Thank you so much, Peter, for including the current fascist regime in Brazil in your comments. Too often people are still duped by "right" and "left" or "conservative" and "liberal" labels. They no longer apply.

I saw this wave of totalitarism begin sweeping the world in earnest 4-5 years ago. The machinations governments meted out over Covid certainly brought this fact into stark relief. The abomination of Germany's conduct coupled with the draconian, nonsensical styles of Covid mandates in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada in addition to such travesties as Brazil bring fully into picture the fact that people who govern in today's world only do so for the power they can excercise over other people.

They don't give a damn about their citizenry. They've got a habit akin to cocaine or fetanyl: they've got to have and exercise power. Look at old Nancy Pelosi who was finally toppled. Slurpping up any power dregs she could with her tongue hanging out for more in her last years.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

What a heinous evil miscarriage of justice. We know who the nazis are. The ones calling others nazis. Canada is chinada. It’s over. Unless we fix it.

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We are all screwed. Death is freedom now.

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Liberal Democracies. The new oxymoron indeed.

As for Germany? Remember a Leopard can't change it's spots.

No. I don't apologise to any "normal" German citizens.

You are all sitting back in silence. Just as your forefathers sat back in silence in the face of the Nazi horror unfolding & engulfing your country.

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Psyche ward? Sounds more like communist bullshit to me.

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"It is shocking that, well into the 21st century, tendencies towards Nazi style state authoritarian control is enforced in liberal democracies such as Australia, New Zealand and Canada."

It is more shocking that the numpties in those countries who number themselves among the citizens, those politicians, bureaucrats, doctors and lawyers readily genuflect before tyranny.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

When will we learn.......

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Welcome to clown natzi chimerica.

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My Gosh. :(

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I am currently watching the Prime series HUNTERS. (Al Pacino) in this second season Hitler is alive and well in Argentina (this takes place in 1970s) old frail Nazi Hitler is awaiting the 4th Reich takeover of the world.

Then I read your piece about this and followed by another author about the Nazis in the Ukraine possibly using their fake NWO liberals loonies support to escalate into the 3rd WW.

I don’t know about you guys but this coincidence is quite worrisome.

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Jan 15, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

WOW they are totally controlled now... A shame they have knuckled under to the ones in charge.. At one time they were in charge..

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LOL... Exactly..

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