Does anybody believe in election fraud? Gavin doesn’t belong in California I believe there was fraud when we voted to recall him! We can’t just sit back and let them cheat our elections and rule us with absolute tyranny. Time to pull him like a weed out of office! We can get indictments. Go to prosecute now.io.

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Jun 6Liked by Peter Halligan

Typical Democratic platform inversion of a problem they created. They (Biden and party) ran on the idea of deliberately raising gasoline prices, so as to force people to use cost-INefficient electric vehicles. They were very successful. So now they turn the tables and try to blame anyone else...such as "price gougers". They DO NOT want the price of gasoline to come down, except maybe just before a major election. They want it to GO UP, they said they wanted it to go up, and they drove it up, in every possible way they could. Ironically, Newsom could actually easily lower the price of gasoline quite effectively by lowering state taxes on it. But don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

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