Yet one more example illustrating that the government of the USA is illegitimate. Watch out for these words: Safe. Emergency. Pandemic. Equity. Mandate. Health. Security. Democracy. Convenience. Race. Mis/disinformation. Conspiracy theory.
Being a student of conspiracies from long before Stupid 19 appeared, it was clear as day that this whole monstrosity was a giant scam from the get go. What must be realized is the greedy MFs are really stupid because in their haste to get rich, they were creating a disaster that will affect them just like everyone else. The elites who devised it all from the top down may have an escape route (underground tunnels in Antarctica or Bolivia or somewhere like that) but the average low life who jumped on the opportunity to make an easy quick buck (like a friend of mine who sold Chinese face masks) are not going to be able to pay their way out of the crisis that draws closer by the day.
Peter, its the covid gravy train. none of this could have ever happened without worthless fiat monopoly money. One needs to wonder what the complete global econominc pricetag for plandemic was (not including of the value of human lives and potential murdered). My guess is certainly equal to all the money spent on WWII
Mr. Halligan, I applaud your diligence! I'm on a modest retirement income, so I can only subscribe to a limited number of publications in a year. I'll continue to read your research, and maybe put you on my list for next year.
I've come to the conclusion that at this point, gov't only attracts the grifters, the lazy, the incompetent, the thieves, liars, predators, callous, and those who would be unemployable in the private sector.
If we took 10% of the public budget and dedicated it to emplying private auditors and fraud investigators, we could cut the fed budget by at least 30%. Including personnel.
I hate my gov't. I REALLY hate this administration. They stole my country.
Thank you for this, Peter. For 40 months I've been thinking: How much dang money was spent on UNNECESSARY (but often mandatory) PCR test kits and masks and now the "vaccines" and "boosters?" And, as you point out, it's not just the test kits. Someone had to be paid to administer the tests, ship them, store them, etc.
... I'm a college sports fan. I know every SEC athlete HAD to get mandatory PCR tests three or four times a week for many months. Well, I guess the athletic departments paid for all of these tests and paid the nurses who put the swabs up the athletes noses and then the lab that analyzed the tests, etc.
That's money that could have been spent on more scholarships or athletic equipment or put aside for a rainy day. And what did all of this testing really accomplish? No athletes were at risk of dying from Covid. To this day, I'm not aware of ONE college athlete who died from Covid.
FWIW, they kept playing high school football in my state of Alabama. That's approximately 450 football programs. None of these high school athletes got mandatory testing ... and no high school athletes died either. So the high school example (our "placebo" group) shows this was a massive waste of money at the big-time colleges and pro teams.
No sports commissioners or athletic directors who mandated this testing has ever been criticized for this massive waste of money - not to mention the inconvenience and discomfort all the athletes, managers, assistant coaches and trainers had to endure for months.
... BTW, I cross posted this article at my Substack.
We have had not a "regular-order", properly-appropriated, passed by both Houses of Congress, signed by the President, constitutionally required annual budget since the FY 2008 Bush budget! So, with respect, please don't talk to me about a "budget", and its all P. Trump's fault.
We have only had continual CRs, and brinkmanship Omnibus Bills, stuffed with trillions in pork and crap, and NO REPUBLICAN "LEADER" has insisted on a real budget since then. Ryan promised a "return to regular order", as did McCarthy. ... A properly appropriated budget, and appropriations bills should be in the works right now, in the Appropriations Committee. Has anybody heard ANYTHING about this?? Even a peep??
Obama, after promising that the $1 trillion, 2009 Stimulus would be a ONE-TIME expense, added that unappropriated, 25% increase in the normal annual "budget" into the baseline for FY 2010, AND EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER. Ryan saddled P. Trump with a 2017 Omnibus Bill that was so generous to Dims that they were astonished at what they got! Even Nanzi. It was pure chaos after that...And STILL, no budget.
