Injection uptake for the world and large population countries – per population and for only those injected - booster rates = trouble ahead?
Some data doodling from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Our World in Data
OurWorldinData provides a lot of data. Here is a table that shows some of its numbers for the major population blocks.
Wouldn’t it be great if, instead of countries around the world trying to inject their people with toxins, they also worked out the harms they were causing in terms of deaths plus severe and serious events? The WHO could be working out the relative harms from each type of injection and vaccine to work out how to reduce harms AND work out impacts on the progression of the pandemic.
Remember, from mid-December 2020 when the injections were rolled out, “cases” (falsely diagnosed using a useless Drosten RT-PCR test have increased from 84 million to 662 million (+578 million) and deaths have increased from 1.9 million to 6.7 million (+4.8 million) over the last two years – AFTER 13 billion injections have been administered.
The injections forced the variants that killed millions and caused 100’s of millions of infections. Without them and the changes in language to define words like “case” and “pandemic” PLUS the use of HCQ and/or IVM protocols the “pandemic” would have been over by the Autumn of 2020.
All that before the damage caused by the injections themselves.
Wouldn’t you like to know if the Chinese “traditional” vaccines were safer than the mRNA or the deadlier AstraZeneca viral vector injections? We know that all vaccines or injections are useless at preventing infection or transmission. Where is the data on hospitalization rates and deaths post the injected treatments? Sort of thing a world “Health” organization might be good for right?
Here's the table:
Bottom line?
Good news = 2.5 billion people are unvaxxed (probably in line with the global depopulation maniacs).
Bad news = between 20% and 80% of those that have been vaxxed have also been boosted. (Truncate the number after the decimal following “"2” and express as %)
There have been a lot of articles talking about the sharp incremental increase in vaxx damage from boosters. So keep an eye on those.
Out of interest, here is the data for several other populous countries
(OurWorldinData does not have a breakdown of dosage for Nigeria’s 217 million people, only total doses of around 80 million).
Slightly lower booster uptake, except for Brazil, which is the same as that for the US.
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I've been using our world in data plus another website which gathers population wide mortality. Most countries covered are still very elevated. There's something weird in the data out of Israel though there 0-44 age range has averaged -70% excess mortality for almost three years. I'm baffled.
Why doesn’t the world use ivermectin and end the charade?