"Climate change™ " ~ sums up as: 'All indirect and direct anthropogenic influences on atmospheric composition and land usage'.

As you know, glo-bull warming was falsified in 1998 so a quick segue to "climate change™ " was required. Ask almost anyone what they mean by "climate change™ " and you'll receive a handwaving nonsensical answer or baffled silence. The UNFCCC / IPCC / UNEP definition is unfalsifiable and ideological. It also tells one exactly what is meant by the sinister mantra of "zero carbon," and en route to that murderous destination of "zero," it provides endless justification to meddle and control. The same ideology applies to the medical/pharma tyranny that we have observed in the last decades and most recently. In each, the intentions appear clear.

Note that "climate variability" (defined by the same clowns) is the "natural" stuff that accounts for >99% of climate that no media talks about, you know the noise that drowns out the "signal," the climate 'sensitivity' that draws ever closer to 1, and unfailingly reminds us of the truth of King Canute.

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Hi Peter, this is a Gavin de Becker interview, scroll down on the page to watch: https://www.aussie17.com/p/oops-host-of-discovery-channels-popular

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Its a joke: an IQ test to see if you are awake or not.

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Jul 31Liked by Peter Halligan

There is always some manufactured "crisis" that the crooked pols will throw OUR money at. Whether it is covid, another war, climate "change", bird flu, monkeypox, or whatever. The more of our money they allocate to that crisis, the better for them. So if you spend $1T, who will notice "only" 1% being missing. Well, that is $10 billion dollars for them to take on just that one crisis. And I am sure the real numbers are much higher than 1%. But we don't have money to fix potholes in the roads, or pay down the debt, amongst many other things.

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Quite right! I scanned some local authority accounts for the City of Westminster. They are complex and opaque - hundreds of millions of pounds in different pockets and pension fund performance - not in easily understood English or relatable to the street outside !

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Yes, the corruption has even trickled down to even the smallest counties and cities in the US. People get outraged. but the crooks keep getting re-elected somehow.

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