

That Doctor’s Of Medicine

Became The Lowest Form Of Humanity.


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you had me with everything they told us is a lie.

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Buckle-up to watch this, not for the Squeemish or faint of heart.

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If this is all true, the world needs to get rid of these monsters, right now.

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I believed that right from day one!

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Yes, the Covid 19 scare was a scandalous propaganda s--t show. To have so many

influencers, politicians, health agency heads, and unelected leaders unanimously

pushing hard for something they knew nothing about was startling. Instantly there

were all kinds of masks, and related products available. I saw discarded masks everywhere; gutters, parking lots and unfortunately, in the ocean.

The scam plan was obvious from the start--something so sinister was coming at you and we

have the only antidote to save you.

As a youngest child, I remember my two older sisters shared a bedroom and one sister would have preferred her own private space. Our younger brother had a small but private bedroom. My sister almost talked him into trading his bedroom space for 25 comic books, but my mom didn't let the transaction go through. Beware of tall tales! LOL

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Let's say 60% - 4.8 billion people - in the world (population 8 billion) wore masks for three years - March 2020 - March 2023.

They would have used 3 masks a week x 4.8 billion people x 150 weeks.

2.16 trillion masks used - all toxic and non-biodegradable (hazardous) waste..

There are some that say the same number of wet wipes were used.

Not a peep from the MSM, politicians, EPA, environmentalists or the chickn little climate freaks!

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