Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

There has to be something bigger than profit behind the mad rush to jab everyone. Significant pieces do not align otherwise.

Some considerations that cast doubt it is Evil-Pfizer behind the curtain;

1. Approaching this 'pandemic' in a totally novel way (the only thing novel over the past 3 years). Throwing out the known truth that you don't mass vaccinate into a pandemic. A century+ of history just casually disregarded by these [Masters of Public Health] psychopaths.

2. Adopting medical nihilism, and refusing to treat symptoms just based on a notation on a chart. Cheap antibiotics that could have saved huge numbers of humans, ignored as the medical types made TikTok trash and watched their victims die.

3. Incentivising the medical complex to kill patients. Literally. Fauchi forcing through Remde$ivir despite its history of failure. Then literally putting bounties on patients. Using those murder stats as C19 victim stats to drive the fear, to make people accept the lockdowns and every other totalitarian thing they did to us.

4. Downplaying 'AKA disappearing' natural immunity, turning it into a dangerous conspiracy theory. We now know that previously infected people handle the bioweapon worse than others. Because their system is primed to respond to another infection. And that is what the bioweapon does (on the box at least, who knows what it really does), it 'infects' the host in a diabolical manner. Why allocate scarce jabs to those with natural immunity? It would be as absurd as injecting dirt-poor Africans with vaccines while not providing water, food, and infrastructure for them - at a fraction of the cost.

5. The NPIs that were approved. Over a century ago we knew masks didn't work. Locking people down in a theater of the absurd.

6. The selective lockdowns that decimated the SMEs but left Walmarts and Costcos (plus McDonalds, of course) open.

7. Depending on a vaccine for a type of 'virus' which has had an unbroken string of failure going back decades. Augmenting the immune system is where the cost:benefit really showed promise, yet it was crickets.

8. Even Molnupiravir and PaxLovid weren't just about the patented profits Vs cheap safe alternatives. The former is a hideous product that causes mutations (variants/scarients - plus mutations in your own cells too) and may be the next Thalidomide. Perhaps with so few children to be born in the future we dodge that bullet? PaxLovid has a 40+ long list of interactions with other drugs. And has been shown to be ineffective, and possibly harmful. Pharmageddon against IVM/HCQ was about more than money. Realistically those (and supporting treatments) should have blocked any though of EUA products. And that would have meant ~5B deltoids avoided a bioweapon.

9. Of course, the Media. The TNI. Operation Mockingbird. While every show in the USA may be 'brought to you by Pfizer' that doesn't apply globally. Again, a supranational umbrella was cast over the information environment. Perfectly aligned, synchronised, and amplified.

A company, not even one as evil as Pfizer could not have done all the things that were done, the policies globally. The changes to various pandemic preparedness documents and policies. As an element of the WEF, as a contributor to other shadowy shite, they have influence.

There has been a global hand that steered us towards this crisis then ensured we'd be mired in it for years. We're still having debates about the lab leak vs natural pangolin-bat recombinant Murderna-Patented evolution in a jungle. Despite the fact blood samples from early-mid 2019 around the world show signs of C19. Or at least in the EU. Of course, with these 'tests' a potato probably shows signs of C19, too.

I believe Pfizer was an action arm for this campaign, like Murderna, AZ, and JnJ. They put their neck out with outright fraud from Day 1 of trials. They realised untold windfall profits. They got the formula from a NIH/Murderna/UNC-CH collaboration. What was it, the VRC, which then shopped out their platform. They had the 'solution' to the problem before they pulled the trigger on the Plandemonium. Interrogate Baric and Daszak, and maybe we can start getting some answers.

Notwithstanding the above, Evil-Pfizer does need to be dismembered, cremated, and scattered to the winds. The funds generated from selling any residual assets - from GAVI-CEPI-WEF et al conspirator funds too - can in part pay towards supporting those suffering from the bioweapon effects.

They are slow-rolling us, keeping us mired in the mud, revealing things we knew in early 2020 but were demonised for. They have a plan for our response cycles, a plan to delay and distract. To keep us frozen. And to keep the NPCs asleep.


Update: Almost forgot the wealth transfer, biggest in history. $3.9T into the pockets of the Parasite class, from the working class. check out some of the jumps in personal wealth for the high profile people in this theater. There was profit, absolutely. There was so much profit even healthy balanced humans would have been tempted. For a WEF-type psychopath the temptation was far too great. But wider than Evil-Pfizer.

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Outstanding post. Thank you for putting this so eloquently! Can anyone phantom the evil behind what’s happening? What we see, those who are awake, it’s only the tip of an iceberg.

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Excellent comment.

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