Thank you PH. Excellent your Pop's analogy of the plane servicing.

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A school is but a building. like an empty jar of food it will not sustain on its own. to be of use we must fill it. fill it with junk food and it will give you short bursts of energy that provide clogged arteries that wont sustain life with any quality. its like a library with books that have blank pages or a corrupt government where everything looks good on the surface. go to it when you are in need and you find nothing for you. empty classrooms filled with students with their only link to their fellow man comes from a keyboard and a four inch screen yelling meaningless emojis. When I attended school our class size was 49. we had one empty desk. Our teacher Miss. Lang an four foot nine formidable woman who gave us homework every night. she would hand back the homework each day, corrected not only for the math or English but our spelling and grammar outlined in red ink. Oh we didnt have ball point pens back then we has a pen that had a nib we dipped in our ink well on our desk which was kept spotless or we would find ourselves staying after school to scrub it clean should we foul it in any way. She ruled with an iron hand and would tolerate no talking or horseplay of any kind 49 kids and you could hear a pin drop. She did all this without a computer or teachers aids. Today my great grandkids remark and wonder how I can do math in my head or calculate the tax on a purchase at the store. I had a chance to visit a classroom where my daughter was starting school. The teacher had no control. kids talking and walking around. this was in a second grade class room. I got up from my seat in the back of the class and went to the teachers desk picked up a book and slammed it down upon the desk. it resounded thru the room and the class went quiet. I just said in a quiet voice sit sown and pay attention. At the end of the class the teacher said that she wished she could do that. I told that wishes dont run a class room. she must start from day one. I said I made the start now follow up. I dont know if she did because I didnt send my daughter to that school. we made sacrifices to send her to a private school. a choice I never regretted. We see too many excuses made for the children because of econo,ic background. I was born and raised in South- West Detroit. A dirt poor neighborhood. Our home had no central heat, no hot water tank, no telephone, no TV, no carpets. What we did have were many neighbors that sat at our table for dinner. The reason? My Da was one of the few to have a job. more than once my brothers and sisters moved back in for help, or we had kids that came to live with us. I had but a high school education. Yet I went on to own two businesses and retire with assets of over a million. The reason isnt just having "all the breaks" as my in-laws and outlaws whine about. it came from the basic education and demands of parents that I would give a days work and show up on time and live with proper management of my dollars. Now with my wife of 53 years we can live comfortably , dependant upon no one. We sit watching out our door wall at the deer that run across our back yard and the multitude of birds that my wife feeds to my objection. I see so many privileged children that thinks that clothes are what makes them important and measures success. With eating habits that provide their bodies and minds with little support. Governments that tell them of their "privileges" and divide them socially because of skin color and ethnic background. Respect that is somehow issued like a library card but offers no guidance on how it is earned. Non-sense classes of social degrees of underwater basket weaving that pile upon them a debt they must overcome from the start. With teachers that feed them the ideas that they are somehow "special" and have rights issued by governments ruling. Demands that if not met must be forced by riots and destroying the very homes and businesses they must depend upon for a living and support. If we look closely we will find that it is government rule that is at the root of most of our problems not your fellow man. Somehow they hate the rich. Well the next time you need a job go ask a poor man. Stop and look at the reason these people are rich. Yes some are handed the money. who gave the money to the parents? someone had to start the companies and put in the long hours and sacrifice to build the worth of the company. So when you see the fancy schools it had to start somewhere. it didnt all come from government. It came from communities that stood together and sacrificed their time and efforts to build it to that point. I Moved out of Detroit because my parents gave me the tools to do it. not the money. My kids got the benefit of a private school because of our sacrifice. We drove used cars and had a cheep home we didnt have designer clothes or eat steak or order pizza or dine out every week. In our first ten years we had one vacation, on my sisters chicken farm in Florida. I studied and got mu licences as a tradesmen so I could make more money and start my business. No I didnt go to a fancy school. but my kids did and my grandkids went to collage. and my great grandkids will if our nation can survive its government. It will be up to you and your choices whether you will survive with any savings to live in comfort and no worries . I know I went on far too long with my rant. Sorry! -------- I, Grampa

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Same experience here. Father in the forces so moved around a lot. Some teachers inspired and brought out the best - some the opposite. Funny that, in younger years, teachers were generalist and taught all subjects, whilst later on in the 11-16 year olds, there were specialist subject teachers - so a kid would see 8 or more teachers over the course of a week. My father remarked on this feature for taking care of nuclear bombers in late 50's and 60's. There was a switch from a crew of a dozen to look after one plane - lots of pride and competition - to specialist servicing different aspects and parts - like radar, or engines etc - which led to lower standards.

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