Wondering if Chelation therapy could help people to rid the dangerous neurotoxins from the body. Chelation (EDTA) is used to remove Lead and mercury. It is very safe as well. Do you know if we have any clinical trials testing chelation therapy?
Dr Fred Corbyn, nuclear biologist & expert in bioweapons, claimed to have leaked Wuhan lab paper (since erased) with Pfizer list of vax contents incl. graphene oxide, in a townhall type meeting in Barbados in mid-2021 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/BLPoEJZ1OqJ5/ (10 min video) This is a very important video. I don't know what happened to Dr Corbyn after that. I haven't heard from him since.
Also, KK has been talking about GO being in shots since August 2021, incl. in a previous interview with SP and a much more detailed one with Dr Andrew Kaufman when he was hosting an infowars show back in August 2021 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/gD3eNpMJtUyV/ (37 mins) So I guess she's presenting additional proof in the SP video you posted (which I haven't watched yet). Basically everyone ignored her as well as anyone else who mentioned GO, like the Quinta Columna who were onto it as far back as April 2021. Dr Ryan Cole has also vehemently denied GO being in the shots and recently shut down Dr Astrid Stueckelberger who raised the issue at a recent conference in Sweden. Nor have Dr McCullough, Malone or any of the frontline doctors taken this seriously. Even Dr Kaufman has never referred to this since, no doubt due to influence of Prof. Stefano Scoglio - a big name in no virus movement - who did a talk on this a couple of weeks ago in Italian which I haven't seen translated yet. Steve Kirsch, his advisors and acolytes have also stayed right away from the subject, including Dr Jessica Rose.
I think so. She also did long interview with Corona Investigative Ctee beforehand https://archive.org/details/exh-8 where she says she worked with WHO on IHR revisions in 2009,
That BitChute link is incredible and should be submitted as evidence in courts of law, and before any Offices of Inspector Generals, relevant House or Senate Committees - including law enforcement agencies.
We have seen lots of analyses of the Phase 3 clinical trials (sole end point was reducing C19 disease symptoms, not viral infection/transmission or hospitalization/death) but the fraud on not testing and the FDA turning a blind eye is truly heinous.
A group in UK took it to court quite a while back, on basis of poisonous ingredients incl. GO in all the shots, not just Pfizer. They attached this report to court filing: https://www.coursehero.com/file/143991719/Case-Briefing-Document-and-lab-report-Ref-AUC-101-Report-pdf/ It's an 88 page report. It blurs out after 1st few paras. If you want a copy (of this and other docs filed) I can email to you. I don't know what became of this. I imagine it was dismissed.
No, the World was not deceived. Multiple sources across multiple jurisdictions revealed the presence of rGO/GO (including bizarre observations of magnetic post jab responses), likely in specific batches. All authorities emphatically (together with their MSM propaganda presstitutes) and with ruthless intent, rejected or pointedly ignored these observations. It was astounding the extent to which they prostituted any pretense of ethics. Nuremberg 2.0 should be the least of it.
Individuals who relentlessly expedited this evil on their populace, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand’s former director general of health for example, have now segued seamlessly elsewhere, Fauci to some 6 figure retirement and the speaking circuit, and Bloomfield to co-chair of the WHO International Health Regulations Working Group.
In the case of the latter, what he promises by past actions to the future should place nothing but fear and a call to action across the World.
Glad Barnes asking for crippling amount as opposed to the easily tolerated earlier fines. Sorry Kingston or anyone paywalls such vital news. Thx for sharing.
