From the YCMTSU files - Oxford City, UK imposes more Stalinesque measures to contrpl its citizens in a move that has the Cult of Moloch cackling like Kamala, coming to your city soon??
From here:
The monster raving lunatic parties in charge of oxford City Council have a plan to divide Oxford into six districts with strict rules on how often motorists can drive outside their neighbourhood.
The cabinet consists of Liberal Democrat and Green councillors – sycophants of the Cult of Moloch.
“In October 2022, The Sunday Times summed up Oxfordshire County Council’s proposed plans: “Oxford’s 150,000 residents will be allowed to use their cars as much as they like within their district and will be given free permits allowing them to drive to other districts on 100 days a year. If they exceed this limit, they will be fined, possibly £70 a journey or a day.”
A 73% cut in permitted travel by car. Rest assured there will be no “environmental assessment” conducted by the deranged city council pursuing a political agenda that has no basis in science.
They will not answer the question “What is the impact on the temperature and content of atmospheric gases from these measures on the zoned wards and the City as a whole and what will be the cost to those impacted and the City as a whole?”
The chicken littles won’t answer because “insignificant climate, temperature and atmospheric gas composition for a lot of spurious costs” does not suit their Cult dogma,
Notice the “spin” use their cars as much as they like within their district and will be given free permits allowing them to drive to other districts on 100 days a year…”
Not - “you will be banned from using their cars in their districts for 265 days a year”.
Not - “residents will be required to obtain travel permits for 100 days a year.”
Not – “you will be required to change your behaviour so that those weekend trips to see friends will be rationed” – ten friends you used to see four times a week I country pubs, or hobby clubs or restaurants, theatres, cinemas and so on, will need to cut down to twice a week”.
I wonder if there are exemptions for family members needing to check or visit lonely or sick elderly relatives or special needs kids by the social services.
I wonder what the rules are for incoming visitors from outside the gulag. Do they use up the “permitted travel coupons”?
“Thou shalt not travel, unless I say so, if you do, I will fine you 70 pounds per trip – 10 trips 700 pounds – non-pay me, proceed directly to jail (Do not collect 200 pounds do not pass Go”.
Oxford City Council elects its councillors by halves. This means that elections are held every other year. The last elections were held in May 2022 and the next set is due in May 2024. One of the two seats in each of the 24 wards will be up for election that year.
There is an opportunity to Throw at least half the bastards out in three months – assuming that the relevant bums are up for half the election.
The bums plan to further expand an apartheid system for Low Traffic Neighbourhoods – LTN’s.that it selects with more enforcement and compliance measures.
“The first low traffic neighbourhoods (“LTNs”) were introduced in Church Cowley, Temple Cowley and Florence Park areas in March 2021. These LTNs are collectively known as the east Oxford LTNs.”
What will the council use the money raised in fines for?
Enforcement and compliance of course, like this:
“The cameras will check the number plates of all vehicles passing through the restricted area during operational times and cross-reference them against the exemptions list. If a vehicle is on the exemptions list, then the traffic authority will take no further action. If a vehicle is not on the exemptions list, the video clip will be reviewed by an enforcement officer, who may then issue a penalty charge notice (PCN) to the registered owner of the vehicle.”
Every unpopular law requires a jackboot – and the threat of prison. “Welcome to the Borg, Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated”.
It gets worse.
Yesterday, Oxfordshire County Council announced: “Work starts today (26 February) on Oxford streets to prepare for six traffic filters as part of a trial approved by Oxfordshire County Council’s cabinet in November 2022..
To stop prohibited vehicles driving without a permit, the traffic filters or “bus gates” will be monitored by automatic number plate recognition (“ANPR”) cameras. “Residents in Oxford and some areas just outside the city will be able to apply for a permit allowing them to drive through the traffic filters on up to 100 days per year,” the council said.”
Surveillance to ensure compliance and impose fines for recalcitrant – that is, people who aren’t insane and who resist arbitrary ad capricious laws made by chicken little morons.
Lots of money being spent to enforce laws that provide no benefit and have no victims, except the victims the “state” creates,
H, but look how “woke” they are – after creating an odious law, there is this:
“During the traffic filters trial period, residents can share their views in a public consultation to help the council evaluate the success of the project before a decision is made about whether to continue with it.”
There have been other consultations around the ludicrous and specious measures – what happened to them?
From the article:
“On the council’s webpage ‘Consultation documents’, there is no report – except for a snapshot monitoring and evaluation report dated June 2023 which provides a partial evaluation of the effects of the east Oxford Low LTNs since their implementation on 20 May 2022.
Neither could we find a “full analysis” by searching the website for “LTN impact,” “LTN assessment” or “LTN evaluation.” However, reporting on the council’s decision, cycling news outlet Road linked to THIS report by Bill Cotton, Corporate Director Environment & Place, to the cabinet.”
Just like the food old days of the brutal implementation of communism. “Consult, ignore and send the dissenters to the Gulags.”
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As someone who had to drive daily (till she went into a seniors home) to neighbouring town to check on/bring meals to my aging Mom, this prospect sounds nightmarish. You seriously CMTSU!!