Jan 3, 2023·edited Jan 3, 2023

Hi Peter, OFF TOPIC but had to get your attention Major News from Rasmussen check it out ... Pretty mind-blowing. Proves what I thought —A LOT MORE THAN BEING CURRENTLY PROJECTED ... 73 MILLION have died from the vax extrapolated ; 1 in 4 Americans ...




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Wow, Igor Chudov broke this by (probably illegally) publishing what was behind the Rasmussen pay-wall, yesterday or the day before. Looks like Rasmussen feel it's too important not to broadcast for free.

I will post the links. 28% of people know someone who died? 268 million Americans have received at least one of 664 million doses (close to 666!) = 50% boosted (2.5 each).

I had been calling on deaths of around 650,000 Americans based on VAERS and an under-reporting factor of 40.

This is mind-blowing, but cannot be 28% of those over 6 months old, eligible for shots. That would be 28% of around 330 million = 92 MILLION people. Even the MSM would report on this.

I will have a think and post my "spin"

Thanks for the heads up

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Crap. No.

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I hope not because that's dangerous, more so because I don't trust him.

Imagine if he 180's, substack is the #1 source of actual science and uncensored professional opinion.

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Who owns it now? Why can’t the internet be free?

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As Musk himself said recently, the “internet” costs a lot of money to run. Think about it. The mega servers that hold all our information, the power required to continually send information all over the planet. Energy is NOT free! Someone has to pay for this.

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Although not perfect, SubStack is the ONLY place I can publish what I write. I really don’t want it to change. But if it does...it does.

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Get onto FOSS (learn Linux) and OFF GOOGLE ANDROID/ Apple iPhones. A Ghost phone IS available now...I.love mine.

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Indeed. FOSS has been a bastion of free enterprise as it were that will become exponentially more important by the day to those of us who already realize what is coming, as well as what is already here.

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The friend who alerted me to musk’s interest said the idea came from Ian Miles Cheong. As I am not on twitter I wasn’t sure who he was.

But it’s not surprising. And I don’t know why I ever felt ‘safe,’ on substack. Unbelievably naive actually.

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Well, if SubStack stops becoming a place to express thoughts and develop ideas, there will always be another place. There are other places and ways even now that may be more secure.

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Jan 1, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I’m sure. My comment is more an acknowledgment of my discomfort with what is happening—on so many levels.

I realize targeted advertising and tracking has been going on for ages, but the growing sophistication and intrusiveness make it more menacing. Especially when you throw in the social credit score and how my comments or internet searches could soon impact, say, my access to any of my retirement funds as they are currently invested. Or social security etc.

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Prediction: Twitter will become the everything app that stores our official CBDC and social credit score.

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Smartphones will end up being a boot on a person's neck.

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Jan 2, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

They already are. Just look around you when out & about. Every person is using one. No one interacts on the streets anymore. Families in restaurants do not talk to each other. All of them on these contraptions. I watch my 2 year old grandson become agitated as his parents sit on their phones. He becomes desperate for attention. Parents are not interacting with their babies. I loathe these things. We made it a necessary evil. I’m tired of hearing women yapping as they shop for groceries or clothes. They don’t care that I have to hear them discuss their private lives. It goes on & on & on. I have a basket near my front door. I ask guests to leave their contraptions in the basket. If they are at my house to visit with me, I expect to engage in conversation. I’m not interested in looking at videos, or memes or watching them text as they sit at my dinner table. These things have turned a polite society, a social society, into an abyss of rudeness & no manners.

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If Elons dreams come to fruition, we won’t need the phone as we’ll be directly connected to the “internet of things” via his neuralink! The only issue he’s having just now is “bandwidth” when transferring date from ourselves to the Internet... the phone will be obsolete in the future once the Transhumanist agenda is carried forward. Just my opinion obvo, here’s hoping I’m wrong!

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