Hi Peter, this topic was discussed by another view by Ed Dowd? CAFitts? Someone tried to put together a "green investment" portfolio. yet never showed any sign of market success. The best comment I found from a scientist in the field, is solar panels produce 20x the energy when operated in space as compared to on earth. Yet another distraction or ruse, a misapplication of intermittent, inefficient technology compared to high installation costs and life expectancy. What to do with mountains of Chinese-sourced glass and waste panel material after relatively brief operating lives? And EV car batteries contain beyond belief toxic materials. All lies.

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Yes. I hope people see the investing lesson here.

It can be applied to someone saving for retirement.

Someone stashes away 10% of his salary for 40 years, establishes a "pension pot" of a million bucks - market goes down 30% in his last year before retirement and bam his pension pot loses 300,000 bucks. Of course, if someone "gets lucky" the opposite is true.

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Yes, investment timing is something of a crap shoot. However, it appears the "massive" false narrative using an unsustainable energy push is a thinly veiled attempt to turn the entire world, all nations of any size, into iron fist operations (fascist governance?) like China, with organ harvesting, controlled train travel, limited internet access or free speech, digital track and trace, and more nefarious social credit system, limited income ability except for the privileged few, big brother is watching technology and ongoing propaganda. (You can likely verbalize this way better.) Investing in loss leaders can suck even more economic power away from all developed nations. You may want to refer to "World at Risk" here: https://reliefweb.int/report/world/world-risk-annual-report-global-preparedness-health-emergencies-global-preparedness. These are health emergencies of THEIR OWN MAKING!

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Yeah. Confirms that government globally obeyed orders from the UN/WHO


"The Secretary General of the United Nations convenes a high-level dialogue with health, security and foreign affairs officials to determine how the world can address the threat of a lethal respiratory pathogen pandemic, as well as for managing preparedness for disease outbreaks in complex, insecure contexts."

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Hi Peter, The above UN risks are released for political reasons to control humans. This is yet another US History lesson, courtesy of: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Jack Kruse - - https://youtu.be/nruJemniYXI?si=hcAjUiRoWLC8NPOp - 2.15 hrs long. This discussion is a wide view of topics, including corporate pollution, Dr Mary's Monkey, farming with toxins and greed. Need time to digest, even if you are somewhat familiar.

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