Unless the Covid reimbursement plan to hospitals for Remdesevir, ventilators and deaths has been abolished then why wouldn’t the hospitals continue their money grab????? Lost a sister in law to this protocol and had no choice in the treatments. Unethical every step.

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I have a 3-page NO CONSENT form - notarized - that you give to the hospital the minute you walk in. You insist that it goes into your files immediately, before admittance. They must sign it as you walk in - and it states clearly that they are not to do a host of things, including vaxxing, vents, remdesivir et al. and you can list anything else you want to. Avoid hospitals at all cost, but if you absolutely must go, do not go without a copy of your notarized NO CONSENT form.

Will it stop them? Will it protect you? Who knows, but it's something they may consider before they murder you.

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I can verify that the drugged up, multiple doses of Remdesivir and being pressured to be put on a ventilator protocol is real. When I went into the hospital in Dec '20 with a nasty case of COVID, the first thing they tried to do was put me on a ventilator, pressure, pressure and more pressure. Then the doped me up to the point that I didn't know what was happening for almost 3 weeks. In the meantime, the doctors and staff pressured my wife to let them give me Remdesivir and put me on a ventilator every day. Fortunately I had told her that no matter what happened, that I was not to be put on a ventilator or given experimental drugs; but the doctors gave me not one or two doses of Remdesivir but 5 doses over a week without our permission. We only found about it when the heavily censored EOBs started rolling in. And by heavily censored, I mean multiple lines within the EOB were simple blank and for some reason the insurance company didn't seem to think that was unusual when we tried to notify them. Worst of all, in the 3 years since, we have not been able to find one lawyer who will touch our case.

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I don't believe it. At least not in the US where I work in multiple hospitals in several states. There is no segregation and not one doctor out of thousands I know would allow this to take place. I am very skeptical of the C19 response throughout the world as most physicians are but to deny treatment or treat subsets of people differently - not a chance.

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I recently slipped on the metro and hit my rib cage. I was really worried that I might have broken something as my worst nightmare nowadays is having to go to hospital - I am unvaccinated! However, most of the people I know are now ‘unvaccinated’ having not had the latest but maybe having had several means you are in the ‘compliant enough’ category and you go through the right door. What a world we live in and so many have absolutely no clue.

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Yes...this is still happening....check this out in BC, Canada, as we speak...... Juducial Review/Healthcare Workers Against BC Canada Vax Mandate https://rumble.com/v3xp6uz-juducial-reviewhealthcare-workers-against-bc-canada-vax-mandatedays-1-4-aud.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Libertytalkcanada&ep=2

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Also in BC they've passed a law wherein the government tells healthcare workers what treatments are acceptable. Do anything else and lose your licence.

Do we even need medical schools anymore if this keeps up?

It's all pretty terrifying.

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Yes...Bill 36...that's why there is a mass exodus to Alberta.....

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My Dads friend in NJ ended up in the hospital with Covid right before Thanksgiving. He’s vaxxed but was still shoved into isolation in ward by himself. The only person he saw 1st night was a person fully gowned & covered head to toe in protective gear.

They wanted to know “what he wanted to happen if he died overnight”. 😬😬😬. Thankfully he was able to leave ..

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Holy crap! I @&$8 these people so much. 😡. This bloody vax killed my mother and my great nieces dad! Then the hospital kills those that don’t obey! EVIL BASTARDS!

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So sorry about your mom and great niece's dad - it's horrifying what they are doing. They are using people's trust against them, it's beyond evil. I hope you are able to find some solace somehow, dear, my heart goes out to you.

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So very kind of you. I am fine just angry at the evil. Thank you for you kind words!

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I'm glad you are talking about this and speading the word! These evil entities like to operate in the dark so no one will find out about them. But we are now aware of their depth of evil and are on to them, and more people are waking up everyday. You are helping this awakening by spreading the word and you are also forcing the light of day onto them so their evil deeds are being revealed. Evil can't exist where there is light, so you are helping to eradicate the evil by shining a light on them. Be well, Pam, and know that you are doing sacred work by spreading the word about what happened to your loved ones.

