H5N1 – Governments globally preparing the next “vaccination” roll-out for a soon to be named "Public Health Emergency of International Concern" - aka a global pandemic
Any coincidence with the discussions around the signing off of a “Zero Draft” by the WHO governing body, the World Health Assembly is purely coincidental. NOT!!
Back in late November 2022, I referenced this article from David Parsley of iNews:
“The World Health Organisation (WHO) has called on its four global vaccine laboratories to develop a human vaccine for the specific strain of avian flu that is rife across the world .. Labs in Australia, Japan, the UK and US are working together to produce a working vaccine strain of the H5N1 virus as concerns grow that it could mutate to become easily transmissible to people and cause a second global pandemic in three years.”
Dr Sherri Tenpenny covered the issue in here SubStack on 25 February 2023
Bird Flu in the news...Again - by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny (substack.com)
“This week, Argentina and Uruguay declared national health emergencies following outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1, a virus that is destroying poultry flocks and wild birds. Ten South American countries are seeing an outbreak of the H5N1 ‘Bird flu’ virus.”
“There have been many ‘outbreaks’ of H5N1 and other strains of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in the U.S. and various parts of the world over the last 150 years. The previous outbreaks have a striking similarity to the current ramping up of global hysteria. And, like historical outbreaks, reports of human illness and human deaths have been exceedingly rare.”
Dr William Makis covered the issue in his SubStack on 3 March 2023 here:
· UK: “Bird flu HAS mutated to infect people…fresh pandemic fears”
· USA: “CDC says it’s in a posture of readiness amid fears H5N1 bird flu is poised to jump to humans - there are several vaccines and drugs in the works”
· China: “A 53 year old woman in eastern China has tested positive for H5N1 avian influenza, (clade, after exposure to poultry
· UK: “Lateral flow tests being prepared for UK outbreaks of avian flu”
· Peru: “At least 3500 sea lions in Peru have recently died of H5N1 bird flu”
· Cambodia: “Young girl dies of H5N1 bird flu in Cambodia”
· Argentina & Uruguay: “last week, Argentina and Uruguay declared national health emergencies following outbreaks of highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1”
From here (h/t StellaMaris):
After pointing to an ad on the Gov.uk website that ran for 33 days – now withdrawn because it has been filled or otherwise):
“A posting from Jan 31, 2023 has been captured from the UK GOV website. They are definitely planning something that is not a "sudden surprise emergency" shall we say. Why are they preparing for this big event that doesn't exist yet? Are they going to do it right after the WHO treaty is signed? Will humanity fall for it again, with so much documented proof everywhere including right from Bill Gates mouth when he told investors that 2020-2030 will be the "decade of vaccines." Don't miss this episode.”
Odessa Orlewicz reminds us, over a 52 minute video, of all the malfeasance, malice and ignorance practised by the UN subsidiary, the WHO, that is about to be encapsulated into the amendments to the International Health Treaty and the new Pandemic Treaty – as demanded by the private interests of the BMGF and WEF (with zero accountability to anyone).
Odessa then goes into more detail on the H5N1 “issue”.
(Odessa also needs coffee and donations to help her with her 70 hour work week!)
This treaty will require vaccine passports, forced injections, forced lock-downs and non-pharmaceutical interventions – all the stuff that made no difference, killed millions and wounded hundreds of million (if not billions) - these measures will be compulsory, The WHO will decide prices to be paid, suppliers of each component, distribution of products by each country to any other country, manufacturing standards and enforcement – when, where and how for each country – presumably enforced by the military and law enforcement – all decisions made by incompetent bureaucrats at the WHO with little to no qualifications or experience in successfully handling any pandemic.
(Side note, a Moderna data dump akin to the Pfizer data dump is about to hit).
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A new pandemic... more fear mongering. "This is the big one folks!" I can almost hear them saying. And, "We've been working at the Speed of Science™ to develop a new vaccine to keep you safe."
Dwight Eisenhower (34th US president) commented on security way back:
"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government."
Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals is what was referred to there. Interestingly, i found it referenced in James O’Keefe’s American muckraker. The one about real journalism and its role in keeping subversion in check.
I suspect the ex-kgb journalist like yuri bezmenov would be a fine source on the topic.