A new pandemic... more fear mongering. "This is the big one folks!" I can almost hear them saying. And, "We've been working at the Speed of Science™ to develop a new vaccine to keep you safe."

Dwight Eisenhower (34th US president) commented on security way back:

"If all that Americans want is security, they can go to prison. They’ll have enough to eat, a bed and a roof over their heads. But if an American wants to preserve his dignity and his equality as a human being, he must not bow his neck to any dictatorial government."

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Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals is what was referred to there. Interestingly, i found it referenced in James O’Keefe’s American muckraker. The one about real journalism and its role in keeping subversion in check.

I suspect the ex-kgb journalist like yuri bezmenov would be a fine source on the topic.

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Thanks PH. Here we go again. One can only hope that enough people are now properly awake, this time around the fear bs mulberry bush.

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What a fkn joke.

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Reinforce the international psychopathy with more illusory threats and 'final solutions'.

If accurate, people would do well to awaken before it proves to be impossible.

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Final Solution. How hitlerian.

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'Funny' you should mention that. Schwab and his WEF; behaving like a dystopian Fourth Reich perhaps?

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Of course, its the nazi playbook. It worked b4, its working again.

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I am not sure that one may consider it to have 'worked b4' if one has to build concentration camps and gas chambers, and embark on a World War that left some 50 - 60 million dead, in the end achieving absolutely nothing of value....

For reference, the use of quotes around 'final solutions' in the first comment was a specific reference to the implication you alluded to in the second, hence the punctuation. This media has its limitations.

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Yes, the Odessa interview is certainly worth watching....thanks, again!

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So, creating another pandemic with a new and improved gene-altering injection? We can only pray that our population has become aware of what happened with covid and will finally reject this nonsense. Thank you once again for keeping us informed!

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The 2nd plane hits a tower and everybody with a brain comes to a similar conclusion. Now we’re half jabbed, which will account for any shortage of pushback against such tyrannical idiocy. Just say No.

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You are welcome.

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Alot of propaganda in this story!

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Oh dear. Throw on the mean meme machine people, and let's make this another monkeypox!

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