Although more government control and power arose from this nightmare, I would call it a depopulation agenda that's supported mostly by one party, rather than merely a "political" attack - but surely this death agenda has many loyalists on the other side as well, too many.

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something like this happened in NJ where the governor (as stupid as Cuomo but without the sexual harassment charges) made catastrophically wrong decisions regarding nursing homes that any 5 year old with half a brain could have told you were not going to end well.

in the case of my friend's mother, a strong as an ox woman of 92, her care home asked the State for help (the first mistake) because they were short staffed, probably because some workers were out with covid and others were too afraid to come into work. the State could have hired some temps or even called relatives of the residents to ask if anyone could temporarily take their elderly parent home but that would have meant a loss of revenue.

instead they drugged all the residents, loaded them onto hospital gurney buses and drove them to another care home that already had it's own residents! so when all these old people woke up in a strange place with strange roommates, they were addled, confused and some, like my friend's mother, were incorrectly written off by the unfamiliar and overworked staff as dementia patients. and the new arrivals brought with them any covid that was in their former home!

within 2 weeks, half of the 70-something residents bused over to the new place were dead.

now, i realize that in old folks homes someone dies every week; but 30+ people in 2 weeks?

my friend's sister called the new home to check on her mother and was told that her mom had dementia, which she protested. when she asked to speak to her mother, the nurse said "i'm sorry for your loss." her mother had literally died right at that moment!

this was quite a scandal. NPR did a feature on it.

but honestly, it doesn't take a degree in public health or medicine or geriatric care or any kind of "expert" credentials to know that this was just the WORST POSSIBLE WAY to "solve" the problem.

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It’ll be interesting to see what happens when all of these efforts run into the legal immunity deals provided to the manufacturers. We’ll see how that goes.

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People have been killed and maimed. Survivors lives will sustain a crippling cost - who pays will be a sign of the validity of a democracy - from the re-allocation of resources in a national health/welfare state to the pandemic caused by the injections - to the cures by the brilliant amongst each country who are NOT suppressed by "health authorities" and transient governments.

The costs from historic failed treatment protocols to prevent spread of a "claimed C19 disease" ran to around 10-15 trillion bucks - money that would solve almost all the world's poverty, hunger and disease in the third world - and now the planet faces a bill of triple that to treat the vaxx injured - who are getting progressively sicker - unless resources are directed to diagnose, treat and cure people from the injected spike protein and contaminants.

The injections have caused an historic - decades long - change in human history and destiny. A new word of excited misery and the opposite of "the Renaissance" period of the 15th ad 16th centuries.

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Devolution and systems breakdowns (individual and societal) are here. Godspeed those fighting to reveal the damage done and those trying to mitigate it. Godspeed.

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