Please read Nature's End - How can a book written in 1986 be so entirely accurate?
The year is 2025. Immense numbers of people swarm the globe. In countless, astonishing ways, technology has triumphed—but at a staggering cost. Starvation is rampant. City dwellers gasp for breath under blackened skies. And tottering on the brink of environmental collapse, the world may be ending....
It is a future that could well be ours. In their second shocking and fascinating portrait of America's possible destiny, Whitley Strieber and James Kunetka have again written a breathless thriller, a book that gives us an important warning and ultimately a message of hope.
Hi Peter, you might enjoy listening to this interview: Exclusive Breaking News: Trudeau regime in full panic mode after court ruling
"Triumphant Victory: Eddie Cornell the cofounder of Veterans for Freedom and distinguished former Canadian soldier and gunner has reignited the Flame of Freedom in Canada" - - - -
- - the negativity and bad vibes coming out of the mouth of Yuval Harari is a bit over the top. He sounds like evil incarnate, although that could be his repeating Fear and Loathing schtick.
I'm sick to death of this hobgoblin. Is there no-one at all who can tell him to go fuck himself. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. Stupid little knob. He opens his mouth and shit falls out. For petes sakes, are people taken in by this moloch creature.....someone do something, i haven't got the money for airfare to go do what i'd like.
Thanks, Peter for telling us who some of our Shadow Rulers are ... via the WEF and the Davos retreats.
We know what all 35 of these leaders really fear - a billion people belatedly seeing through them and going to our local hardware store to load up on pitchforks.
Off topic, but yesterday Zero Hedge published one of my most-important “early spread” stories. To my knowledge, this is the first time this alternative media website (with millions of readers) has run a story that theorizes that many millions of people had already been infected by the novel coronavirus BEFORE the Wuhan outbreak (and/or the lockdowns to “prevent spread.”)
To me, this is a big deal. I wrote an article thanking the Tylers for running this piece. My article includes several bullet points giving the reasons I think “Early Spread” is extremely important and, if conclusively “proven,” would detonate most of the authorized narratives about this faux pandemic.
Nice positioning. However, you may not have been reading the financials Peter has been digging up, or following the money trail for this plandemic. Planning started sometime around 2010, with the Rockefeller/UN 2020 planning piece. During the decade from 2010 to 2020, Pharma was making profits but not increasing stock price or return to investors. Peter looked closer at Pfizer, it appears they had been losing about 40% of stock value over the decade. And Pharma has learned over the prior 4 faked pandemics (bird flu, swine flu etc), the best way is to have an emergency with a rushed "shot", to open govt coffers worldwide and rake in big profits. Their plan was hatched, using this failed mRNA platform, intended to treat cancer, replace chemotherapy with more targeted approach, however it never could meet safety or toxicity trials. The DoD picked up interest in 2009, for a fast turn-around "vaccine" to maintain military preparedness (what a mess they made of this). By 2012 pandemic preparedness program started the manufacturing and delivery contracts. 2017 was the big ramp up. Moderna, founded in 2009, had no product, their investors were anxious, company was shedding staff in 2018-19, but somehow still moving ahead. Key patents were refiled in early 2019. This entire project could be called "how to rescue Pharma and its shareholders". As for early spread, the Italians reported finding "it" whatever it is, in blood samples taken mid-Sept 2019, other reports of a bad flu traveling across the EU as early as May 2019. And "it" was again detected in wastewater somewhere nearby a Gilead Life Sciences facility (think Remdesivir) in California in mid-2019. You may want to look closer at wildly inaccurate testing methods used, apparently confirmation can only come through Sanger sequencing, or similar pricey, specialized testing. The stories we hear have little to do with actual reporting leaking out here and there, connecting the dots is not easy 3 or 4 years after the fact. Hope my scribble helps.
Harari is right, human rights are a story. How do know this? Because a) they are not the same in all places of the world (dependent on local culture, tradition and history), b) they change over time (like all developments made by the mind), c) they are supported or rejected by local authorities depending on the temporal need, d) not all human rights in place A are identical with those in place B.
In other words, the particular set of human rights is created locally and is dependent on the needs of the authorities ruling in the place.
On top of this, legal systems modify what human rights you are entitled to and when - which is the best essence of “just a story”.
Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE). Good one!
I confess... I took a book out of the Ivy League President's play book and "borrowed it" from a comment on one of my posts !
Please read Nature's End - How can a book written in 1986 be so entirely accurate?
