The MHRA were complicit with AZ to kill and maim… with this supposed vaccine that took three minutes to design.

The data came in in the following weeks of roll out that even made Pfizer and Moderna remark on how unsafe AZ vaccine was ….but what did MHRA do… stop recording Covid deaths from May 2021… and fed the ONS a filtered down version of the truth… my father took three vaccines because the ONS only recorded 6 Covid deaths since the roll out of vaccines.. he absolutely trusted them that the vaccines were safe and effective … both parents became ill with fast growing cancer and pulmonary embolism… both now dead… thanks MHRA for euthanising part of my family… this is not going away… until you are all locked away.

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Please accept my condolences.

Sadly, you are not alone.

I believe that the dam is breaking on th heinous crimes perpetrated by regulators and politicians - who acted to "look good" rather than "be good" and do what they wre supposed to do.

Virtual hugs to you for your loss.

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Not at all. This sort of nefariousness is precisely what the Order of the British Empire is about.

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The Finger of blame has started.

MP’s trying to find scapegoats for their hypocrisy.

MP’s not all but the ones who complied and pushed the narrative and agenda who were instructed and told too.

If people cannot see this.

Justice must prevail and be served.

Karma needs to seek and find the guilty ones.

Many have perished at their hands of power.

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I'm really surprised an independent media outlet hasn't door stepped this bitch in the spirit of Rebel News or OMG media. I hope to see the day she's put on trial but look at Blair.

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everyone who perpetrated this tyranny

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This sounds like some more anti-vax bs

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Please keep taking the shots.. if even one worked .. you would not need to keep taking them.. but sadly there isn’t a vaccine ready yet to cure stupidity.. unless it kills those short on IQ .. oh wait a minute …the present ones seem to work just fine in that regard.

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If your kid got measles and you refused a measles vaccine and your kid died, then you would be responsible.

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You obviously unaware that levels of autism have altered from 1:10,000 15 years ago to 1:35 today in America… Dr Wakefield was right MMR vaccines together has ruined the lives of so many children.. it’s been proved beyond doubt.. soon that number will be 1:5 and still no one has realised each autistic person needs a carer.. what then?

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Measles: Why are cases rising and what is the MMR vaccine? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-68007804

Compare before and after …

2020 1 death

2021/22 22 deaths and it’s increasing due to immune systems being damaged by MRNA.

Measles and other older egg based vaccines are attenuated versions of the disease.. we’re working until the roll out of mRNA versions cause huge changes throughout the body… and alter immune systems beyond the ability to safeguard each individual natural immunity…you only have to compare the deaths from measles jabs to the mRNA jabs.. children in the hundreds have died since 2021 .. that is unacceptable and you KNOW it… so stop trying to say these are saving lives.. 14 have to die in order to save I life

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Feel free to get as many jabs as you like! Do what you will. Which is more respect than was given us.

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It’s rather telling but the MHRA stopped recording Covid deaths May 2021.. was that because they knew it was the vaccine that was causing the huge jump in deaths and not the “virus”. .. you see if the vaccine actually worked .. then the death rate should fall.. and it didn’t .. did it?

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No indeed! There was an increase in excess deaths in 2021 and 2022 that was statistically significant, and even in the thick of the lie in 2020, there were no excess deaths. None. The vaccine is doing what it was designed to do. Maim and kill. Sterility and death.

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Adam Rowland, Injured by AstraZeneca in the UK, Speaks Out: "You know what's going on. You know what's going on."

Source video:

Vaccine Damage: Real People - Adam

by Debi Evans, UK Column, Published December 1, 2022




DEBI EVANS: It is quite utterly shocking. Adam, I want to thank you so much for being so brave and speaking out. I know this has been completely exhausting for you. But as always, it's your voice that we need to hear. I would like to give you the last words. So Adam, you've got a message for the professionals, and for the public about that. What would it be?

