Sep 4Liked by Peter Halligan

Gas powered thermal plants can increase efficiency by spending money on “bottom cycling”. Long ago I was shown plans for a PW turbine engine plant to be located in a remote area where fuel cost was high. The engine used water injection to lower temperature and increase power density to the point the engine was delivering 3x the power of the aircraft version. The steam was expanded over several turbines and the heat scavenging was so intense the final exhaust had to be extracted from a tower with an electric fan. I think the exhaust was 27 degC above ambient. Such technology was historically used where it made business sense. Notice the last two words.

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so we are built on coal and gas, China is opening a coal mine per month-so we use irreplaceable cobalt ,lithium and copper and huge quantities of energy to build ineffective and inefficient wind turbines, solar panels and electric car batteries. And kill cows. Please can someone tell me why? Don't answer to save the planet--this destroys the planet.

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