Graphene 3D printing is one of the next frontiers - drupa
From two-dimensional graphene oxide to three-dimensional honeycomb-like Ni3S2@graphene oxide composite: insight into structure and electrocatalytic properties - PMC
Charles M. Lieber - Wikipedia
Smart dust: Self-assembling, self-orienting photonic crystals of porous Si - PMC
Syringe-injectable electronics | Nature Nanotechnology Charlie lieber
Graphene and Nanowire Transistors for Cellular Interfaces and Electrical Recording | Nano Letters
Masks contain deadly graphene oxide nanoparticles indicted Fauci associate Charles Leiber patented as a deadly “gain of function” ingredient that enters the respiratory system and bloodstream – EJBNEWS.COM
US6506148B2 - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors - Google Patents
They have been researching the use of nano technology use inside the human body for some time. They have succeeded in some fashion otherwise the push for the nano technology in the "jabs" would not be possible. Just a few links for your information:
Communication among microscopic robots (nanorobots) can coordinate their activities for biomedical tasks. The feasibility of in vivo ultrasonic communication is evaluated for micron-size robots broadcasting into various types of tissues. Frequencies between
give the best tradeoff between efficient acoustic generation and attenuation for communication over distances of about 100 microns. Based on these results, we find power available from ambient oxygen and glucose in the bloodstream can readily support communication rates of about
between micron-sized robots. We discuss techniques, such as directional acoustic beams, that can increase this rate. The acoustic pressure fields enabling this communication are unlikely to damage nearby tissue, and short bursts at considerably higher power could be of therapeutic use.
About the DARPA Embedded Entrepreneurship Initiative - everyone should be aware of what DARPA is doing. "DARPA has helped lay the foundations for some of society's most transformational technologies: the internet, miniaturized GPS, smart phones, RNA vaccines, stealth, commercial space access, and autonomous vehicles."
I’ve known about that enzyne MPO, but the paper you present itself doesn’t mean graphene isn’t in the shots:
1. What is the rate of elimination vs rate of new graphene coming with all the boosters when the body is overloaded with graphene (now you know why they need so many boosters)? If MPO elimination can’t keep up with the booster resupply of graphene then the MPO has minimum effect.
2. What was the concentration of MPO in this study vs what is in various areas of the body? Unknown.
3. We don’t know how long graphene needs to be in the shots to do their dirty deeds at each booster.
4. The paper you sent was an in vitro study not in a person with graphene in many body parts.
5. The paper states the graphene studies was single and few-layer while the graphene in the shots looks like clumps, I suspect MPO will have a harder time eliminating these.
6. The types of graphene in the study may not be the same as in the shots where the oxide, hydroxide, and others have been found.
Since there is direct evidence of more than 5 independent labs testing shot vials with light and E-M, and spectroscopy, and microscopy of blood of injected persons showing similar Roulet formation as when mixing graphene with blood on a slide, multiple known patents of graphene in shots, it is just about a done deal that graphene is in the shot.
There is also indirect evidence of graphene in shots (Darpa-Profusa hydrogel, numerous studies of graphene as a nano object and its properties). The properties of graphene as a semi-metal to function as an antenna/transmitter to connect to 5g and/or other devices is not far-out. In Japan 1.6 mil Moderna doses were recalled due to finding “metal” they later called “steel” in the shots (graphene changed its name on its passport to steel it seems). Conveniently the prime minister resigned the next day, said to be because “he was bad at HR”, just to change the news cycle, and needless to say, neither the QA depts. at the multibillion dollar companies, Moderna, the bottling co in Spain, nor the importer Takeda Pharma, found the metal, it was a lone Dr in an injection center.
As an aside, MPO increases with alcohol use. Interesting to consider all the bar and restaurant closures in that light. In Japan, even though restaurants were open during states of emergency, alcohol was banned-ostensibly to stop people from getting rowdy and spreading covid. You figure….
The Four Base Conditions for ‘Mass Formation’
The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation psychosis to take root are:
1. Lack of social bonding — Social isolation was a widespread problem long before the pandemic. In one survey, 25% of respondents said they didn’t have a single close friend. The COVID lockdowns also contributed and worsened already existing isolation. We were all told that any contact with others, including members of our own family, could be a death sentence.
2. Seeing life as meaningless, purposelessness and senseless, and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don’t make rational sense — Desmet cites research showing that half of all adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing no value to either themselves or others.
In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they were “sleepwalking” through their workdays, putting no passion into their work whatsoever. So, condition No. 2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even before the pandemic hit.
