From here ((you will need to become a paid subscriber to access Karen’s detailed analysis – I cannot cross-post):
Pfizer Trade Secret: COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Formulated with Graphene Oxide (
“Pfizer Trade Secret: COVID-19 mRNA Injections are Formulated with Graphene Oxide
Pfizer knew that no one would agree to being injected with electronic nanotechnology devices, so they lied to us. Pfizer's document states that their COVID-19 mRNA 'vaccines' contain graphene oxide.
Karen Kingston
1 hr ago
To say that I was shocked to find this CONFIDENTIAL lab document was released from Pfizer’s Groton Connecticut Discovery Sciences Research and Development lab is the understatement of my 25 year+ career.
I’ve been told experts won’t believe there is nanotechnology or graphene oxide in the mRNA injections because there is no concrete evidence from Pfizer proving graphene oxide is in the shots. Well, now there is.
This internal document is evidence that Pfizer’s mRNA ‘vaccines’ are programmable electronic nanotech devices that are made with graphene oxide.”
An interview with Stew Peters is here:
Bioweapon: Stew Peters, Karen Kingston Expose Poisonous Graphene Oxide in COVID Jabs (
A Rumble video is here:
which has this description:
“Safe and effective” was always a lie and it always will be!
Karen Kingston is back with Stew to discuss the 3 trillion dollar lawsuit against Pfizer brought by Robert Barnes.
Will this lawsuit finally be the end of Pfizer?
The pegylated lipid nanoparticle can interact with electromagnetic devices.
Graphene oxide has now been confirmed to exist in the bioweapon which is manufactured in China.
No one signed up for this but the world was deceived by Pfizer and Big Pharma’s lies.
The mRNA shots contain nanotechnology, create non-human structures inside the human body, and attack the central nervous system by crossing the blood-brain barrier.
Bring on Nuremberg 2.0!”
Dr Fred Corbyn, nuclear biologist & expert in bioweapons, claimed to have leaked Wuhan lab paper (since erased) with Pfizer list of vax contents incl. graphene oxide, in a townhall type meeting in Barbados in mid-2021 - (10 min video) This is a very important video. I don't know what happened to Dr Corbyn after that. I haven't heard from him since.