Personally, I suspect that aborted foetuses are being harvested in the US for stem cell tissues. with Planned Parenthod a key beneficiary.
The issue of the Falin Gong and Uighyrs is massive - so is Clinton child trafficking from Haiti and also the tracking toutes in Ukraine and Viet Nam/Cambpdia and perhaps Nairobi.
Makes yu wonder what Customs are doing that they cannot detect human organs but make you take yur shoes off at airports! I bet the issue is an even bigger one in Europe and India!
The Cult og \Moloch and the treatment of the child as livestock.
Little sympathy. The dozing citizens (and the multitude of students ~ are they allowed to vote in local body elections?) reap a kakistocracy they deserve.
There will soon only be a single avenue left remaining for free men and women: pitch forks at dawn.
As someone who had to drive daily (till she went into a seniors home) to neighbouring town to check on/bring meals to my aging Mom, this prospect sounds nightmarish. You seriously CMTSU!!
Disturbing but needs to be condensed into a book like RFK#s "The Real Anthiny Fauci". with lots of evidence.
I found this for Mitchell Gerber from 5 years ago
embedded in this
His twitter feed seems inactive.
Personally, I suspect that aborted foetuses are being harvested in the US for stem cell tissues. with Planned Parenthod a key beneficiary.
The issue of the Falin Gong and Uighyrs is massive - so is Clinton child trafficking from Haiti and also the tracking toutes in Ukraine and Viet Nam/Cambpdia and perhaps Nairobi.
Makes yu wonder what Customs are doing that they cannot detect human organs but make you take yur shoes off at airports! I bet the issue is an even bigger one in Europe and India!
The Cult og \Moloch and the treatment of the child as livestock.
Little sympathy. The dozing citizens (and the multitude of students ~ are they allowed to vote in local body elections?) reap a kakistocracy they deserve.
There will soon only be a single avenue left remaining for free men and women: pitch forks at dawn.
Oxford, where knowledge & common sense go to die. 😥
I wonder whether this will wake the normies up? How long will it take for the ordinary folk to say NO MORE instead of complying.
Oh my, I have a friend in Oxford, working hard with a group to block this...guess they need more assistance.
Sorry Peter, this showed up on Twitter, posted by Dutch Reporter Eva Vlaardingerxxx - farmers out, migrants in:
Sad to see so many loons with a mic! His own food should be the first cut off, maybe he would come to his senses.
As someone who had to drive daily (till she went into a seniors home) to neighbouring town to check on/bring meals to my aging Mom, this prospect sounds nightmarish. You seriously CMTSU!!