Events that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, such as the many questions surrounding the presidential election and the initial COVID lockdowns, added fuel to the widespread confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the next condition: free-floating anxiety.
3. Widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent — Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent or distinct cause. Judging by the popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the pandemic, but additional fuel was piled on just before the pandemic.
Many felt, and still feel, that “things just aren’t right.” Through 2020, it became increasingly apparent to many that most if not all of the systems we depend on are broken, and likely broken beyond repair, including our medical system, our voting system and our judicial system.
4. Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression — This tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.
Many of my links on this subject also scrubbed tho I usually download important docs & reports. Thanks for all the very useful info. you posted. One thing that surprises me is the lack of follow-up re. Charles Lieber's work/patents. Haven't even heard Karen Kingston talking about them that much. If you're interested, I found this (non-exhaustive) list of Charles Lieber patents from post by John Lucach somewhere:
10,435,817 Controlled growth of nanoscale wires
10,369,255 Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
10,355,229 Methods and systems for scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components
10,119,955 High-resolution molecular sensor
10,049,871 Anisotropic deposition in nanoscale wires
9,903,862 Nanosensors and related technologies
9,786,850 Methods and systems for scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components
9,702,849 Nanopore sensing by local electrical potential measurement
9,638,717 Nanoscale sensors for intracellular and other applications
9,595,685 Nanoscale wires, nanoscale wire FET devices, and nanotube-electronic hybrid devices for sensing and other applications
9,541,522 Nanoscale field-effect transistors for biomolecular sensors and other applications
9,535,063 High-sensitivity nanoscale wire sensors
9,457,128 Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
9,297,796 Bent nanowires and related probing of species
9,252,214 Apparatus, method and computer program product providing radial addressing of nanowires
9,102,521 Nanosensors and related technologies
9,029,836 Controlled synthesis of monolithically-integrated graphene structure
8,883,568 Method providing radial addressing of nanowires
8,698,481 High-resolution molecular sensor
8,586,131 Liquid films containing nanostructured materials
8,575,663 High-sensitivity nanoscale wire sensors
8,471,298 Nanoscopic wire-based devices and arrays
8,399,339 Nanosensors
8,232,584 Nanoscale sensors
8,178,907 Nanoscopic wire-based electrical crossbar memory-devices and arrays
8,154,002 Nanoscale wire-based data storage
8,153,470 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such
semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
8,072,005 Apparatus, method and computer program product providing radial addressing of nanowires
8,058,640 Branched nanoscale wires
7,956,427 Nanosensors
7,918,935 Transition metal oxide nanowires
7,915,151 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors and fabricating such devices
7,911,009 Nanosensors
7,858,965 Nanowire heterostructures
7,772,543 System and method for processing nanowires with holographic optical tweezers
7,666,708 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
7,619,290 Nanosensors
7,595,260 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
7,500,213 Array-based architecture for molecular electronics
7,476,596 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
7,399,691 Methods of forming nanoscopic wire-based devices and arrays
more down to earth - it could be that the egomaniacs have met and decided that it is time to end world hunger by making us satisfied with bugs and plants - and they consider that the planet will end because of the "faux science" of the UN IPCC and melon heads (green outside, marxist red inside - driven by ignorance, pessimism and spite.
Apparently sold as an adjuvant. Like Aluminium. Mercury is apparently a 'preservative'. All are neurotoxic.
They have been poisoning us for a century, long before nanotechnology was their vector of choice. If it in fact is.
The DeathVaxx - if it contains what is on the label (and now these redacted elements too) is chock-full of poisons. PEG is itself toxic. If the jabs work as advertised, the alien protein they hijack our bodies to produce is toxic. Nothing about vaccinology is natural. Nothing about the DeathVaxx is normal. It is a lethal injection, with a time delay (usually).
Sometimes one needs to remind themselves this ClownWorld state of affairs is so far into the Twilight Zone that even seeing what used to be normal can be difficult. How else does one explain the fact this cull continues while The Monster Monsters on? In a just, sane world the Monster would have been killed and dismembered long ago.