So let's be honest about how much P. Trump was responsible for that, all by his lonesome, OK? And put McCarthy's feet to the fire on this. The ball's in his court now.
No more CRs & Omnibus Bills. Shut the gov't down! 80+% of the gov't payments are on auto-pilot anyway. And we might even notice that we don't NEED those useless, costly, lazy gov't employees after all.
Lets be honest. Trump supporers think he's Jesus and "no one dies from the vaccine" - Donald Trump. Anyone funding an experimental medical procedure is guilty of aiding and abetting the perpetrators. The penalty under the Nuremberg Codex is death. Other than that, they can all take their "beliefs" straight to hell with them.
I see you can't reply factually to my comment. You accused President Trump of being the sole cause for the outrageous "budget" spending, and when I respond with FACTS, you reply with more petty invective?? Really?
May I remind you that constitutionally "All revenue bills must arise in the House of Representatives"?? That the House is responsible for appropriating the budget?
Yes, we get that you hate President Trump. Go and vomit your vitriol elsewhere, and get some FACTS. You are constitutionally ILLITERATE.
If Trump is responsible for the military countermeasures, the vaccines, the lockdowns, the stop the spread measures, Operation Warpspeed, the White House Covid TaskForce, Space Farce, and $7 Trillion went towards -his- measures. Then who is responsible for that? The House hired Fauci & Gates to create the countermeasures? The House pressured the FDA to fast-track vaccines? The House fast-tracked the Covid Protocol? The House announced the lockdowns and gave control to FEMA? Trump took responsibility for -all- of it. And still does.
As always Bill, your analysis is readable and makes so much sense . I suspect ,the same formulations could be applied here in Canada - however , now we are having to fight for the alternative health people who are now in the bull's eye of Big Pharma and our so called Health Canada - with its head : Theresa Tam and her years long ties with the WHO ; gotta love watching this ship called Canada sail over all those rapids safe and effectively to the nearest pharmacy for the booster recommendation.
Thank you Linden , as you know, mostly tragic for those of us who did not comply with the narrative after all these years . It is a different country, at least for me ,and those of us on the fringe and now the "news" is becoming all about young tru.... and his weffers as well as what xi would like with all the people who are here now with no issues with compliance. Pretty soon, maybe already , we are becoming like HONG KONG with the dismantling of all dissenting news sources piece by piece while people don't notice nor seem to care.
Our genocidal leader Turdeau enriched his net worth from 10m to over 350m during the course of the pandemic. I wonder where the money came from and for what?
Not sure where the number comes from Fred ,but I have no doubt many people made a lot money from the virus situation . Lots of money going to a large number of corporations by both the liberals and Ford ,not to mention the Ukraine. Most have no idea where their taxes are going nor do they care - all very complicated .
Wonderful information here . I have no doubt the global cap types will want another run like this in the near future ; hard to say no to those kinds of incentives. We have the immigrants living on our street here in Toronto because the shelters are too full for any more . I can only speculate they do want the large WEF based cities to collapse then they can take over for the good of us all. I can't count that high when it comes to the amount of $ $$$ that was spent on this adventure and I can't tell you how sad it is to see so many people not remotely concerned because they bought into the whole thing and will again in a short heart beat .
That was some right good stuff there Fred ! I need another glass of wine to wash it all down ... all too sad especially for those of us who actually think something isn't right .
Yet one more example illustrating that the government of the USA is illegitimate. Watch out for these words: Safe. Emergency. Pandemic. Equity. Mandate. Health. Security. Democracy. Convenience. Race. Mis/disinformation. Conspiracy theory.
Of the $13 Trillion that Trump approved for 2020-2021, $6.66 Trillion in 2020, and $6.5 Trillion in 2021. In 2020, the total federal budget ran much higher, at $7 trillion, because of all of the steps the government took to address the COVID-19 pandemic. -- $7+ Trillion went to covid measures.
"As much as they could"?
