I honestly didn’t like the video at all. Didn’t keep my interest. I know exactly what’s going on. However if I was sorta just figuring it out.. this video would not get me excited at all. After 15 mins I turned it off. For me, it didn’t catch my attention at all.

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Did you watch from the 15 minute mark or just the first 15 minutes? I agree the first 15 minutes was not useful. The real "guts" started after 15 minutes,,

I found only the 15 minute to 30 minute mark useful...

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Hey Peter

Amanda Grace of ark of grace ministries is hosting a Nationwide Prayer for Trump, his family, and Our Nation on January 14th I believe live at 5pm.

This is HUGE. This Country needs to Pray. We need to look at the big picture of the pure evil that’s happening.

Please look her up and post. Tons of people will be praying that will be involved.

Thank you for your hard work. I personally think you should try to get on board with these incredible people. You bring so much but look at where your truth can be shared with.

You can email Amanda Grace yourself.

Let me know if you need help finding her.

May God continue to Bless you and others fighting for the people of America and others.

Hugs, Lori

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I will play it again. Skip the first 15 mins. If he wants to get the attention of new people. He’s got to start off with a bang. Cause what I watched I not interested in. That would be ok at the end. Cause then people have the guts in the beginning to make them understand.

There’s no time for stuff they don’t get.

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Right so ... I've just spent over 2 hours listening to Couey and learnt nothing. The only reason anyone is talking about him is because RFKjr snapped him up, imo much more for his computer skills than his knowledge of covid/biology/immunology or whatever. Apparently he only woke up to what's been going on around end 2022. How is it that so many of us, far less qualified than this guy, were wide awake to all the bs practically from word go or at least by mid-2020? On alleged "Worst Case Scenario Team", he made some good points but you should note that he stated clearly on Charles Kovess show/MD4CE (Medical Doctors For Covid Ethics Int'l) - that had TPTB invited him to join that team, he would have had difficulty knocking them back. I recall hearing that here, at some stage during Q&A, so towards the end - https://rumble.com/v3wtrqz-dr-jj-couey-phd.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=2 I will try to find precise time he said that and add it later, to save anyone interested from wasting their time. Re. his theories on infectious clones (which he didn't mention here, unless I missed it), it made no sense to me. It's almost as if he's trying to find a way to distance himself from no-virus camp despite the fact that he has clearly stated virus isolation/sequencing and SARS-CoV2 are all fake. Christine Massey did interesting SS article on this here - https://christinemasseyfois.substack.com/p/jay-couey-admits-no-virus-people I also recall watching some videos he did with his ex-buddy Kevin McCairn a long time ago, before he became famous and everyone telling us he's amazing - probably because they wouldn't have a clue what he's talking about. It also seems to me that both McCairn and Couey have spent most of their careers torturing animals. One thing I do agree with Couey on though is that Brett Weinstein is a wanker. Top biologists, even so-called evolutionary ones, don't spend entire career lecturing at Evergreen State College do they now?

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See 2h27min mark of rumble vid, where Couey states, where he's talking about taking part in controlled narrative: "I wouldn't have needed much convincing. If they would have [sic] come to me .... and said we need your help ... do you think I would not have been vulnerable to that level of ego and fame attack? This would have been lost for me. I would have been a hero and gladly taken it. Part of the reason why this did not happen is because I was not offered it."

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I place a high value on your insights.

I was intrigued by JJ's notion on "permitted spectrum" of extreme debate, plus hypothesis of thousands of NY deaths reported, but no bodies (cremated?) - the insinuation of "no treatments of any kind needed" is intriguing in the context of China - China is a major manufacturer of IVM at 200 bucks a kilo (enough for 50,000 doses) and could easily make HCQ - and yet, did not - neither did it embrace mRNA - no relaible data of course - I have seen estimates running to 100's of millions of deaths in China - but no quality data. Both Cooey and Weinstein are micro-biologists - maybe there is a pissing contest going on there.

I notice that there was nothing on global deaths and injuries from injections by Cooey. Or any solutions for anti-spike venom.

I think that as long as people giving views spark debate that moves us forward I have no issues -don't have to agree though - just stimulate thought on either their or other issues!

I think there lack of urgency around solutions is astounding. Even worms might have answers!


Mechanisms of action needed - with any side effects clearly researched (not sure that (GMO soya in?) nattokinase is going to be sufficiently researched, but fingers crossed - though I am getting a little cynical about its slow action - silver bullet for spike venom needed!)

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site keeps crashing - will try to watch later

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New censorship laws in Oz kicking in?

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Thank you, Peter.....this is gold....we need to share because it's later than we think.....

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JJ Couey is an amazing guy few know of.

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