All fake! SpaceX is as fake as NASA. No worries! (Satellites do not exist, but balloon borne devices do.) NASA and all other space agencies have lied to us about 'space' since 1950s...

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Thanks PH. Opens up a whole new dimension & meaning to being "Spaced Out!"

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Jun 21, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Oh Gee.... More Harmacuiticles, just what our world needs, NOT! Anyone ever take the time to think that it’s the drugs and poisoning of people and the environment is a huge part of our problems today? Of course not, critical thinking skills are few and far between.

We do NOT need more drugs, we need NO drugs!

What we need is education on real nutrition, eating real non gmo foods and drinking pure water. We need to get all chemicals out of our lives and turn to all the wonderful things that God gave us. Plants, herbs, oils and so much more.

Elon Musk is not our friend, he plays both side of the table for his benefit, only.

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Always appreciate the obscure (and often absurd) info you bring into the light of day. Thank you for all you do.

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You are welcome!

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Pharmaceuticals! Oh, and don't worry about the handling of them, we'll fail to tell you about it in any event. We wouldn't want to let anything cut into the already astronomical profit margin.

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