Love your work. One thing that confuses me is terms of art. 1. By definition is this nano tech possible without mRNA? My inference from La Quinta is this nano tech does not have to be mRNA.
Seems that of the many different vials that had been examined by ind. scientists, many did not contain any or much mRNA and some of that was broken. None contained quantities of the contents as described. Also, all contained additional metals not listed. Some found graphine too. Some think mRNA a red herring, which is keeping alt media very busy and of course plays down graphine angle. To humble me, the fact that this revelation is ignored, not really discussed with the freedom movement, is quite telling. Whether they think we are not ready yet and are now allowing various things to be revealed, drip by drip and soon something will come out. You may not be aware of UK Matt Hancock's group WA messages being leaked "in the public interest" where he answers media team person who was hoping for endorsement from Gates saying " Tell him that considering how many people I'm getting his chips injected into, he owes me one!" Now, that was said Jan 21. Things only get leaked they want to be leaked. There was more stuff about putting fear into people, laughing about people getting fined also for hotel quarintine. He's agreed or been set up as fall guy. WHO pandemic treaty and intl. health regs being changed whilst we are distracted. edit Jan 2021 over 2 years ago.
It's total madness. I watched the original movie and listened to a narritive of Huxley's book. Wasn't much of a reader, more of a doer until of late, learning all about who owns and controls everything, well, the ones who do on behalf of the annonymous masters, anyway! Still can't get anyone to take the red pill but as Huxley said- they will enjoy their subservience.
seems like there could be some connection between the enabling ability of the GO and the mRNA instructions that might not be restricted to manufacturing spike - hell, maybe the spike is an enabler as well!
NEW SUBSTACK RELEASE. DR. GASLIGHT. A doctor causes his patient to question her own sanity. Listen to Turfseer’s new song. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/dr-gaslight
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I'll say it again lots of good rope with a noose.....after a nuremberg style trial!
Wondering if Chelation therapy could help people to rid the dangerous neurotoxins from the body. Chelation (EDTA) is used to remove Lead and mercury. It is very safe as well. Do you know if we have any clinical trials testing chelation therapy?
Dr Fred Corbyn, nuclear biologist & expert in bioweapons, claimed to have leaked Wuhan lab paper (since erased) with Pfizer list of vax contents incl. graphene oxide, in a townhall type meeting in Barbados in mid-2021 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/BLPoEJZ1OqJ5/ (10 min video) This is a very important video. I don't know what happened to Dr Corbyn after that. I haven't heard from him since.
Also, KK has been talking about GO being in shots since August 2021, incl. in a previous interview with SP and a much more detailed one with Dr Andrew Kaufman when he was hosting an infowars show back in August 2021 - https://www.bitchute.com/video/gD3eNpMJtUyV/ (37 mins) So I guess she's presenting additional proof in the SP video you posted (which I haven't watched yet). Basically everyone ignored her as well as anyone else who mentioned GO, like the Quinta Columna who were onto it as far back as April 2021. Dr Ryan Cole has also vehemently denied GO being in the shots and recently shut down Dr Astrid Stueckelberger who raised the issue at a recent conference in Sweden. Nor have Dr McCullough, Malone or any of the frontline doctors taken this seriously. Even Dr Kaufman has never referred to this since, no doubt due to influence of Prof. Stefano Scoglio - a big name in no virus movement - who did a talk on this a couple of weeks ago in Italian which I haven't seen translated yet. Steve Kirsch, his advisors and acolytes have also stayed right away from the subject, including Dr Jessica Rose.
Dr Astrid Stueckelberger testified to Reinar Fuellmich's Citizens Court about the revisions to IHR 2005 a few years ago?
I think so. She also did long interview with Corona Investigative Ctee beforehand https://archive.org/details/exh-8 where she says she worked with WHO on IHR revisions in 2009,
That BitChute link is incredible and should be submitted as evidence in courts of law, and before any Offices of Inspector Generals, relevant House or Senate Committees - including law enforcement agencies.
