No worries. Just two weeks to flatten the curve and all will be well.

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As I understand it, this just ISN'T how viruses transmit -- all over the world at the very same time or, nearly. #donotcomply Nonetheless, willing to accept suggestions for 'homeopathic remedy' to have at the ready? -- on the scale of Ivermectin/HCQ for 'pumped-up' Flu.

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Apr 13, 2023·edited Apr 13, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Were it not for the Fourth estate turned Fifth column, the legion of paid, bribed, conned and coerced journavists and presstitutes across the West (and the World, think CCP, North Korea), the UN WHO/WEF/Davos Man/IPCC, but especially the WHO and the IPCC, would quite literally have been laughed out of existence. And even with all of their running static, white noise, propaganda, censorship, owning the 'information' and search engines, cohorts of monstrously overpaid useful idiots, midwits and rainbow genuflecting corporate CEOs and boards, and their deplatforming, shadow banning, gaslighting, astroturfing, they're all teetering on the edge and toppling off it, on the very cusp of completely extinguishing their own faux legitimacy.

Give them the tiny nudge they deserve; one from every one of the millions they killed, impoverished or sickened, or the billions they deprived of hope in a bountiful, prosperous happiness endowed, humanity laden future.

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For those interested, the Viroliegy site has a very informative article on Marburg - https://viroliegy.com/2022/08/29/the-marburg-virus-precursor-to-ebola/ It's very long and detailed but has a succinct conclusions section that tells you all you need to know.

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Well, just as deadly or not, they have hitched they name to it.

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What did the government and Pharma Fauci and Gates unleash now

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Busy here having a life, ignoring the newest latest worst Bug BS which is probably on the MSM. But i wouldnt be sure about that. Untethered to the CBC etc is the only way to maintain one’s sanity in Chinada. Land of the fallen, the woke, the weak. Coddled fools blindly shuffling off to the gulag of Zones, Killer Jabs and Dystopian desperately evil medical boards.

Waking up is all we need to do to make a country worth bringing kids into.

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Bats conspiracy?

Lost my ability to comment on yt yet again.

Trying to get the france24.com, will not load??

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Was Bill Gates in the neighborhood?

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