, the bio-weapon shots are still available.

Kinda weird. Kinda.

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