I also recently made a post about these two resources. (see The Woke Agenda: Recommended Reading & Watching, https://fournier.substack.com/p/the-woke-agenda-recommended-reading). The quantitative data from that David Rozado The Great Awokening is superb! Must see!

Plus, see the great op ed from a fomer Levis exec "Former Levi’s top exec reveals how woke mobs took over corporations" which superbly focuses this corporate takeover, https://nypost.com/2022/10/24/former-levis-top-exec-reveals-how-woke-mobs-took-over-corporations/


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When 'things change', then we must also change with it, considering a likely different way of living.

If you've seen what's happening to families (not sure the %), but plenty of them, it's time to know

that 'family has changed', and as many have said, governments own or will own the children.

It's time to know that all kinds of atrocities are happening to little kids. I need not list it, because

those here are aware, but what changes have you made as a result of this?

If you're younger, thinking of marriage, or being with someone, then it requires a different view

of kids, family because everything has changed, and we need to change along with that.

There will ALWAYS be kids you can help, kids you can support, mentor, families really wanting

others to help out in ways. People are people; the kids don't have to be 'yours' to care about them.

But it's time to stop feeding the pedophilia, the satanic groups, sex trafficking. These all depend on

broken homes, and runaways.

To consider having and raising a human, you need to know you will be in control of the child, and

further that it is SAFE enough for them. Constantly watching for predators of kids is NOT a good

environment for a young human. Who might just 'disappear' and this happens.

People are talking about all kinds of things, mostly dark, mostly getting way worse, and yet

they'd continue on with babies AS IF everything were OK? Is this no insanity?

Young people are often LOST, confused, and then they think transitioning will sort them out.

And, we know it doesn't do that. Not usually.

If you're stable, with a committed partner, with good income, and you both want family,

then go where this is a good thing, valued. I suppose some countries in Europe might work out.

Generally, I'd suggest ...'no kids', 'no family', but you can become an honorary aunt or uncle to

another family already existing, and help out there. You'd get involved and be appreciated.

Thing is, it's a new society. Not a better one, but a different one.

Likely 'marriage' is also a thing of the past since it's likely just too hard today.

So, likely 'monogamous relationships' are one way to proceed.

We must go 'onward', and adjust.

I myself had somewhat high standards for bringing in a human. There had to be good health,

a family business that could be taught, passed down, a decent place, enough money they could

home school and never step inside those 'places' that so often hurt kids. I had none of those

requirements, so didn't proceed, and have been glad for this decision.

I hope more young people will consider this, and act responsibly.

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Sounds like an admission of defeat - that is, the Cult of Moloch or Maoism has won the battle to make the (extended) family a unit of state government by elites.

There are many parents who have a great relationship and great kids too. There are even more that know they are not perfect but aspire to be better.

Giving in to "the state" is surrender to evil.

Perhaps you are right and the enemy is simply too strong, and it is easier to run away. I prefer to fight for the right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the family and in life.

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I subscribe to the Lord's words, and spiritually, He explains that to 'follow Him' means test8fying against unbelieving family.

Look at what we're seeing today! What hollow victory to

see your child 'come OUT' as 'homosexual', ..now accepted...

or 'transition', or get jabbed and boosted and turn against you.

It is logically wise to find a path that WORKS, helping

other people's kids as the occasion arises.

But, your posts, others too, proclaim that it's not working.

Obviously, there are exceptions, so for those already

with family, regular folk, not Christian, maybe they can guide

their youth through that gauntlet called 'school', which

I've experienced for a long time and witnessed the tragedies there. Mothers also tell me about schools.

Again, not all.

Since my focus is not the world, but God, then I do and did

as it said seeing that it was true.

You've seen enough of my writing to know I'm not defeatist.

But I think we're entering a dark, bleak time, where 'they'

seem to win.

What do they win?

Well, you'll be further upset to hear I believe this old earth is

'overing', finishing. I see it.

Yet, strangely, I, others can have a wonderful life, which

is a kind of 'resistance' to the destruction all around.

As a 'senior senior' with life long health issues,

I go on YouTube and uplift, encourage, and empower

especially youth, a favorite group, specific, not general.

When bullied by big tech for 5G, I convinced several of their workers to learn about 5G, make sure they're OK.

Hardly defeatist, but individualistic, one on one.

I see how you might view it your way.

I hope this clarified.

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Great resources. Thanks.

