Hearings, enquiries, Royal Commissions all around the world - Dr Campbell takes a look at the Scottish enquiry into C19 – a familiar global story of a coordinated political attack on humanity
There are a growing number of C19 enquiries around the world. The Canadian National Citizens , many US State legislative enquiries, UK Government enquiry, EU Parliament and Australia has just announced a Royal Commission. There are and will be others.
Many important questions remain around the horrific death rate in New York City.
(100) Elon Musk: The Ventilators, Not COVID, Destroyed Lungs (substack.com)
Whodunnit {abridged} (substack.com)
Murderous treatment of the elderly and infirm remains in sharp focus.
Scotland also has a C19 enquiry. It has received testimony of harms and does not point to the instigators of what caused the harms, just the impact of treatment protocols imposed on those harmed.
From here:
Care home deaths - YouTube and on Rumble here: Care home deaths (rumble.com)
It seems to me that political leaders in the western world decided that C19 was so deadly they had to determine triage protocols. Those protocols were to keep as many beds available for those that could be saved. These triage protocols necessitated the killing of the elderly and infirm in as expeditious a manner as possible, using the minimum amount of resources.
The fact that there was no pandemic, that effective treatments were available and known to be effective for “influenza like symptoms” (HCQ by Feb 2929 – Zelenko protocol - and by May 2020, IVM) and that the tests were “bogus” – detecting only what was in the control part of the test – was not considered. Maybe not only not considered – but deliberately so.
Here is one image taken from Dr Campbell’s 22 minute video (is it just me or is he aging in front of our eyes – I think he needs a good two week holiday – and so does Dr McCullough!).
Couple of points before the Doctor’s cliff notes.
This link does not work: https://studio.youtube.com/video/7Qt9...
I tried clicking and typing in the full link, still no good:
Here is the link to the Scottish enquiry and a screen shot:
Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry (covid19inquiry.scot)
Ok here are the bulk of the cliff notes – I have omitted the distressing personal testimonies of the horrors that have been replicated globally – deaths, torture, deprivation of food, water and contact and so on inflicted on the elderly and infirm by medical staff, on the instructions of transient politicians and by “letterheaded” by health “authorities” directed by politicians.
Start of excerpt from transcript, converted to bullet point form:
Care home residents ‘left to starve’ in pandemic, Scotland's Covid inquiry is told (telegraph.co.uk)
· Shelagh McCall KC, representing bereaved relatives
· Residents may have been “neglected and left to starve”
· Blanket ban on visitors
· Phone calls “went unanswered over days and sometimes weeks”
· Relatives, treated “with disdain” questions “fobbed off”
· Families told relatives were fine “only to get a sudden hurried phone call that they were dying”
· Relatives reported, “a significant deterioration of their loved ones’ physical and mental health”
· “was nothing to do with Covid 19”
· “some suspect that their loved one was suffering from neglect, dehydration and starvation”
· “That residents may have been neglected and left to starve, that families are not sure they were told the truth about their relative’s cause of death, that the usual process for the certification of death was departed from.”
· “We anticipate that the inquiry will hear that people were pressured to agree to sign do not resuscitate notices, and that people were not resuscitated even though no such notice was in place,”
· Ms McCall, inquiry must investigate potential violations of Article 3, Human Rights Act prohibiting “torture, inhuman and degrading treatment”.
· “Relatives will speak of their loved ones lacking food, water, and hygiene. That there was inappropriate, inadequate, absent or delayed medical attention,”
· Medical records “missing or incomplete” for fatalities
· Residents, forced into agreeing to do not resuscitate plans
· Evidence would “point to a systemic failure of the model of care”.
· Discharging untested hospital patients into care homes,
· “ultimately a death sentence for the elderly”
· March, April and May 2020 113 hospital patients, tested positive, transferred to care
· 3,061 transferred from hospital to care homes without beige tested
· Covid allowed to enter care homes “spread like wildfire”
End of bullet point extract.
A few more comments extracted from Dr Campbell’s notes:
“The same thing happened in Ontario, Canada. People stood spending hours outside of their loved one's windows of the care homes. Helplessly saying things like, "I love you and even final goodbyes through the glass to their elderly, helpless parents. Beyond disgusting.
Lord Stevens, led NHS England until 2021 then Matt Hancock, wanted to decide “who should live and who should die” if hospitals became overwhelmed “The secretary of state for health and social care took the position that in this situation he – rather than, say, the medical profession or the public – should ultimately decide who should live and who should die. Fortunately, this horrible dilemma never crystallised.”
A quote from someone (Hancock?): “I felt that we are well served by the medical profession, in consultation with patients to the greatest extent possible, in making those kinds of decisions.”
Here is a reminder of the US experience with the use of Remdesivir from September 2022 – over a year ago – and from March 2023 around the use of Remdesivir and Midazolam + morphine?
(100) Criminal Prosecutions begin for Remdesivir treatments causing death (substack.com)
“The hospital’s administration, physicians, and nurses are being sued for wrongful death, medical battery, elder abuse, and other violations of patients’ rights.”
One can only wonder how, when evidence is the same the world over, who will collate this into a “Book of Eli” equivalent and bring charges at the global level, directed at the ACTUAL instigators - successive political leaders of the G20, the UN and its organ the WHO, the WEF, the BMGF, Rockefellers, Wellcome Trust, big pharma, the US and UK defence ministries - and “captured” political sycophants like Trudeau, Macron, Biden, Trump, Van der Leyen, Ardern and all those pushing for the cementing of this genocide via changes to International Health Regulations and a new Pandemic Treaty.
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something like this happened in NJ where the governor (as stupid as Cuomo but without the sexual harassment charges) made catastrophically wrong decisions regarding nursing homes that any 5 year old with half a brain could have told you were not going to end well.
in the case of my friend's mother, a strong as an ox woman of 92, her care home asked the State for help (the first mistake) because they were short staffed, probably because some workers were out with covid and others were too afraid to come into work. the State could have hired some temps or even called relatives of the residents to ask if anyone could temporarily take their elderly parent home but that would have meant a loss of revenue.
instead they drugged all the residents, loaded them onto hospital gurney buses and drove them to another care home that already had it's own residents! so when all these old people woke up in a strange place with strange roommates, they were addled, confused and some, like my friend's mother, were incorrectly written off by the unfamiliar and overworked staff as dementia patients. and the new arrivals brought with them any covid that was in their former home!
within 2 weeks, half of the 70-something residents bused over to the new place were dead.
now, i realize that in old folks homes someone dies every week; but 30+ people in 2 weeks?
my friend's sister called the new home to check on her mother and was told that her mom had dementia, which she protested. when she asked to speak to her mother, the nurse said "i'm sorry for your loss." her mother had literally died right at that moment!
this was quite a scandal. NPR did a feature on it.
but honestly, it doesn't take a degree in public health or medicine or geriatric care or any kind of "expert" credentials to know that this was just the WORST POSSIBLE WAY to "solve" the problem.
Although more government control and power arose from this nightmare, I would call it a depopulation agenda that's supported mostly by one party, rather than merely a "political" attack - but surely this death agenda has many loyalists on the other side as well, too many.