Well, it's their plan, not mine. I will point out that the 1.5 billion of China, now down to 1.4 or so, I think, do not have wars with each other. What is happening there is population control that's steadily becoming more of a fact, not less.. You're assuming half a billion people spread out in separate nations. Globalism means no nations. One people under one government. This is why our election was stolen from us, because Trump is a Nationalist. Same reason for the war in Ukraine, Putin is a Nationalist. If you look at most of the EU leaders, they appear to be Communists but they follow the Globalist agenda.

So I beg to differ with you. There will be no wars and no famines caused by wars because there will be no nations to fight each other over territory. Diseases may always be with us, who knows?

In an age of universal surveillance and total government control, and no external enemies, Earth may not be a Utopia but we would at least stop eating it into extinction.

Dinnertime. Good night.

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Soon to be 600 times more than killed by "Covid".

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Yes, it's working as intended. The immune systems of The Jabbed are steadily deteriorating as predicted by several top, world-class virologists and the death rate is steadily increasing as a result. Young healthy athletes are dying of STROKES, of all things, caused by strange blood clots formed from protein. About 80% of humanity has been poisoned now, so all the Globalists have to do now is wait for it to finish up.

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I have to ask.

From your name, do you only manipulate voter boundaries or also expand the boundaries of allowable truth? :>)

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

There actually are a number of people in the US whose real name is Jerry Mander, I looked it up, but you're right, I'm not one of them. I'm apolitical, nobody who wants power should ever have it so of course they're the only ones who do and ever will.

My lifelong habit has always been to try to heal myself first before seeking a doctor, so when this Covid farce started I immediately searched for home cures, OTC meds, and right away found Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine being promoted as cheap, fast cures by a few eminent doctors, and bought some. Within days of those doctors coming out for these drugs, our government went nuts telling us the stuff is poison and posting radical horror stories of people dying who used them.. So right away I knew this was all a scam because our government was plainly lying.

This is all about reducing our population down to around 500 million. The Globalist's top leader, Klaus Schwab, has openly stated this and he's sincere. It's true that there's way too many people and our planet is getting wrecked as a result. We need to reduce our numbers but we won't on our own so the global billionaire cabal is doing it for us.

I read with great interest this morning some USA stats: " China's birth rate was 6.77 per thousand, below the death rate of 7.37 per thousand. For comparison, in the United States in 2020 the birth rate was 10.7 per thousand and the death rate was 10 per thousand".

They eat bats and bugs in China and their death rate is lower than ours? When they're all dying of Covid? I think the real reason is that they don't use Pfizer and Moderna products. They're probably giving their own people an actual working vaccine.

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Agreed. I think that even anti-malaria products were removed from pharmacies and on-line platforms around the world in March/April 2020. Quinine is in many tonic waters and those remained.

Your point on death rates per thousand is interesting - as is the birth rate. Many indications are that the trend in lower birth rates prior to C19 is accelerating post C19 injections. We know that average life declined by 2.7 years over the course of 2020 and 2021 in the US. The impact of unexplained and sudden deaths is mainly reported for the rich and famous. The impact of these deaths amongst the younger cohorts could have a large impact on average life data for 2022.

The most effective way to reduce the global population is to reduce the birth rate in developing countries. So these countries should be extremely wary of any WHO initiatives. Fauci and Gates are demonstrable mass murderers and purveyors of infertility drugs across Africa, India and South America. (Robert F Kennedy Jr's book - The Real Anthony Fauci - documents it all.

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Just my opinions.... Our birth rate is so high because of all the 3rd world Catholics steadily swarming in and our death rate is partly also because of them as they've given us back some nasty diseases we'd eliminated here. About Fauci and Gates, total agreement, no argument.

About our current death rate, it has to be much higher than advertised if we've lost 2.7 years off our average lifespan, especially when you consider that that figure has been rising steadily until we were so generously given The Jab for free. Certainly the life insurance industry is greatly alarmed along with morticians who are now ordering child caskets in bulk.