ADAM ROWLAND: The professionals, Debi, it's, I'm absolutely disgusted. It's horrendous how they're treating human beings that were told to do the right thing. I was told to do the right thing. I'm a professional person, I'm not misinformation. They're completely ignoring us, our government, the people that's supposed to serve us.

June Raine, you're supposed to be the chief of the MHRA,[1] June. I watched you laugh at us. I watched you laugh when somebody asked you a question today. I brought questions into the board meeting that I attended a public board meeting today. You laughed at us with disrespect. [2]

There's enough evidence, June. There's evidence on the ONS website[3] warning 301 people after the covid vaccine dying within 45 days. It's irrefutable evidence. Yet you're telling me that it's all been investigated. I put a question to you. Show me evidence that you're investigating this data. Make it transparent. You didn't answer the question.

It's inhumane what I'm going through and what others are going through. You think that we can just be ignored? I'm telling you this, June and your colleagues, we ain't going to go away. When I die, you can have that on your mind. If you can sleep at night.

Well, you disgust me. You absolutely disgust me, how we've been treated. I would never treat another human being like that. I just hope you sleep well at night. Because you know what's going on. You know what's going on. We never got told about the AstraZeneca vaccine why it was pulled so you know it's dangerous because you wouldn't have pulled it. You haven't got the decency to come up and admit that you're wrong. You'd rather just sweep us under the carpet.

I tell you, I'm not going to go away for all those people who're vaccinated, until my last breath you're going to hear from us.

And for anyone else who's suffering vaccine injury I know how it feels and I'm telling you you've got to start speaking up because these people don't want us to speak up. They want to sweep us under the carpet. They want to forget about us. And they want us to die. And that's how they're treating us and it's that simple.



# # #


Read the post about this interview at:


[1] June Raine is CEO of the UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)


See also


[2] Debi Evans, nursing correspondent for UK Column, reports with clips of the board meeting starting at 1:00:34.


From the show notes:

MHRA: worst board meeting yet—insensitive, offensive, dangerous

51:47 Debi Evans introduces 15 November board meeting: exclusive full footage will be up on ukcolumn.org soon

52:29 MHRA board meeting ignores questions from several Covid vaccine-injured online attenders about safety and serious adverse reactions

"Are you realising the public are watching you?"

Unanswered question by Covid vaccine victim Charlet Crichton

Adam Rowland's unanswered questions

1:00:00 Clip: MHRA says it is difficult to present safety data to the public

Mike Robinson comment: This is sales patter

1:04:05 "Champagne on ice"—second clip from board meeting showcases the frivolity of MHRA Chief Technology Officer Claire Harrison

Wayne Cunnington’s blog on Substack [https://waynecunnington.substack.com/ ]

about the whole MHRA board meeting bursting into laughter at a patient safety question 

Account of 15 November MHRA board meeting by Wayne Cunnington

Wayne Cunnington’s past article for UK Column

[ https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/dangerous-vaccine-and-medical-failures-waynes-story ]

1:09:00 Tweets from the public show extent of rage against the MHRA

[3] ONS is the UK's Office of National Statistics


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Another damned WHO/WEF et al installed traitor, same as in Canada, US, Australia/NZ, EUSSR.

“ Which makes you wonder whether the same problems of approvals of unsafe vaccines in the UK exists, as in the US.”

Doesn’t make me wonder. If anything it’s probably worse, being the UK, which has a fixation on being the “world leader” of every hare-brained project that comes along.

Hang ‘em high - all of them.

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Did human rights get changed we don't need a certificate to live.

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No Quarter!

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Mhra is captured as now partly funded by big pharma so no chance of them doing proper safety regulation whoever replaces her will carry on the same crap

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‘Partly’? They’re 86% funded by big pharma if Andrew Bridgend is to be believed. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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I believe every sentence AB utters.. as a former captain in the Royal Marines his ethos and code of conduct is built in.. around trust honour and truth.. sadly most of these captured lettered agencies spout drivel at every turn… if you believe the nonsense .. truth will never set you free.

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They all had a "duty of care", and responsible under the "human rights charter" which is still legal and binding for all medical personnel.

