In the US, unvaxxed people are being segregated on admission to hospitals – the unvaxxed are deprived of all sustenance, treated with Remdesivir, injected with fentanyl and put on ventilators
Skip to the 51 minute mark here:
Good Morning CHD With Jessica Rose, Ph.D. | Childrens Health Defense
Now, this is anecdotal and is a report from the “vax-unva” bus which will, of course, attract those who have stories to tell and who will have suffered the loss of a loved one or been damaged either by C19 or the experimental injections, but here are some cliff notes:
“The bad news is that there is more deaths (being teported) than I have ever seen”
“The biggest deaths are from those that DID NOT take the covid shots”
“Going in to hospital.. first question “are you vaccinated?” – if no, there is a special door to go through – they are then being starved, not given any water or fluids, there phones are taken away,
.. when they are told they are going to be put on Remdesivir and a vent, they get agitated .. they are then trapped in hospital, given so many drugs, they are paralysed, they can’t move – and we know this because we have seen the medical records of those that have died ..drugged to oblivion, organs shut down, fentanyl, fentanyl, fentanyl, .. loved ones called in to say goodbye.. same story, over and over and over again…”
“these hospital protocol deaths are still going on now, still now … England as well.. we need to find out more – that is so dark, so sinister .. these people are being tortured in hospital.”
CHD are compiling a report to run, unfortunately, over the Christmas period to show what they are seeing.
I will finish with more bad news mentioned earlier in that CHD broadcast
COVID-19 vaccine to be included in Brazilian Immunization Program | Agência Brasil (
Brazil has mandated the contaminated experimental gene modifying injections to babies over 6 months.
You cannot make this shit up – not about politics? I wonder. Maybe the Cult finds left wing extremists more susceptible.
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Unless the Covid reimbursement plan to hospitals for Remdesevir, ventilators and deaths has been abolished then why wouldn’t the hospitals continue their money grab????? Lost a sister in law to this protocol and had no choice in the treatments. Unethical every step.
I have a 3-page NO CONSENT form - notarized - that you give to the hospital the minute you walk in. You insist that it goes into your files immediately, before admittance. They must sign it as you walk in - and it states clearly that they are not to do a host of things, including vaxxing, vents, remdesivir et al. and you can list anything else you want to. Avoid hospitals at all cost, but if you absolutely must go, do not go without a copy of your notarized NO CONSENT form.
Will it stop them? Will it protect you? Who knows, but it's something they may consider before they murder you.