Being a student of conspiracies from long before Stupid 19 appeared, it was clear as day that this whole monstrosity was a giant scam from the get go. What must be realized is the greedy MFs are really stupid because in their haste to get rich, they were creating a disaster that will affect them just like everyone else. The elites who devised it all from the top down may have an escape route (underground tunnels in Antarctica or Bolivia or somewhere like that) but the average low life who jumped on the opportunity to make an easy quick buck (like a friend of mine who sold Chinese face masks) are not going to be able to pay their way out of the crisis that draws closer by the day.
Peter, its the covid gravy train. none of this could have ever happened without worthless fiat monopoly money. One needs to wonder what the complete global econominc pricetag for plandemic was (not including of the value of human lives and potential murdered). My guess is certainly equal to all the money spent on WWII
Mr. Halligan, I applaud your diligence! I'm on a modest retirement income, so I can only subscribe to a limited number of publications in a year. I'll continue to read your research, and maybe put you on my list for next year.
I've come to the conclusion that at this point, gov't only attracts the grifters, the lazy, the incompetent, the thieves, liars, predators, callous, and those who would be unemployable in the private sector.
If we took 10% of the public budget and dedicated it to emplying private auditors and fraud investigators, we could cut the fed budget by at least 30%. Including personnel.
I hate my gov't. I REALLY hate this administration. They stole my country.
Thank you for this, Peter. For 40 months I've been thinking: How much dang money was spent on UNNECESSARY (but often mandatory) PCR test kits and masks and now the "vaccines" and "boosters?" And, as you point out, it's not just the test kits. Someone had to be paid to administer the tests, ship them, store them, etc.
... I'm a college sports fan. I know every SEC athlete HAD to get mandatory PCR tests three or four times a week for many months. Well, I guess the athletic departments paid for all of these tests and paid the nurses who put the swabs up the athletes noses and then the lab that analyzed the tests, etc.
That's money that could have been spent on more scholarships or athletic equipment or put aside for a rainy day. And what did all of this testing really accomplish? No athletes were at risk of dying from Covid. To this day, I'm not aware of ONE college athlete who died from Covid.
FWIW, they kept playing high school football in my state of Alabama. That's approximately 450 football programs. None of these high school athletes got mandatory testing ... and no high school athletes died either. So the high school example (our "placebo" group) shows this was a massive waste of money at the big-time colleges and pro teams.
No sports commissioners or athletic directors who mandated this testing has ever been criticized for this massive waste of money - not to mention the inconvenience and discomfort all the athletes, managers, assistant coaches and trainers had to endure for months.
... BTW, I cross posted this article at my Substack.
Of the $13 Trillion that Trump approved for 2020-2021, $6.66 Trillion in 2020, and $6.5 Trillion in 2021. In 2020, the total federal budget ran much higher, at $7 trillion, because of all of the steps the government took to address the COVID-19 pandemic. -- $7+ Trillion went to covid measures.
We have had not a "regular-order", properly-appropriated, passed by both Houses of Congress, signed by the President, constitutionally required annual budget since the FY 2008 Bush budget! So, with respect, please don't talk to me about a "budget", and its all P. Trump's fault.
We have only had continual CRs, and brinkmanship Omnibus Bills, stuffed with trillions in pork and crap, and NO REPUBLICAN "LEADER" has insisted on a real budget since then. Ryan promised a "return to regular order", as did McCarthy. ... A properly appropriated budget, and appropriations bills should be in the works right now, in the Appropriations Committee. Has anybody heard ANYTHING about this?? Even a peep??
Obama, after promising that the $1 trillion, 2009 Stimulus would be a ONE-TIME expense, added that unappropriated, 25% increase in the normal annual "budget" into the baseline for FY 2010, AND EVERY YEAR THEREAFTER. Ryan saddled P. Trump with a 2017 Omnibus Bill that was so generous to Dims that they were astonished at what they got! Even Nanzi. It was pure chaos after that...And STILL, no budget.
