When one is engaged in coercion, control and 'cull', why pretend otherwise? The PRC CCP have proved their recalcitrant sociopathic fixation on murder since Mao's famine to the infamous Cultural Revolution (~76M). The brittle fragility of their "revolution" remains self-evident. https://www.hawaii.edu/powerkills/20TH.HTM

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We should be executing, many, many more frankly. All those involved in murder, for instance. And after the last three years, since 2020 really, it's a LOT of people. It CAN work as a huge deterrent if courts act quickly and executions are public. BUT, the main point is NOT that but rather proper justice. And, murder should be stopped. That includes Pharma Murder.

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not sure why they even waste money on vans...why not just go up to people and shoot them on the spot...probably all part of the scaremongering...having death vans.

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Yes, it is more intimidating.

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