Did you note that the financial pages are saying that our trade with China is higher than ever? That the great store inventory shortages predicted in 2020 never happened? The price of chicken and eggs skyrocketed entirely because of the deliberate arson of chicken farms and of food over the destruction of fertilizer plants, but it only takes 6 months to have laying hens and chicken meat again. Why are hospitals and clinics still demanding we wear masks when they're proven ineffective and the mandates have long been ended?

Why has our Globalist government opened the floodgates of entry to millions of migrants if they want our population to decline? Is it mostly white people who got those shots? There sure is a lot of anti-white propaganda lately. Notice how all the TV ads feature black men with white wives and mixed kids? How much easier will it be to control us when most of the white people are gone and the rest of us are packed into 15-minute cities that you've surely heard about.. It will be so much easier to prune our numbers then.

There's a lot of documentation now on post-Jab infertility and still-births and meanwhile the Chinese are making great strides in incorporating "vaccines" into vegetables and meat.

Even tho our government keeps telling us that China is our Number One Enemy, it sure looks to me like we're working together very closely regarding population control and the real struggle is over ultimate supremacy when the Global Government is finally established. The EU leaders, AKA children and grandchildren of the NAZI party, want a chunk and so do those actually running the USA. Or so I think.

We live in interesting times.

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Yes, "may you live in interesting times" = Chinese curse.

Would a racial nuance of the "great replacement" be - hispanics and latinos replacing whites, blacks, asian browns and yellows?

hispancs/latinos are one fifth - 62 million - of the US population now, half of new mexico is hispanic/latino - california has 16 million.

most of these are catholic?

i am worried that there is a massive push to move beyond GMO crops and into GMO livestock - Gates is leading the charge into injecting into African cattle - Australia is already testing this. Where that goes, who knows? Are there impacts on the entire food chain that impacts every animal, fish and reptile on the planet? (I worry about micro-plastics in oceans turning up in our stomachs these days!).

These concerns/worries culminate in generational impacts on our species - ever increasing rates of birth defects, weakened immune systems, damaged organs and so on. So lots to worry about and prevent everyone from living, laughing, loving and exploring what life has to offer, thanks to the de facto global Nazis.

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And my favorite Chinese curse, too. It's also a great insight into their way of thinking.

What I think will happen is that the population of Africa will be wiped out. The Globalists do want to drastically reduce the human population and dealing with Africans has never proved to work out well for anyone. They're too violent and part of that problem is the continental IQ average, which is 72. There are 16 African nations with an average IQ of 68 and below. In the USA it's not much better with an average of 75.

The Globalists are environmentalists, and Africans are not. Even in the big cities, bush meat is still very popular, with no regard for the steadily dwindling supply. They'll never stop. So they have to go. That's also why all this push to stop using fossil fuels. Wind and Solar are only practical if there's a lot less people using power.

Blacks in America/Canada/Mexico/EU are a different matter. The intent is for them to mix with the rest of the population and get an overall brown mix, to homogenize us. One interesting point is that while the average IQ of the USA used to be 100, it is now 90. I credit this to the influx of migrants more than anything else, tho our massive welfare system has to have helped the stupid among us to breed more prolifically than they'd otherwise have been able to, and still are.

Pew report says half of the migrants are Catholics, a quarter are Protestant. The rest say no affiliation so I assume they're Muslims. So yes, most of them are Catholics, or the large majority anyway. Depends on how you tweak the meaning of the word "most". :-)

Birth defects, yep, one of my pet peeves for years has been the way our wonderful modern medicine has enabled the most defective and least viable among us to survive and procreate. But I think you mean the damage being caused by the Jab. I'm not so sure that's going to be a future problem, since the purpose of it is to kill us, not damage our DNA in ways that will spread defects throughout humanity. Apparently the purpose, anyway.

GMO food is here now, of course, has been for a long time. I recall how offput I was when I read, and this was many years ago, that frog genes had been inserted into strawberry plants to make them more tolerant of cold weather, and I wondered what in hell was in store for us if they could do that. It won't be long before not just genetically modified but genetically MODIFYING foods will be on our stores shelves and there will be no little notice saying so, like there is now for GMO food. They're intent on making us take their concoctions, their "vaccines", without regard for our concerns. Reducing our population down to that half-billion is going to be a snap.