Many of them now slivering out of the spotlight, without prosecution for misconduct! No chance, an example has to be made to stop the continuation of this activty, which kills, maims and destroys the lives of many......

Anyways although this mission is very important, other very big things are looming that I'm working on......I deal with many facets of this takeover, across the channels, like us all not being dragged into a ( non opt out) biological digital ID system to communicate and be in society, and plasma storms devasting the earth, creating an opportunity to forever enslave the people worldwide.....and thats just some of the problems we face! 😂.

Plus the geo planetary aspects,I know many good scientists involved for a long time, trying to rectify the poisoning in the sky going on.

Keep up the brilliant work, although we've only just recently encountered each other ( been busy in Oz and USA) I've been instrumental in the forming of the new movement in the background for years......

As I understand, and grateful for your insight, you are a lifetime freedom fighter with many more accolades than I, big respect and adoration 👍

Pls pardon my bluntness at certain characters in the movement, I will not let the sacrifice of those lost fighting, be in vain, for spotlight ambitions of "new" mystery people in the group, I'm eternally grateful for all you do.

keep on fighting the good fight!

Kind regards ,


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Thanks for that. All power to you as well.

I am just one amongst millions if not billions of people - no more no less.

Not mainstream, more trickle stream - haha.

But we do what we can to be a part of the whole of the good and thpse who value love and friendship above a Cult that wishes to make us loveless, unhappy, poor and in servitude.

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And where will she pop up next in government agencies with their revolving doors?

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Will she be hopping, or twivelling, into a pharma job now? Mission accomplished as enabler for pHarma.

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Does she have no regrets or soul.

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Just like Skerritt in Aus! He was head of the TGA and has moved on to another Pharma job🤬

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Exactly my question.

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Great news.

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Well, that's why she's running. She shouldn't be allowed to relinquish her responsibility. She should be forced to stay and face the music.

Absoliutely she should be stripped of her honours, as should the system and folk how awarded them to her. Will they, any of them, ever face come uppance? Nope.

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Even her family, friends and colleagues know - she is a pariah and a jonah. Maybe she won't be prosecuted for negligence or negligent homicide, but she will have to consider permanent waterproofs for all the physical and mental spitting on her that will last for the rest of her natural.

Imagine how a bereaved or damaged family must feel if they discover that she knowigly approved a russian roulette experimental treatment just to virtue signal.

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Interesting too that she took up the position in August 2019 - just in time for the rollout of the covid programme.... and now she bows out, job done.

I wish I could remember the exact words from that presentation she gave where she said something to the effect of 'we just rewrote the rules to fit what we want'.


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That has happened alot people seem to have been put in positions.

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Indeed is that speech, thanks. I follow Norman on Odysee though.

"My role as a regulator is changing, catalysed by the covid 19 pandemic but what won't change is that safety is our top priotiy. ... ... it really means culture changing, from a regulator that cur - c controller, a watchdog, a policeman if you like, to an enabler, or an air traffic controller landing the plane that is the new entity, the new asset. From a black box to a system partner."

"So often peopls have said we send in the yellow card and we don't know what happens and so working in partnership is at the heart of our learnings from covid.

...and then she goes on after self congratulatory nonsense to talk about an EST(IMATION of hospitalisations TWENTY YEARS ago as responses to yellow card reports.

Estimates from twenty years ago. What evidence is ther of any relevance here for the covid injection yellow cards. Going on to talk about the Wales report about yellow cards OTHER than for the covid injections.

She calls that the finger on the pulse of the safety of medicines thought THIS time and that the increase of yellow card reports is a good thing.


Pretty sure I have this saved, wll double check. This speech was insane at the time and surely will come back to bite her on the backside. Fingers crossed.

Great writing though Peter, thanks again.

Classic. I implore anyone reading this to watch the speech, ideally not on yootoob

Quite a statement indeed.

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She also mentioned "real time" a lot. I wonder what her reality is - certainly her cognitive dissonance of temporal reality is wefully lacking!

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