h/t bearmarm
From this poll:
The Faces Of The Vaccine Injured | Real, Not Rare (realnotrare.com)
We have these results, so far.
Now, the poll – as all polls – will have biases – such as the beliefs of those that frequent the website.
However, the rate of harms is consistent with the Pfizer clinical trial data:
The COVID-19 Inoculations - More Harm Than Good FINAL Video & Print (canadiancovidcarealliance.org)
For the 21,900 or so people in each of the injected group and the placebo group over the course of a trial that was cut short by a few months. That is, instead of a six month trial from 31 July 2020 to 31 January 2021, the trial was ended (unblinded) by 30 November 2020 and EU granted on 10 December 2020 – 7 weeks BEFORE the scheduled end of the trial, out of a 26 week scheduled period.
There have been 677 million doses administered in the US. A ten per cent rate of harm equates to 67 million injuries. The poll does not distinguish between relative severity – but we can compare it to the rates of harm reported in the 10 million strong V-Safe report and compare that to a theoretical number of adverse events, scaled for an under-reporting factor (URF) of 40 on VAERS reports.
For V-Safe we have this:
4.29 million V-Safe reports at the time the data was compiled on 8 October 2022.
From here: V-safe After Vaccination Health Checker | CDC 10.1 million people have been part of the V-Safe study (the link states that the study closed on 19 May 2023. These 10.1 million people presumably were double dosed at the time of the release of the study in October 2022.
V-Safe data of 4.29 million out of 10.1 million = an incidence of harm of around 43% v 10% in the poll.
From here: Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccinations - Our World in Data there have been around 677 million doses administered in the US.
Applying a URF of 40 to current VAERS reports of around 962,000 gives around 39 million adverse events. There may be multiple harms per person. The rate of harm depends on the number of un-injected Americans.
The CDC claims that 81% of the entire US population has received at least one dose – leaving 19% un-injected – compare that to the poll which shows 39% un-injected.
Applying the 39 million to the CDC number of un-injected, you get a rate of harm of 39 million divided by 271 million = 14% (using a URF of 40). Applying the poll number of 39% un-injected for an injected population of 2around 00 million, the injection harm rate jumps to 39//200 = almost 20%.
Which is double the poll number of 10%!!!
Round and round it goes, where it stops no-one knows!
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Far more accurate than any pre-election polls done;-)
My own research from the Pfizer data dump corroborates the "10%" (or more) rate of injury. No way to count the dead people though. They don't answer polls, and they were "excluded" from the Pfizer trials as they died, but never were mentioned in the final report as having been excluded. Instead, they used a word-salad in the report, claiming "Of the participants" we only excluded 1%. Those who dropped out after the 1st shot (those who REFUSED to take another) were never considered to be "participants".
But deep in their thousands of disorganized PDF files I hit the jackpot and found that well over 10% of the "enrollees" had dropped out AFTER being jabbed, but no follow up (reporting) was done on ANY of them. Pfizer just decided to pretend they were never "participants" (even though they HAD been jabbed) and they got ZERO mention in the final reports.
Well over 10% got jabbed and then IGNORED when they refused to participate any further.
I never believed that as many as they say got these injections.