I think here: "1,884 deaths per million tots (942 deaths per dose)" you meant 942 deaths per million doses. Otherwise spot on, based on a quick read!

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ack! now that would be a deadly injection spanning many incarnations!

thanks for having my back! editing now.

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Yeah, creepy stuff!

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Once even 1 red flag from a single death, or a potentially life changing injury has been caused by whatever jab.

Surely the regulatory bodies of any sensible government would immediately stop any further folk being put at risk.

Then the fine tooth comb & glaring spotlight of scientific scrutiny examine & scrutinise the jab data all over again.

The waving through of life changing, up to & including fatal outcomes from these jabs under emergency use regulation. Was at best ill thought out & ill advised.

I might be missing something for sure. But how on earth can the USA continue down the jab babies path. When more than 1 country has banned the same jabs for babies & children?

All involved should be immediately rounded up & charged to courts of law.

Minimum charge would be Malfeasance. Murder 1 also applicable.

If the scientific model has been abandoned, then get the legal guns blazing & put an end to the insanity possessing too many govtards worldwide.

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You are welcome. Looks some in the comments think I am wasting their time and should be out with a megaphone outside city hall rallying crowds! robert kennedy I am not! haha..

did you see the "real anthony fauci video, part 1"?

i read the book when it came out.


its free for another ten days i think, part 2 coming soon

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Thank you for doing all of this. I listened to this while doing my morning cleaning. So informative!

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