We have seen lots of analyses of the Phase 3 clinical trials (sole end point was reducing C19 disease symptoms, not viral infection/transmission or hospitalization/death) but the fraud on not testing and the FDA turning a blind eye is truly heinous.
A group in UK took it to court quite a while back, on basis of poisonous ingredients incl. GO in all the shots, not just Pfizer. They attached this report to court filing: https://www.coursehero.com/file/143991719/Case-Briefing-Document-and-lab-report-Ref-AUC-101-Report-pdf/ It's an 88 page report. It blurs out after 1st few paras. If you want a copy (of this and other docs filed) I can email to you. I don't know what became of this. I imagine it was dismissed.
Yes please.
some trolls on reddit tried to hate on him - lots of pushback from those supporting him
Corbin called it. All that time ago
I wonder what happened to him. I've seen nothing from him since.
Yeah not much of a doer on my end. Reader and roustabout good time pirate. Covid ended my employment. Now I wait CBDC.
No, the World was not deceived. Multiple sources across multiple jurisdictions revealed the presence of rGO/GO (including bizarre observations of magnetic post jab responses), likely in specific batches. All authorities emphatically (together with their MSM propaganda presstitutes) and with ruthless intent, rejected or pointedly ignored these observations. It was astounding the extent to which they prostituted any pretense of ethics. Nuremberg 2.0 should be the least of it.
Individuals who relentlessly expedited this evil on their populace, Dr Ashley Bloomfield, New Zealand’s former director general of health for example, have now segued seamlessly elsewhere, Fauci to some 6 figure retirement and the speaking circuit, and Bloomfield to co-chair of the WHO International Health Regulations Working Group.
In the case of the latter, what he promises by past actions to the future should place nothing but fear and a call to action across the World.
Glad Barnes asking for crippling amount as opposed to the easily tolerated earlier fines. Sorry Kingston or anyone paywalls such vital news. Thx for sharing.
What is the presumed function of the graphene oxide?
Graphene Oxide
https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.358.6368.1233. Liebers BS
Graphene and Nanowire Transistors for Cellular Interfaces and Electrical Recording | Nano Letters lieber
(PDF) Synthesis and Characterization of Mass Produced High Quality Few Layered Graphene Sheets via a Chemical Method
Summary of 50 studies on the extreme toxicity of graphene quantum dots, or carbon quantum dots, to the animal organism
Two-dimensional shape memory graphene oxide | Nature Communications
Graphene 3D printing is one of the next frontiers - drupa
From two-dimensional graphene oxide to three-dimensional honeycomb-like Ni3S2@graphene oxide composite: insight into structure and electrocatalytic properties - PMC
Charles M. Lieber - Wikipedia
Smart dust: Self-assembling, self-orienting photonic crystals of porous Si - PMC
Syringe-injectable electronics | Nature Nanotechnology Charlie lieber
Graphene and Nanowire Transistors for Cellular Interfaces and Electrical Recording | Nano Letters
Masks contain deadly graphene oxide nanoparticles indicted Fauci associate Charles Leiber patented as a deadly “gain of function” ingredient that enters the respiratory system and bloodstream – EJBNEWS.COM
How about the possibility the CCP is trying to get as much graphene oxide into as many as they can by any means necessary. ( maybe it’s not ‘shedding’, but it’s the CCP spreading GO. https://www.fastcompany.com/90634267/are-graphene-coated-face-masks-a-covid-19-miracle-or-another-health-risk
so Canada believed the CCP and lifted the recall on graphene laced masks. https://torontosun.com/news/national/health-canada-recalls-masks-containing-graphene-as-it-assesses-risks-to-people
US6506148B2 - Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors - Google Patents
They have been researching the use of nano technology use inside the human body for some time. They have succeeded in some fashion otherwise the push for the nano technology in the "jabs" would not be possible. Just a few links for your information:
nwcl.ku.edu.tr/.../J36.pdf "Molecular communication nanonetworks inside human body"
"Ultrasonic multiplexing network for implantable medical devices" patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/27/b4/74/e78da7a68b1e7c/US10790946.. "Opto-ultrasonic communications for wireless intra-body nanonetworks"
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/.../PMC6891516 "An Energy Balance clustering Routing Protocol for Intra Body Wireless Nanosensor Networks"
ttps://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1878778914000027 "Opto-ultrasonic communications for wireless intra-body nanonetworks"
"Medium access control schemes for ultrasonic communications in the body based on second order statistics" patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/5c/d2/64/b86dc21df318f5/US10506927..
