Costa Rica, one of the most mindful of ecology and one of the most diverse in animal and plant species - grows and exports coffee, their cash crop.


These crazy people have truly weaponized the whole issue of climate - they are not going after the large industrialist who pollute and exploit resources. They are not going after the military idiots who are instigating wars which pollute way more than any coffee plantation. No. They are going after beef, chicken, pigs, coffee, alcohol, things that keep the developing countries alive. I am beginning to see a very dark plan in the works.

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The plan is simply evil. It's only rationale can be the "harvesting" of the human race via any means possible.

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CO2 is good for the entire Earth. It's time to turn the message around. The whole scam is so easy to see though.

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Bollocks to the WEF. Enough of this nonsense!!!

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Coffee IMHO.is best enjoyed outdoors on a campsite. Fk the weffers they know not the joy of existence, they r so envious its obvious...

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Hi Peter, pertinent news opened up on twitter X again:

- - Italian farmers have joined the protest - - https://x.com/JimFergusonUK/status/1749778055676019038?s=20

- - Elon Musk explains the loss of media readership to twitter X: - - https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1749828918750654677?s=20

- - French farmers spraying manuere: https://x.com/PeterSweden7/status/1749798669149454529?s=20

- - Fire engulphs largest Italian food processor - - https://x.com/BGatesIsaPyscho/status/1749762503268094177?s=20

- - Christine Anderson reporting the court rules unconstitutional the Trudeau Govt's use of Emergencies Act used against Freedom Convoy - - https://x.com/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1749876008772042882?s=20

And all I did was open twitter x for a minute. There's a lot more, scroll down and Have fun!

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Perfect timing! As I read this, I’m enjoying my one cup of coffee a day, and suddenly, it tastes even better. I may need to replace a cuppa tea later in the day with a second cup.

Are all these climate people tripping balls, or what? 😮

I’m so into opposing this idiot’s viewpoint, I’m getting a coffee for you!

Srsly, if I could only read one or two substacks a month, yours would be one, every time. You have the most well thought out, diverse and comprehensive content of anyone.

Thank you so much for all your hard work.

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Thanks very much for the "up"! I read a lot of SubStacks though! Haha.

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Has anyone done a study on how much CO2 they emit from all the b.s. they emit?

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They just keep getting more and more ridiculous. I would love to ignore all of them but the damned media just keeps parroting that crap and you can't get away from it.

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What a FARCE!!! With all this nepotism their DIVERSITY OR LACK OF IT -IS SHOWING!!!


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Coffee too? They don't even want to let us drink coffee anymore?

Okay, now THAT's the last straw;-)

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