From the YCMTSU files – a parting shot from a “banker” at the WEF – growing coffee emits 15-20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee – so coffee drinkers should be “mindful”
From here:
WEF Demands Crackdown on Public Coffee-Drinking to 'Fight Climate Change' - News Addicts
From the embedded video, this is what the “banker” said.
“Speaking last Wednesday at the globalist confab in Davos, Switzerland, Swiss banker Hubert Keller said coffee drinkers should be mindful that they’re contributing tons of CO2 pollution into the atmosphere.
“Basically the coffee that we all drink emits between 15 and 20 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of coffee,” Keller said in a viral clip from the conference.
“So we should all know that.
“This is, every time we drink coffee we are basically putting CO2 into the atmosphere,” he claimed.
“…And one of the reasons is because most of the coffee plantation or most of the coffee is produced through monoculture and monoculture is also affected by climate change,” Keller said.
“The quality of these nature assets is deteriorating quite rapidly.”
I wonder if the coffee plantations of the world have pants that use photosynthesis. Maybe they could get a credit for taking CO2 deliveries to make the coffee grow faster. Where would Swiss banker get this information from? Is he lending the bank’s money on the basis of CO2 emissions?
Makes you wonder if cocoa and tea would have the same issue in the “banker’s” view. You could apply this sort of “wrong think” to any crop. Hey, I wonder of he lends money to Nestle? Can’t wait to hear what he has to say about chocolate and milk production.
I wonder which one of Klaus Schwab’s children put him up to this.
Nicole Schwab - Agenda Contributor | World Economic Forum (
“Nicole Schwab is Co-Head of the Nature Positive Pillar at the World Economic Forum, and member of the Executive Committee.”
Olivier M. Schwab - Agenda Contributor | World Economic Forum (
“Managing Director, World Economic Forum. Portfolio includes: Technology and Digital Innovation; World Economic Forum’s Institutional Communities: the International Business Council and the Community of Chairpersons; Forum’s Youth Foundations and Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship.”
I am betting Nicole.
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Costa Rica, one of the most mindful of ecology and one of the most diverse in animal and plant species - grows and exports coffee, their cash crop.
These crazy people have truly weaponized the whole issue of climate - they are not going after the large industrialist who pollute and exploit resources. They are not going after the military idiots who are instigating wars which pollute way more than any coffee plantation. No. They are going after beef, chicken, pigs, coffee, alcohol, things that keep the developing countries alive. I am beginning to see a very dark plan in the works.
What a FARCE!!! With all this nepotism their DIVERSITY OR LACK OF IT -IS SHOWING!!!