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Do they not see that they are making themselves the butt of all jokes every time they mention a yellow snow ? And that phallic graphic (no pun intended) of the “yellow snow” is just too much. 😂😂😂
Wee in the UK are used to it Pissing it down!
PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action
תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action
Do they not see that they are making themselves the butt of all jokes every time they mention a yellow snow ? And that phallic graphic (no pun intended) of the “yellow snow” is just too much. 😂😂😂
Wee in the UK are used to it Pissing it down!
PUBLIC COMPLAINT AGAINST GOVERNMENTS 12/01/2022 - Action, legal action
תלונת ציבור נגד ממשלות 01/12/2022 - Action, legal action