Songs of "Wokeness" and the Covid Hysteria

A woman bemoans her boyfriend’s decision to become Transgender. Listen to Turfseer’s country hit WALKING IN THE WOKE MAN’S SHOES; https://turfseer.substack.com/p/walking-in-the-woke-mans-shoes

The people graduate “with honors” from this institution of “higher learning.” Watch SHEEPLE UNIVERSITY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/sheeple-university

Watch O HOLY ROMAN, a song about a child who asserts his independence from other children who wear the mask https://turfseer.substack.com/p/o-holy-roman

“Country” stands up to Medical Tyranny. Watch Turfseer’s “THEY TRIED TO KILL COUNTRY (BUT COUNTRY FOUGHT BACK”) https://turfseer.substack.com/p/they-tried-to-kill-country-but-country

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UNAIDS Releases Paper On “Human Rights-Based Approach” To Sexuality

The Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS, UNAIDS, recently caused a stir. This policy paper came out: “The International Committee of Jurists (ICJ) along with UNAIDS and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) officially launched a new set of expert jurist legal principles to guide the application of international human rights law to criminal law.”

Sounds great, doesn’t it? Topics include:

sexual and reproductive health and rights, including termination of pregnancy;

consensual sexual activities, including in contexts such as sex outside marriage, same-sex sexual relations, adolescent sexual activity and sex work;

gender identity and gender expression;

HIV non-disclosure, exposure or transmission;

drug use and the possession of drugs for personal use; and

homelessness and poverty.

As with most things, the devil’s in the details.


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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

Thank you. I do not see a link to the video.

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Apologies - I have updated the article with the "missing link" (sic).

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Apr 16, 2023Liked by Peter Halligan

I skimmed over “The Great Awokening...” and noticed 2010, 2015 with hardly a change in terminology for Russia, China and Iran. Didn’t the Rockefeller “scenario’s” come out in 2010? A bigger push in 2015 after some successes and more placements in power? These WEF graduates were already moving up in the ranks of various worldwide government departments ready and able to influence their acceptance of language for the “greater good”, which was a ploy to instigate hatred amongst the classes. The old divide and conquer, while they watch the sheep slaughter themselves. You have to give them credit, a multi-prong attack stealthily deployed, while the people were on vacation, enjoying all their mind-bending pleasures. The people that are still asleep to what is happening are like drug addicts that don’t want to be bothered while enjoying their high, even willing to fight and maim if it is disturbed.

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I am trying to "square the circle" of what appears to be an attempt to create a fourth reich - a global one - authored by the WEF and implemented using UN agencies like the IPCC and WHO - with what rings true - the "woke" culture is founded in the state terrorism of Mao and is described in his little red book (a billion copies printed!)


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I appreciate your articles, trying to get to the bottom of things. Most of us talk about the concrete happenings, and we must, but this really is a spiritual battle. The real leader of this One World Government/Religion is the papacy. Klaus Schwab and all his cronies are really the sitting pope’s cronies. The secretive Jesuit army have been working their “magic” for many, many years. They have infiltrated any and every government, religion, boardroom, secret society etc to cause as much confusion and discord and manipulate as many as they possibly can. If someone gets in their way, they will do whatever is necessary, forgiven of their crime by a man, for the good of the pope and HIS agenda. They play both sides of the coin and nothing is off limits to further their goal of global Papacy rule, just like in the “old days”. The deadly wound is being healed right before our very eyes. If you think they don’t exist, all the better for them. Read their oath sometime, it’s an eye-opener. Here’s another eye-opener: all of the religions around the world are being wooed by the pope’s to eventually come together under the Catholic banner by way of “accepting” the “little differences”, climate-change agenda, the common good agenda, the poor little children, God is love-everything goes etc. It’s a devilish ploy that will work because it’s prophetic. The goal is to usurp God’s 4th commandment BY LAW (the 7th day Sabbath), you know, Sunday “rest” for the planet. All these things happening are preparing for the beast/papacy’s rule, which will usher in the Antichrist. He will declare to all that he is Christ and he is changing the law now that he is here on earth. When that universal Sunday Law is declared, start looking for Jesus, He’ll be coming shortly afterward. Take a look at the book The Great Controversy, it will explain in greater depth what I’ve shared along with all the history and the Reformer’s identification of the papacy as the 1st beast of Revelation. May God bless all who read that book.

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thanks I look forward to reading and viewing what you sent. Yesterday I stopped by at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Gettysburg in rural Pennsylvania where the great battle of the Civil War happened. Guess what? I came across someone setting up a registration table for an LGBTQXYZ woke conference to happen this weekend. Then I decided to go into the museum. It cost $12 but was free for active military. I asked if I could get in for free since I was an active Christian peacemaker. The guy started saying how they were non-profit and I said I was non-profit, and repeated saying that since active military got in free why not active Christian peacemakers especially since it was a museum for a seminary. When he started raising his voice at me, I left. Thank goodness though they did have a copy of the classic Ownership: Early Christian Teachings by Charles Avila in their library - a saving grace!.

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Interesting and brave of you!

I am sure that in times past, almost all historic/commemorative buildings were free to enter - not just in the US, but all over the world. Now they are "secured" with entry fees is any access is allowed at all.

Well, as they say "times change, values don't" - they just have a price these days.

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