Malone is not an economist and even those who aren't will, resent his instructi to get his education in his preferred text book.
As you know, I believe that taxation is theft. Only those activities that ca only be completed at the Federal level should be funded by Federal taxation - same goes for State, City and local taxes. This puts m i the Hayek/Mises camp - but eve then, because economics is an art, ot a science - its ugliness is in the eye of the beholder.
Malone would do well to he his views by taking a Masters degree in business and finance where he can get exposure to Adam Smith The Theory of Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations plus Porters "The Competitive Advantage of Nations" - develop that into a PhD and then try to enlarge is psychological approach into one that embraces the reality of modern politics.
CBDC's have been around since the use of electronic records - banks do the aggregation of data for CB's and regulate them.
Malone seems to not understand the difference between deficit and debt. Certainly inflation is a sin and certainly politicians have bought so many votes that national debt is now 35 trillion bucks - that is factual. It is completely impractical for 8 billion people to be supplied with enough of ay metal to make it a practical substitute for fiat. The argument for using eergu as a means of exchange is like saying "i have a torch" and therefore have wealth.
What is needed is a reversal of the culture of borrowing money to buy gods with rapidly diminishing utility and which can't be recycled. That is, restore the culture of fiscal surpluses, and savings that can be turned into investments drawn from a large pool of ideas - ideas that big government has to suppress in order to stay in power.
Malone is not an economist, a leader or a politician - he is dabbling with manipulating mass psychology is all.
Thanks for your input! Malone came out admitting he was dabbling outside his wheelhouse. Regardless of where he may or may not be going, this is the third time I came across Mises as an alternative economic theory. Had no background into this Austrian school of economics. Hopefully can pick up their ideas as a counter to what we have right now: Massive deficit spending is so broken, yet few seem focused on “breaking” disrupting the current spending pattern that may be reaching the end of its usefulness, unless you are a crook! Weekend reading.
Guilty guilty guilty if so many offenses. What a POS
Hi Peter, slightly off topic, have you seen this recent article by Dr Malone? Any thoughts?
Malone is not an economist and even those who aren't will, resent his instructi to get his education in his preferred text book.
As you know, I believe that taxation is theft. Only those activities that ca only be completed at the Federal level should be funded by Federal taxation - same goes for State, City and local taxes. This puts m i the Hayek/Mises camp - but eve then, because economics is an art, ot a science - its ugliness is in the eye of the beholder.
Malone would do well to he his views by taking a Masters degree in business and finance where he can get exposure to Adam Smith The Theory of Moral Sentiments and the Wealth of Nations plus Porters "The Competitive Advantage of Nations" - develop that into a PhD and then try to enlarge is psychological approach into one that embraces the reality of modern politics.
CBDC's have been around since the use of electronic records - banks do the aggregation of data for CB's and regulate them.
Malone seems to not understand the difference between deficit and debt. Certainly inflation is a sin and certainly politicians have bought so many votes that national debt is now 35 trillion bucks - that is factual. It is completely impractical for 8 billion people to be supplied with enough of ay metal to make it a practical substitute for fiat. The argument for using eergu as a means of exchange is like saying "i have a torch" and therefore have wealth.
What is needed is a reversal of the culture of borrowing money to buy gods with rapidly diminishing utility and which can't be recycled. That is, restore the culture of fiscal surpluses, and savings that can be turned into investments drawn from a large pool of ideas - ideas that big government has to suppress in order to stay in power.
Malone is not an economist, a leader or a politician - he is dabbling with manipulating mass psychology is all.
Thanks for your input! Malone came out admitting he was dabbling outside his wheelhouse. Regardless of where he may or may not be going, this is the third time I came across Mises as an alternative economic theory. Had no background into this Austrian school of economics. Hopefully can pick up their ideas as a counter to what we have right now: Massive deficit spending is so broken, yet few seem focused on “breaking” disrupting the current spending pattern that may be reaching the end of its usefulness, unless you are a crook! Weekend reading.