High Priest of the Cult of Moloch – hobgoblin Harari – restates the concepts at the core of the WEF and the UN – there is no basis for human rights above animals or any basis for country borders
From here (please click to give support to that SubStack)
(100) Watch/Read: Chief Klaus Schwab Advisor Says 'Human rights are just stories' (substack.com)
There is this embedded 90 second video of the hobgoblin and high priest of the Cult of Moloch
Human rights is just a story - Noah Yuval Harari (youtube.com)
Here are a few extracts:
“It's not a reality. It is not a biological reality. Just as jellyfish and woodpeckers and ostriches have no rights, Homo sapiens have no rights also.”
“Take a human. Cut him open. Look inside. You find the blood and you find the heart and lungs and kidneys. But you don't find them, any rights? The only place you find rights is in the fictional stories that humans have invented and spread around.
And the same thing is also true in the political field. States and nations are also like human rights and like God and like heaven. They too of, of just stories.”
You can see why the UN’s “One Health” policies that equate humans with bugs, animals and fish features in Sustainable Development Goals. You can also see why open borders and mass migration to sponge of the “stories” that are the welfare systems of western countries are viewed with contempt by the Cult.
The hobgoblin Harari needs a mental enema. His (Hebrew) university is not even ranked in the top 50 in the world.
In a huge circle jerk, the WEF is funded by its “members” (sic). The members make donations – not from their personal funds – but from their companies and taxpayers of countries. Nice gig, right? Steal the money and go and virtue signal BS whilst gorging at the trough in 5-star hotels after being transported on private jets. YCMTSU.
All to instil fear and loathing across the world, make the poor poorer, the sick sicker and the elderly older.
Out of interest, the hobgoblin does NOT work for the WEF (or the UN) – he is just one hobgoblin invited to spread his vitriolic invective year after year.
Here is a link to the employees of the WEF ad its organizational structure.
Leadership and Governance | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)
There is a 30 strong managing board of trustees, chaired by Klaus “Ming the Merciless” Schwab.
It includes the Managing Director of the IMF, Larry “Fink by name, Fink by nature” Fin – CEO of BlackRock, Al “Nobody takes me serial” Gore, Christine “I escaped sentencing for corruption” Lagarde – Head of the ECB and Chrystia “seize their bank accounts” Freeland - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Canada.
Enquiring minds want to know how much time these mongrels spend on being trustees and if ait is a paid position. You would think that the organizations that actually employ these mongrels would either dock the pay for time spent screwing up the lives of 8 billion people.
How much time is spent by these mongrels on WEF “affairs”.
At least a week at Davos every year plus travel costs in private jets and hotel expenses. On whose dime? Time spent on all the exchanges of telephone gossip and emails during the year plus preparation and “diary coordination” for attendance, dinners and parties at the Davos mental brothel. Who pays for the security for these mongrels at Davos and all those parties?
Taxpayers and shareholders? Who does their work while they are “boon-doggling”?
All of Davos could be conducted bua a zoom call – much like internet porn!
Ok, lets continue with a look at the governance structure (you know, the G component of ESG)
Next, we have 7 members of the Managing Board – (all full-time employees?)
Next: there are 36 members of the Executive Committee.
Scroll down the faxes of each of the “branches” of the WEF. Recall the support for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) – rearrange to Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE).
Notice anything about skin colour of the “members” of the various branches. Half the planet comes from Africa, India and China. How many people with these, non-white, skin colours? Maybe 5 out of 75 – 6%? Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO) stands out!
Any more evidence needed that the WEF is a racist, anti-human outfit?
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I'm sick to death of this hobgoblin. Is there no-one at all who can tell him to go fuck himself. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. Stupid little knob. He opens his mouth and shit falls out. For petes sakes, are people taken in by this moloch creature.....someone do something, i haven't got the money for airfare to go do what i'd like.
They do not have power if we do not give it to them. No one voted for this SH&^