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❤️. Thank you. I try to shed light on all of the evil that is abounding under biden. He is evil as is this government.

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Please read my account of my stay in the hospital with C19: https://aztec8888.substack.com/p/covid-19-program-e0aae11be212

Someone with the legal expertise needs to investigate the things being done to patients and expose everything.

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I can't believe they're still murdering people in hospitals. Im scared to go to one because Im not jabbed, they would probably enjoy killing me.

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IS this STILL Happening? This is unconscionable.

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Unbelievable this is still happening. Sasha Latypova also experienced similar situation recently with a relative & did an article on it.

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At A Certain Point

You Have To Accept

That These People

Were Not Very Bright

To Begin With.


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Anyone who still looks to the medical system to heal and save them in this nation and world today after what they've done to us is expecting a different result trying the same thing; one of the definitions of insane.

Allopathic health care is NOT your friend! Stop. Just stop! I trust an 8 year old to tie a splint for my broken bones or my wife to sew up tears in my flesh more than I trust going into most nurses and doctors or any hospital. Murderers. They are murderers. Aiding and abetting the sociopaths and psychopaths they work for. Their paychecks are more important to them than the lives of their patients. Fact. Demonstrable fact.

Wake up! Your prescriptions they have you on are killing you. The treatments they subject you to are harmful. It's the definition of a toxic, abusive relationship where the abused spouse keeps going back to their tormentor, believing, hoping the next time they'll be nice to them, or that they deserve the abuse, they've earned it. Stop. Full stop! Stop going to allopaths for most any and everything. If you really want to live, that is. Or keep going. It's your life. You've been warned for over three years now. As you're dying by their hands you won't be able to say you didn't know better.

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My friend's elderly father suffered a stroke and had to be put on a feeding tube because he couldn't swallow. His daughter was told he wouldn't be able to speak again or move on both sides. He then started to regain movement and he also regained some speech. Progress! He expressed a will to live and his daughter did not not want him to be put on any end of life plan.

The hospital then withdrew food and fluids from him. They failed to provide any food or water for him for 9 whole days.

They dehydrated him until his hands were black. What must that be like??

He died.

The doctors then had to decide what the reason was for his death.

We know what it was. They murdered him in cold blood by playing doctors and nurses by putting a gown on him. Don't let them put it on you. NEVER BECOME A PATIENT.

It anguishes me. Stephen from the UK

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Omg! I am so sorry your friend/his family has gone through this. It is beyond terrifying.

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Thanks Rosa. The medical staff are zombies and think this is okay. It's not just the rigid protocols but the gowns, it means permission and submission to the medical staff. That's the real reason why they want the sick to wear them.

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Couldn’t the family pull him out or did they just trust them? How did they find out he wasn’t given water and food?

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The family did not trust them and were highly active arguing against. Details are sketchy but initial decision was to terminate life. Arguments and meetings with staff followed where he partially recovered in that time. The next bit, I really don't know. I don't think it was in any way straightforward. I think he was deemed not to have capacity in making his decision to stay alive? I'm approx 75% sure on that. There were other dodgy goings on as well by the hospital, several. I have to say I don't really know what happened during that last bit but because he couldn't swallow and the tube was withdrawn, there was virtually no way for the family to get sustenance in by themselves. I wish it turned out differently. I'm gutted.

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What happens is that the hospital says the best thing to do is keep him in the hospital, to move him will kill him - so even if the relatives want to move him - they cannot except try and get a court order. You are a prisoner in the hospital.

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That is just awful. The thought of being scared to go to the hospital in an emergency is hard to truly explain but it is all things panic and fear.

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Yes. They won't test people for covid once they state they are vaccinated. If someone states they're unvaccinated, they are immediately tested, (always "positive" no matter what, even if their ONLY "symptom" was an acute head trauma from a car crash) locked up, and isolated from family (witnesses) and MURDERED with the "covid protocols."

This helps to make it appear there is a "pandemic of the unvaccinated."

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Better to lie.

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