Lots to worry about? I don't know. I don't hold human life to be sacred. I'm not religious and I agree with Darwin that the fittest survive. No human government has ever proved to be free of corruption and all of them have made war with their neighbors and what we need now that this race of inborn belligerents has enough nukes to kill everything, is a global government. That it would most likely by tyrannical, dictatorial, overbearing, intrusive and all the other bad stuff is probably how it will be, but humanity will stop making wars and survive. Lots of endangered species now may survive because of this, as well, when a lot less people are wiping out their habitats and eating them.

Even a global government will fail eventually or at least evolve into something that either decays us back into little jungle tribes or elevates us into a successfully spacefaring race. Nothing lasts forever.

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While your articles are far more accurate than any I have read I would like to see a seperation in data when delivered as a lump sum. My point of one billion "cases and deaths" reported from China is easly taken as one billion deaths by a reader that will not read an article carefully. I know it is a bother when we as people must take the responsability to clarify every word we utter. Sadly we are now in a society that twists every statement into a meaning they wish to hear. Untill we start educating our children to diseminate and evaluate information to look at what is said and think for themselves. our young people no longer have the skills and rely upon what is fed to them by skilled orators that will say things they knowingly want taken as a different meaning. I along with others classify this as politi-speak. The use of large words not commonly used and out of context but sounds as if they know what they are talking about. The avrage citizen has a vocabulary of around 200 words they use . most hearing a word that they dont know will not acknowlege that they dont know it but act like they do. This is the very reason I read Mr. Hallagans articles. He formulates his articles to reflect my limitations of my language. Well not for myself alone ! One request I would make, publish what you think is the better and more accurate sources to allow us to have sources that we can trust. I have compiled quite a list on my own but with my limited capacity for understanding many of the technicle wording and what they cover, having someone that does have the understanding and can filter out all the confusing references would be appreciated by many, and surly myself. Keep up the good work that exposes fact from fiction. -------- I, Grampa

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Point taken and text amended re the one billion.. thanks

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This is why I like your output, you read what the people who post, and respond. I spread the word of your website every chance I get. It has become all too rare that a poor man can still make a statement, even one critical and know it is read. keep up the preasure. Thanks -------------I, Grampa

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You are welcome.

"We are all in this together" and "Standing on the shoulders of giants" applies,.

All the best.

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Is it just 60%?

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Thank you. The under estimating has so many factors involved.

But the "conservative" estimating proves beyond any shadow of any doubt that these jabs do cause harms & deaths.

Every single time my fuses blow as to how, why, who. Didn't call a FULL STOP after the first death?

Yes I'm aware that every single health & public safety authority in the world are all compromised & now proven to be useless.

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Thank you.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

In august and September he got all the heart symptoms that all these Substack ppl are talking about that he never had before.

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I am mostly 100% sure that it killed my husband! He received the shots in late summer and early fall and had all these horrible symptoms: fainting, no pulse twice within 5 months, blood clotting and bleeding in august of 2021, January, Feb 2022, gone in September 2022. :( I wish I could hang Fauci and cnn and Biden myself!

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Did the injections save a life? One? Proven? I need to know! Thank you!

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So does everyone. Of course, the WHO says that injections saved 20 million lives.


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So they say. Do you have yours or someone’s analysis of this info? Im trying to be objective in a debate vs flying like a winged doubting thomas... merci

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the link to the Brownstone Institute article does a blow by blow account of claims of 20 million saved.

so does Professor Norman Fenton here


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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Thank you!

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In an age of lies, censorship, and big money and big Harma, i can come to no other conclusion than bogus data and theatre supporting the idea that the bioweapon could be dual in nature. That is, kill, maim and save lives simultaneously.

And, being far past 40, i do not subscribe easily to coincidence.

The onus is on the part of the exposed liar to prove every syllable uttered.

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