www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1878778912000154?via%3D.. "Acoustic communication for medical nanorobots👇👇
Communication among microscopic robots (nanorobots) can coordinate their activities for biomedical tasks. The feasibility of in vivo ultrasonic communication is evaluated for micron-size robots broadcasting into various types of tissues. Frequencies between
give the best tradeoff between efficient acoustic generation and attenuation for communication over distances of about 100 microns. Based on these results, we find power available from ambient oxygen and glucose in the bloodstream can readily support communication rates of about
between micron-sized robots. We discuss techniques, such as directional acoustic beams, that can increase this rate. The acoustic pressure fields enabling this communication are unlikely to damage nearby tissue, and short bursts at considerably higher power could be of therapeutic use.
👆 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780323857253000040
About the DARPA Embedded Entrepreneurship Initiative - everyone should be aware of what DARPA is doing. "DARPA has helped lay the foundations for some of society's most transformational technologies: the internet, miniaturized GPS, smart phones, RNA vaccines, stealth, commercial space access, and autonomous vehicles."
CN112220919A - Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier - Google Patents
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1LLVjgcmHPU graphene masks
Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine using graphene oxide as carrier-
CN112220919A | PatentGuru
Functionalized graphene oxide serves as a novel vaccine nano-adjuvant for robust stimulation of cellular immunity - Nanoscale (RSC Publishing)
https://patents.google.com/patent/CN112220919A/en 👆👆👆👆
I’ve known about that enzyne MPO, but the paper you present itself doesn’t mean graphene isn’t in the shots:
1. What is the rate of elimination vs rate of new graphene coming with all the boosters when the body is overloaded with graphene (now you know why they need so many boosters)? If MPO elimination can’t keep up with the booster resupply of graphene then the MPO has minimum effect.
2. What was the concentration of MPO in this study vs what is in various areas of the body? Unknown.
3. We don’t know how long graphene needs to be in the shots to do their dirty deeds at each booster.
4. The paper you sent was an in vitro study not in a person with graphene in many body parts.
5. The paper states the graphene studies was single and few-layer while the graphene in the shots looks like clumps, I suspect MPO will have a harder time eliminating these.
6. The types of graphene in the study may not be the same as in the shots where the oxide, hydroxide, and others have been found.
Since there is direct evidence of more than 5 independent labs testing shot vials with light and E-M, and spectroscopy, and microscopy of blood of injected persons showing similar Roulet formation as when mixing graphene with blood on a slide, multiple known patents of graphene in shots, it is just about a done deal that graphene is in the shot.
There is also indirect evidence of graphene in shots (Darpa-Profusa hydrogel, numerous studies of graphene as a nano object and its properties). The properties of graphene as a semi-metal to function as an antenna/transmitter to connect to 5g and/or other devices is not far-out. In Japan 1.6 mil Moderna doses were recalled due to finding “metal” they later called “steel” in the shots (graphene changed its name on its passport to steel it seems). Conveniently the prime minister resigned the next day, said to be because “he was bad at HR”, just to change the news cycle, and needless to say, neither the QA depts. at the multibillion dollar companies, Moderna, the bottling co in Spain, nor the importer Takeda Pharma, found the metal, it was a lone Dr in an injection center.
As an aside, MPO increases with alcohol use. Interesting to consider all the bar and restaurant closures in that light. In Japan, even though restaurants were open during states of emergency, alcohol was banned-ostensibly to stop people from getting rowdy and spreading covid. You figure….
