ICYMI - Grand Solar Minimum hitting our planet in two years – the interaction of the magnetic fields of the Sun and the Earth -leading to seismic shifts and plummetting temperatutes
Following on from the article here on Milankocitch cycles – let’s expand to a line of thought that has been around for decades that posits that evey word that we are being told about “Net Zero” is the exact opposite of what is about to happen.
Instead of “global boiling/warming” we will hit global cooling in a few years and we need MORE CO2 not less.
From this hour or so video from October 2023 here: (h/t Dan)
Mathematician and Solar Plasma Physics scientist talks with Mike Adams about the dynamics of the Sun and its magnetic field interactions with the Earth.
For some background of her work, check this out from 2015:
And this 15 minute YouTube video here:
60% Reduction in Solar Activity Means a 5°C Drop by 2030 | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (85) (youtube.com)
Presumably the techniques used fir historical data on the activity of the Sun.
Information had been out for four years in 2015 with papers published in Russia and Spain going back to 2003!
The Sun drives our climate NOT CO2. UN IPCC models ignore the activity of the Sun
.I put some cliff notes below – treat with care – the Brighteon video and the linked website are your best source!
Cliff notes begin:
Sunspots are modulated by the magnetic field of the Sun”. (2008 paper).
The impact of the Sun dominates all climate on Earth.”
Other planets (Mars, Jupiter) have climate change.
Eigenvectors (Waves on the Sun) natural frequencies of the Sun,
Principal Component Analysis – precise calculations Eigenvector gives waves
Split Sun’s magnetic field into components – the components come in pairs.
Surprise – PCS does not usually give pairs.
Applied Dynamo model – applied to Eigen vectors – described the magnetic fields.
Key periods of oscillation cycles are predictive.
Highest Eigen vectors correspond to other models.
2015 Nature paper.
Simulated dynamo model for 2,000 years ahead. Use clean up particular oscillations to produce the same results as other models – that don’t have the same “close” predictive ability.
A formula now exists – 5-6 cosine functions – accuracy via PCA of 97%.
Predictive 2,000 even 120,00 years depending on your computer.
One wave runs away from another but converge on GSM vis constructive or destructive interference.
Grand Solar Minimum started in 2020 in cycle 26 -2021 to 2043. Cycle 25 finishes in seven years.
Two years to descendant phase.
Solar activity declining in 2026 – less heat from the Sun = global cooling.
17th century was the last Maunder minimum – iced up all the rivers of northern Europe and the UK.
GSM will last only 3 cycles.
Not ice ages.
Temperature decreases 1 degree C.
GSM results in reduction of UC light and reduction of ozone layer.
Chinese entrepreneurs are buying land in Africa to escape cold northern jets of air.
European crop devastation – massive hunger (same all across the Northern Hemisphere)
The UN IPCC cannot cope with the Maunder Minimum which is happening now.
Cycle 26 will cause more volcanic eruptions – like we have never seen.
Link between GSM and volcanic activity, Eigenvectors – 67% correlation – the volcanic activity is induced by the Sun.
Much stronger geomagnetic field interaction between Earth and Sun. More sunquakes geomagnetic storms etc.
By 2026/7 (three years time) global cooling will disqualify any propaganda on global warming.
We need MORE carbon dioxide not less.
Higher CO2 not only increases crop yields, but nutrients in crops.
CO2 will reduce with cooling anyway (?!? – I thought CO2 levels are not a temperature dial?)
End of cliff notes.
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Written in 2019 re cooling - lots or opinions by lots of scientists.
That does not mean we are correct.
But a rational society should be prepared when there is a significant risk.
Instead, we are sabotaging our electric grids with green frauds.
Best, Allan
By Allan MacRae and Joseph D’Aleo,
“The Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming (“CAGW”, aka “Global Warming”, “Climate Change”, “Climate Crisis”, “Climate Emergency”) scare is a failed hypothesis and the greatest scientific fraud in history.”
Modern Grand Solar Minimum Leads to Terrestrial Cooling - Editorial - TEMPERATURE - 2020 vol 7, no 3, 217 - 222
"The reduction in temperatures over the next 30 years can have important implications for different parts of the planet on growing vegetation, agriculture, food supplies, and heating needs in both hemispheres," ie:
Total solar irradiance (TSI) decline leading to <UV and decline in stratospheric ozone.
Reduced solar magnetic field leads to greater incoming galactic cosmic rays leading to the formation of high altitude clouds and cooling.
Overall average cooling expected to be around 1C, relative 0.4C (after the increase post Maunder minimum of 1.4C) and thus only 0.4C higher than 1710.
The "warming" mongers were desperate to lock in their hypothesis before this cooling took place. It will utterly bankrupt their ideology and their 2030 global technofascist socialist unsustainable goals.