Nasal Sprays. Be wary. Just because they aren't injected or swallowed as a pill doesn't make them safe. Excerpts from Anthony Fauci's research paper published earlier this year:

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

Cell Host & Microbe, Anthony Fauci, January 11, 2023



It is increasingly accepted that route of vaccine administration (e.g., intramuscular, intranasal, conjunctival, or aerosol routes) is a key determinant of mucosal respiratory response.

In general, and when feasible, mucosal immunization seems the optimal approach for respiratory viruses52,58,61,70,81,86,117; however, in contemplating next-generation vaccines we also may need optimized formulations, higher vaccine doses, greater frequency of vaccine administration, and overcoming immune tolerance challenges.


It is noteworthy that all of the vaccines that are successful against the systemic respiratory viruses (Table 1)—those which generally elicit broader and longer lasting protective humoral and cell-mediated immunity—are systemically replicating live virus vaccines that fully encounter the host mucosal and systemic immune system. The imperfect protective properties of LAIV nasal spray represents an exception that might result from over-attenuation, pre-existing LAIV immunity, compositional balance, antigenic drift, or other yet unappreciated factors.


Similarly, an experimental multi-subtype intranasal influenza vaccine elicits experimental protective immunity to influenza A virus subtypes absent in the vaccine itself.127 What are the viral and immunologic bases of these powerful, cross-protective phenomena, and can they be replicated with mucosal respiratory vaccines? How can we identify determinants of multi-antigen relatedness and complexity sufficient to make vaccines of greater breadth against different-but-related viral types?


Attempting to control mucosal respiratory viruses with systemically administered non-replicating vaccines has thus far been largely unsuccessful, indicating that new approaches are needed. For example, during times of significant viral circulation within human populations, can better protection be achieved with repeat dosing, or by sequential mucosal and systemic vaccination? Is frequent re-boosting a viable vaccine option, e.g., via self-administered home nasal vaccines? Also to be considered are possible ancillary roles for prophylactic antivirals, including “programmable antivirals” targeting conserved structures,142 antibodies, including therapeutic IgA143 and innate immunity stimulators as adjuncts to imperfect vaccines. It remains to be seen if vaccination and prophylaxis can be effectively combined at the population level.


We also need to ask whether there are other vaccine approaches that should be considered, such as sequential seasonal vaccinations and supplemental mucosal vaccines to stimulate specific upper respiratory immunity, or non-specific innate immunity. Such approaches might include prime-boost approaches, for example, mixing elicitation of systemic and mucosal immunity, perhaps with prime systemic vaccination followed by a boost with intranasal vaccination or vice versa.35,82,150 Beyond intranasal vaccination, we will need to more fully explore responses to vaccination in other respiratory immune compartments, such as eye-drop conjunctival vaccination117 and particularly aerosol vaccination for certain respiratory viruses, as suggested by human and animal experimental studies for influenza and other respiratory viral diseases."

[Also useful are the studies cited in the footnotes about nasal vaccine delivery systems]

Not a brand new delivery system for vaccinations, and not just for humans:

Detection of modified-live equine intranasal vaccine pathogens in adult horses using quantitative PCR The Veterinary Record, November 22, 2014



"We know that the vaccine causes kennel cough in dogs, and that recently-vaccinated dogs can cause outbreaks in kennels. We know that this vaccine prevents long-term immunity, whereas natural infection confers natural immunity. And we know that the up-the-nose kennel cough vaccine can cause a whooping-cough-like illness in humans, as well as other serious health conditions. We also know that there is a steady and growing stream of research to show that vaccines cause brain damage, autoimmune diseases, cancer and allergies – which I consider to be the REAL epidemic in the modern dog."

As Dr. McCullough describes nasal sprays that cure and prevent infections it would be wise for all who would consider using them to learn more about them and not just trust anyone's word. Not even the word of a doctor who has given many people many reasons to trust him. Misplaced trust of those we thought we could trust got us to where we are today. The lessons of the pandemic must be not just to move from one set of trusted experts to another. The lesson must be that we learn all we can for ourselves from all of the information that is available to us before we consent to any medical treatment of any kind. Even treatments we think are safe, like nasal sprays. Or eye drops. Fool me once for trusting, shame on you. Fool me twice for trusting, shame on me.

Better yet, stop using any products made by any Big Pharma corporation. Even the OTC products on a shelf in your drug store or Walmart. Only use natural remedies, homeopathic, naturopathic, ayurvedic, holistic, herbalist, etc. God gave us all we need to protect us from the microbiology of the planet he also created. Take care of our own bodies, diet, exercise, water, sunshine, fresh air, dirt, sleep, friendships, family, and Faith in God. That's it. That's all we need.

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Fair call!

and eek " aerosol vaccination for certain respiratory viruses"

Every breath you take!

All enclosed buildings and vehicles like public transport and planes?

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ALL of them at the top of this extermination agenda KNEW that this was the primary objective, i.e., DEATH. And everyone who went along with it knew what was going on VERY quickly. And we know this because they were ALL scrambling to cover it up.

I don't care that they're now "sorry", but ONLY because they got caught.

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Anyone interested in the "virus origination" question (cover-up) might be interested in this ...

The “science mafia’s” false narrative on virus origination is starting to crumble … but everyone is STILL ignoring the mountain of evidence that shows this virus was already spreading around the world by late 2019. This was the evidence that HAD to be concealed to protect lockdowns and the roll-out of the mRNA “vaccines.”


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