The speed? More than likely a missile misfire. Most modern missiles have an inbuilt self destruct system.

Once the missile's launched then if anything amiss or wrong target. Push the button to pop it.

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So is Barbara Eden going to materialize inside that chimney? I dream of Jeannie.

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Many possibilities, many unanswered questions, usually best to let these stories marinate a bit.

The balloon story has greatly dominated the news cycle today.

Why today?

What is a distraction?

No coincidences.

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There were reports of a Chinese spy balloon floating across Canada and the US earlier. Last I heard Biden was advised not to shoot it down due to the size of it , and potential outfall

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Wow! What was that?

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No idea. Maybe another Chinese balloon shot down.. crashed pretty fast though, so it woud have had to have been heavy

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Yes I was thinking it might have something to do with that Chinese spy apparatus.

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