So let's be honest about how much P. Trump was responsible for that, all by his lonesome, OK? And put McCarthy's feet to the fire on this. The ball's in his court now.
No more CRs & Omnibus Bills. Shut the gov't down! 80+% of the gov't payments are on auto-pilot anyway. And we might even notice that we don't NEED those useless, costly, lazy gov't employees after all.
Lets be honest. Trump supporers think he's Jesus and "no one dies from the vaccine" - Donald Trump. Anyone funding an experimental medical procedure is guilty of aiding and abetting the perpetrators. The penalty under the Nuremberg Codex is death. Other than that, they can all take their "beliefs" straight to hell with them.
I see you can't reply factually to my comment. You accused President Trump of being the sole cause for the outrageous "budget" spending, and when I respond with FACTS, you reply with more petty invective?? Really?
May I remind you that constitutionally "All revenue bills must arise in the House of Representatives"?? That the House is responsible for appropriating the budget?
Yes, we get that you hate President Trump. Go and vomit your vitriol elsewhere, and get some FACTS. You are constitutionally ILLITERATE.
If Trump is responsible for the military countermeasures, the vaccines, the lockdowns, the stop the spread measures, Operation Warpspeed, the White House Covid TaskForce, Space Farce, and $7 Trillion went towards -his- measures. Then who is responsible for that? The House hired Fauci & Gates to create the countermeasures? The House pressured the FDA to fast-track vaccines? The House fast-tracked the Covid Protocol? The House announced the lockdowns and gave control to FEMA? Trump took responsibility for -all- of it. And still does.
As always Bill, your analysis is readable and makes so much sense . I suspect ,the same formulations could be applied here in Canada - however , now we are having to fight for the alternative health people who are now in the bull's eye of Big Pharma and our so called Health Canada - with its head : Theresa Tam and her years long ties with the WHO ; gotta love watching this ship called Canada sail over all those rapids safe and effectively to the nearest pharmacy for the booster recommendation.
So sorry for your plight in Canada. It's truly tragic.
Thank you Linden , as you know, mostly tragic for those of us who did not comply with the narrative after all these years . It is a different country, at least for me ,and those of us on the fringe and now the "news" is becoming all about young tru.... and his weffers as well as what xi would like with all the people who are here now with no issues with compliance. Pretty soon, maybe already , we are becoming like HONG KONG with the dismantling of all dissenting news sources piece by piece while people don't notice nor seem to care.
Our genocidal leader Turdeau enriched his net worth from 10m to over 350m during the course of the pandemic. I wonder where the money came from and for what?
Not sure where the number comes from Fred ,but I have no doubt many people made a lot money from the virus situation . Lots of money going to a large number of corporations by both the liberals and Ford ,not to mention the Ukraine. Most have no idea where their taxes are going nor do they care - all very complicated .
Of the $13 Trillion that Trump approved for 2020-2021, $6.66 Trillion in 2020, and $6.5 Trillion in 2021. In 2020, the total federal budget ran much higher, at $7 trillion, because of all of the steps the government took to address the COVID-19 pandemic. -- $7+ Trillion went to covid measures.
Wonderful information here . I have no doubt the global cap types will want another run like this in the near future ; hard to say no to those kinds of incentives. We have the immigrants living on our street here in Toronto because the shelters are too full for any more . I can only speculate they do want the large WEF based cities to collapse then they can take over for the good of us all. I can't count that high when it comes to the amount of $ $$$ that was spent on this adventure and I can't tell you how sad it is to see so many people not remotely concerned because they bought into the whole thing and will again in a short heart beat .
Some other sources put the number lower at 80m to 97m currently. His Trudeau foundation has another 133m in assets.
That was some right good stuff there Fred ! I need another glass of wine to wash it all down ... all too sad especially for those of us who actually think something isn't right .