The year is 2025. Immense numbers of people swarm the globe. In countless, astonishing ways, technology has triumphed—but at a staggering cost. Starvation is rampant. City dwellers gasp for breath under blackened skies. And tottering on the brink of environmental collapse, the world may be ending....
It is a future that could well be ours. In their second shocking and fascinating portrait of America's possible destiny, Whitley Strieber and James Kunetka have again written a breathless thriller, a book that gives us an important warning and ultimately a message of hope.
They do not have power if we do not give it to them. No one voted for this SH&^
Hi Peter, you might enjoy listening to this interview: Exclusive Breaking News: Trudeau regime in full panic mode after court ruling
"Triumphant Victory: Eddie Cornell the cofounder of Veterans for Freedom and distinguished former Canadian soldier and gunner has reignited the Flame of Freedom in Canada" - - - -
- - the negativity and bad vibes coming out of the mouth of Yuval Harari is a bit over the top. He sounds like evil incarnate, although that could be his repeating Fear and Loathing schtick.
I'm sick to death of this hobgoblin. Is there no-one at all who can tell him to go fuck himself. This is getting absolutely ridiculous. Stupid little knob. He opens his mouth and shit falls out. For petes sakes, are people taken in by this moloch creature.....someone do something, i haven't got the money for airfare to go do what i'd like.
Thanks, Peter for telling us who some of our Shadow Rulers are ... via the WEF and the Davos retreats.
We know what all 35 of these leaders really fear - a billion people belatedly seeing through them and going to our local hardware store to load up on pitchforks.
They DO fear the masses waking up... which we are.👍🙏👊
They also fear someone like Henry Fonda's character in the class movie "Twelve Angry Men" being allowed to have too much influence with his peers.
Off topic, but yesterday Zero Hedge published one of my most-important “early spread” stories. To my knowledge, this is the first time this alternative media website (with millions of readers) has run a story that theorizes that many millions of people had already been infected by the novel coronavirus BEFORE the Wuhan outbreak (and/or the lockdowns to “prevent spread.”)
To me, this is a big deal. I wrote an article thanking the Tylers for running this piece. My article includes several bullet points giving the reasons I think “Early Spread” is extremely important and, if conclusively “proven,” would detonate most of the authorized narratives about this faux pandemic.
Nice positioning. However, you may not have been reading the financials Peter has been digging up, or following the money trail for this plandemic. Planning started sometime around 2010, with the Rockefeller/UN 2020 planning piece. During the decade from 2010 to 2020, Pharma was making profits but not increasing stock price or return to investors. Peter looked closer at Pfizer, it appears they had been losing about 40% of stock value over the decade. And Pharma has learned over the prior 4 faked pandemics (bird flu, swine flu etc), the best way is to have an emergency with a rushed "shot", to open govt coffers worldwide and rake in big profits. Their plan was hatched, using this failed mRNA platform, intended to treat cancer, replace chemotherapy with more targeted approach, however it never could meet safety or toxicity trials. The DoD picked up interest in 2009, for a fast turn-around "vaccine" to maintain military preparedness (what a mess they made of this). By 2012 pandemic preparedness program started the manufacturing and delivery contracts. 2017 was the big ramp up. Moderna, founded in 2009, had no product, their investors were anxious, company was shedding staff in 2018-19, but somehow still moving ahead. Key patents were refiled in early 2019. This entire project could be called "how to rescue Pharma and its shareholders". As for early spread, the Italians reported finding "it" whatever it is, in blood samples taken mid-Sept 2019, other reports of a bad flu traveling across the EU as early as May 2019. And "it" was again detected in wastewater somewhere nearby a Gilead Life Sciences facility (think Remdesivir) in California in mid-2019. You may want to look closer at wildly inaccurate testing methods used, apparently confirmation can only come through Sanger sequencing, or similar pricey, specialized testing. The stories we hear have little to do with actual reporting leaking out here and there, connecting the dots is not easy 3 or 4 years after the fact. Hope my scribble helps.
Harari is right, human rights are a story. How do know this? Because a) they are not the same in all places of the world (dependent on local culture, tradition and history), b) they change over time (like all developments made by the mind), c) they are supported or rejected by local authorities depending on the temporal need, d) not all human rights in place A are identical with those in place B.
In other words, the particular set of human rights is created locally and is dependent on the needs of the authorities ruling in the place.
On top of this, legal systems modify what human rights you are entitled to and when - which is the best essence of “just a story”.
Is there a psychiatric ward that would help this man? I doubt it.
would definitely need a permanent straight-jacket.
Applicable to him too, I presume....
Silly, silly man.
is it a man! It's something...not sure what.