The Four Base Conditions for ‘Mass Formation’
The four central conditions that need to exist in order for mass formation psychosis to take root are:
1. Lack of social bonding — Social isolation was a widespread problem long before the pandemic. In one survey, 25% of respondents said they didn’t have a single close friend. The COVID lockdowns also contributed and worsened already existing isolation. We were all told that any contact with others, including members of our own family, could be a death sentence.
2. Seeing life as meaningless, purposelessness and senseless, and/or being faced with persistent circumstances that don’t make rational sense — Desmet cites research showing that half of all adults feel their jobs are completely meaningless, providing no value to either themselves or others.
In another poll, done in 2012, 63% of respondents said they were “sleepwalking” through their workdays, putting no passion into their work whatsoever. So, condition No. 2 for mass formation hypnosis was also fulfilled, even before the pandemic hit.
Events that occurred in late 2019 and early 2020, such as the many questions surrounding the presidential election and the initial COVID lockdowns, added fuel to the widespread confusion and uncertainty, resulting in the next condition: free-floating anxiety.
3. Widespread free-floating anxiety and free-floating discontent — Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that has no apparent or distinct cause. Judging by the popularity of antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs, condition No. 3 was also fulfilled long before the pandemic, but additional fuel was piled on just before the pandemic.
Many felt, and still feel, that “things just aren’t right.” Through 2020, it became increasingly apparent to many that most if not all of the systems we depend on are broken, and likely broken beyond repair, including our medical system, our voting system and our judicial system.
4. Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression — This tends to naturally follow the previous three. Here, again, the frustration and aggression have no discernible cause.
So the arrest of Charles Lieber is/was significant he is a diabolical genius who was collaborating with the CCP.
So I looked at many of the links I provided fairly recently, many are now deleted or scrubbed….,,
Many of my links on this subject also scrubbed tho I usually download important docs & reports. Thanks for all the very useful info. you posted. One thing that surprises me is the lack of follow-up re. Charles Lieber's work/patents. Haven't even heard Karen Kingston talking about them that much. If you're interested, I found this (non-exhaustive) list of Charles Lieber patents from post by John Lucach somewhere:
10,435,817 Controlled growth of nanoscale wires
10,369,255 Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
10,355,229 Methods and systems for scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components
10,119,955 High-resolution molecular sensor
10,049,871 Anisotropic deposition in nanoscale wires
9,903,862 Nanosensors and related technologies
9,786,850 Methods and systems for scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components
9,702,849 Nanopore sensing by local electrical potential measurement
9,638,717 Nanoscale sensors for intracellular and other applications
9,595,685 Nanoscale wires, nanoscale wire FET devices, and nanotube-electronic hybrid devices for sensing and other applications
9,541,522 Nanoscale field-effect transistors for biomolecular sensors and other applications
9,535,063 High-sensitivity nanoscale wire sensors
9,457,128 Scaffolds comprising nanoelectronic components for cells, tissues, and other applications
9,297,796 Bent nanowires and related probing of species
9,252,214 Apparatus, method and computer program product providing radial addressing of nanowires
9,102,521 Nanosensors and related technologies
9,029,836 Controlled synthesis of monolithically-integrated graphene structure
8,883,568 Method providing radial addressing of nanowires
8,698,481 High-resolution molecular sensor
8,586,131 Liquid films containing nanostructured materials
8,575,663 High-sensitivity nanoscale wire sensors
8,471,298 Nanoscopic wire-based devices and arrays
8,399,339 Nanosensors
8,232,584 Nanoscale sensors
8,178,907 Nanoscopic wire-based electrical crossbar memory-devices and arrays
8,154,002 Nanoscale wire-based data storage
8,153,470 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such
semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
8,072,005 Apparatus, method and computer program product providing radial addressing of nanowires
8,058,640 Branched nanoscale wires
7,956,427 Nanosensors
7,918,935 Transition metal oxide nanowires
7,915,151 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors and fabricating such devices
7,911,009 Nanosensors
7,858,965 Nanowire heterostructures
7,772,543 System and method for processing nanowires with holographic optical tweezers
7,666,708 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
7,619,290 Nanosensors
7,595,260 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
7,500,213 Array-based architecture for molecular electronics
7,476,596 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors, and fabricating such devices
7,399,691 Methods of forming nanoscopic wire-based devices and arrays
7,385,267 Nanosensors
7,301,199 Nanoscale wires and related devices
7,274,208 Nanoscale wire-based sub-lithographic programmable logic arrays
7,256,466 Nanosensors
7,254,151 Nanoscale coherent optical components
7,211,464 Doped elongated semiconductors, growing such semiconductors, devices including such semiconductors and fabricating such devices
7,172,953 Methods of forming nanoscopic wire-based devices and arrays
who knows - maybe the "elite" 100 people on the planet know.
