“Vaxx v Unvaxx” – your children – an ounce of poison for a life time of pain = child vaccination schedule - or simply don't vaxx for healthy, happy and smart kids
A great and thought provoking show from Children’s Health Defence – a must one hour watch – all the way to the joy of unvaxxed parents who can shed the guilt they feel from trying to do the best for their kids – because they believed the “faux science” of big pharma and corrupt regulators.
Also check out Vaxx2 Vaxxed 2 | Childrens Health Defense epiphanies, revelations and joie de vivre.
DO THE SCIENCE FOR YOURSELF – READ THE BOOK – it will take a night or two, but could make you and your child much, much happier, smarter and healthier.
Big pharma today = big tobacco of the a few decades ago.
All parallels with the harms inflicted by the tobacco industry are intentional!
Dr Brian Hooker and RFK jr are out soon (August 13th) with a new book
3 bucks on Kindle
Some sneak peeks: - rhe green bars are unvaxxed – the yellow bars are vaxxed – multiple times greater – not a little better – a huge amount better.
What in the hell is being injected!
Immune immune suppression anyone?
ADD off the charts – so is autism and ear infection.
CDC stuff! More aluminium is worse than less aluminium! Shocker!
Makes you ask why, huh? Try ZERO true placebos in ANY clinical trials – the placebo is an existing treatment providing misleading information – many contain aluminium and are compared – as placebo – with a lower aluminium dose.
Aside from the book, skip to 48 minutes for some “happy” tales of trouble free parents who have not vaxxed their kids – compared to the frequent, longer lasting and more severe outcomes of vaxxed kids. Taken from the VAXX 2 video on top of this peice.
Expect the bought and paid for pharma lobbyists and the brain-washed to swoop, ban, censire and vilify each parent with an unvaxxed health kid – even those who vaxxed their eldest but not their younger ones – in the same family.
You know, because a thousand anecdotes is not evidence – because those giving the anecdotes as part of their lived experience are, somehow, freaks and exceptions to their brainwashing.
“I did not believe that health like that was possible” – a quote from a parent who has never given their kids anti-biotics or vaccinations,
Please upgrade to paid, or donate a coffee (I drink a lot of coffee) - “God Bless You!” if you can’t or don’t want to contribute. Coffee donations here: https://ko-fi.com/peterhalligan Buying just one Ko-Fi a week for $3 is 50 bucks more than an annual $100 subscription!
How about SIDS?
Sudden infant death sindrome.
Has anyone looked at the SIDS numbers for vaxxed vs unvaxxed children?
I bet you'd find something interesting there..
C'mon Guys ...
The People That Thought
That Taking The Vaccine
Was A Good Idea
- Couldn't Be Responsible For Their Own Health.
Given What We Know Of Them
How Could They Be ?