Mr. Peter you might be able to find the video on YT later .. https://odysee.com/@ukcolumn:9/DebiCherylDocsFINAL:b?lid=watchlater

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Posted an "ad" for UK Column! (forgot the h/t,!)

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Oh, by the way, look up the potential health risks of inhaled and ingested sulfer dioxide from chemtrails and in foods as "preservatives"...

Hypoxia, asthma, laryngeal spasms and geoEngineered chemtrails In full swing and ever increasing thru thr "vov.ID." years.

Wuhan reporyedly had 3 events in the last six months of 2019.

1) Mandated flu vaccines by Dec 31, 2020.

2) Heavy chwmtrailed spraying.

3) 5G turned on 0ct 31, 2019.

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For two and a half years—at least—the majority of the population was running around in masks. Could that have been a factor? I was in the hospital in 2022 and using myself as a guinea pig, I checked by blood oxygen saturation after 10 hours of wearing an N95 mask. It was below 95%.

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