Last of the Pure Bloods – a “tribe” of 800,000 Americans that have not received a single “vaccine” of any type – guess how healthy they are?
We are approaching a paradigm shift in healthcare. It could be characterised as a battle between those that believe that there is no damage that cannot be repaired by God’s almighty hand and innate human kindness v those that believe than injections can cure poverty, hunger and disease by profiting from it.
The high priests of the Cult of Moloch - Bill Gates, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Wellcome Trust and big Pharma, Fauci er al plus their bought and paid for sycophants in the main stream media, universities and corrupted health regulators – are firmly in the latter camp. They stand in the way of God’s almighty hand and the effective employment of human kindness by placing barriers in the way of solving logistics problems in alleviating hunger and curable starvation, suffering and disease. The Cult of Moloch is a de facto eugenics and godless religion (much like Marxism and Maoism that relies on a slave class – “you will own nothing and be happy”.
Certainly a debate on the need to improve quality life years needs to be had given the current paradigm of ever increasing leading causes of death and the time spent in God’s waiting room, unable to function and at what age a person should enter.
We need to increase quality life years so that we live to an older age with a faster exit into the great beyond. We will all die of one of the leading causes. By changing the way we view health outcomes can we develop a metric such as “active, dignified and healthy until 99 years and 9 months, then died In a month”, rather than “sedentary, reliant on others and generally unhealthy/in pain and uncomfortable at age 65 but lived for another ten years?”.
We can start the debate by examining the role played by “vaccines”. Do these cause a tendency towards the latter paradigm of sedentary, reliant on others and their impact on mobile, healthy lifestyles. In my view, the Cult of Moloch seeks to enforce immobility and sedentary behaviour with no quality of life – in other words, remove all quality life years, so these are all “lost”.
As far as quality life years lost from the multitude of vaccinations mandated (or “recommended” but don’t bring your kid to school without them) much work has been done that has been kept from the “zeitgeist” by the vaccine lobby that makes hundreds of billions of dollars from the mandates of vaccine schedules.
There has been a pressing need for a “true placebo” to compare the impact of the wholly unvaccinated with the vaccinated. There are people of quality that have diligently assesses and analysed those that are “clean” of the substances injected into the vast majority of Americans over their lives.
Before getting into the “meat and potatoes”, SubStackers may want to check out Joy Garner’s article here:
(100) International Journal has now published the HORRIFYING TRUTH about vaccines (
“It is a confirmed FACT: There is only a 1 in 1 in 245,083,100,778,672,000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000(or p < 4.08E-63) chance that vaccines are NOT the cause of well over 90% of the deadly and disabling health conditions suffered by Americans over the age of 18.”
Let’s develop this – note that this study is pre-rollout of C19 mRNA injections.
Summary & Guide To: The Control Group Pilot Study STATISTICAL EVALUATION OF HEALTH OUTCOMES FOR THE UNVACCINATED - November 30th, 2020 By Joy Garner, Founder of The Control Group 1
The paper is an abbreviated version of this:
LIVE 6.3.3 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court for Eastern California-LIVE 6.3.3 CM/ECF - U.S. District Court for Eastern California ( broken down here: The Control Group
The study was conducted between April 2019 and June 2020.
The data collected is here:
And a blockbuster chart that should at least provoke the most cynical is here:
Here’s some commentary from the first link:
“3. The Count: How many entirely unvaccinated “controls” in the USA? Over 99.74% of Americans alive in 2020 had been exposed to vaccines. No matter the varying levels of exposure, well over 99% of Americans share this one commonality. This is the “exposure” group. Our National disease, disability, and death statistics enumerate the current condition of this vaccine-exposed “herd” and the accuracy thereof can be assumed at least 99% correct.
These are the “cohorts” for the unvaccinated controls that are stratified to the appropriate age groups for comparison of health outcomes. The diseases found in our vaccinated “herd” evidence their chances of survival, or lack thereof.
But what of the 0.26% who’ve managed to completely avoid Mr. V for their entire lives?”
“The Control Group is the 1st study to calculate the percentage of the American population that is entirely unvaccinated in the USA. In 2020 this “control group” (unexposed) stood at less than 0.26% of the population in all age groups combined.13 14 Due to the fact this population of interest is finite and only represents a fraction of a percentage of the American population, it was not too difficult to achieve a robust sample rate with coverage”
“5. How accurate is this survey? The Control Group 2019/2020 survey produced a robust sample rate for the population of interest, far exceeding the sample rates relied upon in most national survey studies.”
Now, in case you think that this is completely out of left (or right!) field, consider these corroborating articles around children and the Amish.
“A great and thought provoking show from Children’s Health Defence – a must one hour watch – all the way to the joy of unvaxxed parents who can shed the guilt they feel from trying to do the best for their kids – because they believed the “faux science” of big pharma and corrupt regulators.
“In this study, which only allowed for the calculation of unadjusted observational associations, higher ORs were observed within the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group for developmental delays, asthma and ear infections. Further study is necessary to understand the full spectrum of health effects associated with childhood vaccination.”
“S.D. Wells – Natural News July y, 2023
The current population of Amish folks in America is quickly approaching 400,000, with the largest concentrations of 90,000 in Pennsylvania and 82,000 in Ohio. Amish have settled in as many as 32 US states, and have an average of 7 kids per family, so the population is growing rapidly.”
So, do the “vaccinations” 99.76% of Americans take, lead to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle that must be treated with more and more interventions to preserve life at the expense of an active and productive life?
When will the “efficacy” of vaccines and injections be placed in the context of QUALITY life years lost in exchange for LOWER life spans AND life years lost whilst suffering a more sedentary, uncomfortable and increasingly isolate and psychologically damaging life?
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The DEADLY Covid injection (they pretend is a vaccine) doesn't work and never did. It's dangerous and comes with absolutely no guarantee of Safety and efficacy.
mRNA is Gene Therapy so all participants are now Genetically Modified! No second chances with that unproven 'experimental' sh*t!
It comes with ZERO LIABILITY or consequences for the makers and all Governments had to sign CONTRACTS with Pfizer etc, to accept LIABILITY for the thousands of DEATHS caused by the 'Experimental VAX'.
That ain't so clever!
Mick. from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I investigated first!
Wonderful resource, The Control Group, thank you.