JJ Couey speaks – it would be wise to listen! Mass awakening is required at light speed – or evil will rule and abuse of the technology will dominate us – rather than gift us its many benefits
From the 156 minute video here (j/t StellaMaris)
Skip to 15 minutes in.
Reviewing the next half an hour or so.
The only debate allowed (Overton Window) debate is a spectrum – trouble is, the truth lies outside this spectrum.
Here’s some screen shots:
(Tip to JJ – the nomenclature is “supra” not “super”national – that’s the game.- a distinction without a difference – but it adds credibility).
HVQ and IVM not needed because there was no virus. At least HVQ and IVM did no harm – but just adds confusion.
A mystery virus requires excess deaths.
Here is the “How” and the “Why” of the “scamdemic”.
Why were there excess deaths? Because of treatment protocols.” Cannot find thousands of dead bodies in NY City,
Goal was to reduce the lifespan of the elderly who are expensive to “maintain”.
Confounding effects with transfection = roll out doses to prove transfection was successful. Bogus. The “scamdemic” was “seeded” with fake test results.
Old people were simply culled to perpetuate the scamdemic and falsely validate ALL vaccines.
“Transfection is a modern and powerful method used to insert foreign nucleic acids into eukaryotic cells. The ability to modify host cells’ genetic content enables the broad application of this process in studying normal cellular processes, disease molecular mechanism and gene therapeutic effect.”
Was the pandemic “seeded” and wholly unreal? Just to save money on Medicare?
Lots more on the rest of the one hour of the video.
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Thank you, Peter.....this is gold....we need to share because it's later than we think.....
JJ Couey is an amazing guy few know of.