f there was such a thing as an alien it could be to turn us into cattle for a harvest - as in the movie Jupiter Ascending. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter_Ascending#Plot
more down to earth - it could be that the egomaniacs have met and decided that it is time to end world hunger by making us satisfied with bugs and plants - and they consider that the planet will end because of the "faux science" of the UN IPCC and melon heads (green outside, marxist red inside - driven by ignorance, pessimism and spite.
On the 'label'? According to the official line?
Apparently sold as an adjuvant. Like Aluminium. Mercury is apparently a 'preservative'. All are neurotoxic.
They have been poisoning us for a century, long before nanotechnology was their vector of choice. If it in fact is.
The DeathVaxx - if it contains what is on the label (and now these redacted elements too) is chock-full of poisons. PEG is itself toxic. If the jabs work as advertised, the alien protein they hijack our bodies to produce is toxic. Nothing about vaccinology is natural. Nothing about the DeathVaxx is normal. It is a lethal injection, with a time delay (usually).
Sometimes one needs to remind themselves this ClownWorld state of affairs is so far into the Twilight Zone that even seeing what used to be normal can be difficult. How else does one explain the fact this cull continues while The Monster Monsters on? In a just, sane world the Monster would have been killed and dismembered long ago.
Instead...We take orders from it?
Hey thanks!
I will construct a post.
Love your work. One thing that confuses me is terms of art. 1. By definition is this nano tech possible without mRNA? My inference from La Quinta is this nano tech does not have to be mRNA.
Seems that of the many different vials that had been examined by ind. scientists, many did not contain any or much mRNA and some of that was broken. None contained quantities of the contents as described. Also, all contained additional metals not listed. Some found graphine too. Some think mRNA a red herring, which is keeping alt media very busy and of course plays down graphine angle. To humble me, the fact that this revelation is ignored, not really discussed with the freedom movement, is quite telling. Whether they think we are not ready yet and are now allowing various things to be revealed, drip by drip and soon something will come out. You may not be aware of UK Matt Hancock's group WA messages being leaked "in the public interest" where he answers media team person who was hoping for endorsement from Gates saying " Tell him that considering how many people I'm getting his chips injected into, he owes me one!" Now, that was said Jan 21. Things only get leaked they want to be leaked. There was more stuff about putting fear into people, laughing about people getting fined also for hotel quarintine. He's agreed or been set up as fall guy. WHO pandemic treaty and intl. health regs being changed whilst we are distracted. edit Jan 2021 over 2 years ago.
End result of consensus building for some years on depopulation and total control. I read Huxley and Orwell by sixth grade in 1965.
It's total madness. I watched the original movie and listened to a narritive of Huxley's book. Wasn't much of a reader, more of a doer until of late, learning all about who owns and controls everything, well, the ones who do on behalf of the annonymous masters, anyway! Still can't get anyone to take the red pill but as Huxley said- they will enjoy their subservience.
seems like there could be some connection between the enabling ability of the GO and the mRNA instructions that might not be restricted to manufacturing spike - hell, maybe the spike is an enabler as well!
and thanks for the compliment!