The only ones who should be let in, figures.

They are in Miami, FL? Why didnt DeSantis do something?

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Surprised it wasn't Jews, but they come through the front door.

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Biden is a communist.

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Oh, this is funny. The GOP has stated numerous times how the only way they can win an election is by removing Dem voters and other fraudulent tactics. Assuming you are correct, a big assumption, the hypocrisy is just stunning!!!!!!

Mind you, I totally oppose using immigration and immigrants as political footballs. It is simply disgusting, inhumane behavior with both Parties letting their bigotry hang out.

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Inhumane behavior is what is and has happened on the southern border brought to you by Biden's Productions. A young girl was found recently, who had been raped, with 67 DNA's found inside her. This is what Biden's Policies bring to you.

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If you were honest you would remember how abusive and brutal Trump's 'policies' were to immigrants who he constantly called horrible names. Trump's border people were the same ones still working there and their racism and sexism is an expression of what so many people, like the ones you support, are really about. So stop the name calling and take a good look at this country and its rotten history of human abuse both at home and abroad. If you dont like it fight the policies and practice and not the puppets who get put into office. Fight this country's history of racism--but first you need to learn about it if you can find the courage.

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If you dont follow the money, you look at the timing.

Isn’t great to see that the ruling class tries to divide us but it unites us. Biden cannot deport Cubans without being the overt racist democRat he really is, nor perpetuate the hypocritical double standard his ilk are known for.

The circus continues. Alas, as George Carlin said an American gets a front row seat, I watch from 2nd row in Chinada.

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Apr 25, 2023·edited Apr 25, 2023

We are joining you in Biden's Chinmerica.

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