Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water!? There was a time, not so long ago, that this type of news startled me, now it’s just like ho hum what do these maniacal greedy selfish bastards come up with next. Carpe’ Diem and keep your powder dry, for we know not what the future holds in store.

Be well in all you do


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cesium-137.....wow. This explains why my daughter's hair fell out after that dental jab. Flush niacin? What remedy once you've been poisoned with radioactive isotopes? OMG she is a young mother of 2, my only grandchildren so far.

These monsters need to know that once you take everything that matters, and you leave people with nothing left to lose......

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They don't care.....FULL-STEAM ahead..... just in time for Christmas, y'all....... Covid Is Over. It's Marburg Season.

And Bundibugyo virus, Ebola virus, Sudan virus, Taï Forest virus, Ebolaviruses Season. https://conspiracysarah.substack.com/p/covid-is-over-its-marburg-season

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Can it get any more bizarre?

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Do you really want an answer to that question?

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