“Vaxx v Unvaxx” – your children – an ounce of poison for a life time of pain = child vaccination schedule - or simply don't vaxx for healthy, happy and smart kids
A great and thought provoking show from Children’s Health Defence – a must one hour watch – all the way to the joy of unvaxxed parents who can shed the guilt they feel from trying to do the best for their kids – because they believed the “faux science” of big pharma and corrupt regulators.
Also check out Vaxx2 Vaxxed 2 | Childrens Health Defense epiphanies, revelations and joie de vivre.
DO THE SCIENCE FOR YOURSELF – READ THE BOOK – it will take a night or two, but could make you and your child much, much happier, smarter and healthier.
Big pharma today = big tobacco of the a few decades ago.
All parallels with the harms inflicted by the tobacco industry are intentional!
Dr Brian Hooker and RFK jr are out soon (August 13th) with a new book
3 bucks on Kindle
Some sneak peeks: - rhe green bars are unvaxxed – the yellow bars are vaxxed – multiple times greater – not a little better – a huge amount better.
What in the hell is being injected!
Immune immune suppression anyone?
ADD off the charts – so is autism and ear infection.
CDC stuff! More aluminium is worse than less aluminium! Shocker!
Makes you ask why, huh? Try ZERO true placebos in ANY clinical trials – the placebo is an existing treatment providing misleading information – many contain aluminium and are compared – as placebo – with a lower aluminium dose.
Aside from the book, skip to 48 minutes for some “happy” tales of trouble free parents who have not vaxxed their kids – compared to the frequent, longer lasting and more severe outcomes of vaxxed kids. Taken from the VAXX 2 video on top of this peice.
Expect the bought and paid for pharma lobbyists and the brain-washed to swoop, ban, censire and vilify each parent with an unvaxxed health kid – even those who vaxxed their eldest but not their younger ones – in the same family.
You know, because a thousand anecdotes is not evidence – because those giving the anecdotes as part of their lived experience are, somehow, freaks and exceptions to their brainwashing.
“I did not believe that health like that was possible” – a quote from a parent who has never given their kids anti-biotics or vaccinations,
Please upgrade to paid, or donate a coffee (I drink a lot of coffee) - “God Bless You!” if you can’t or don’t want to contribute. Coffee donations here: https://ko-fi.com/peterhalligan Buying just one Ko-Fi a week for $3 is 50 bucks more than an annual $100 subscription!
It's so great to see this issue gain traction, thanks.
Remember also that these injuries to kids are essentially mandated in almost every country in the world. No maiming your kids as part of the cult, then no school.
In Australia it's also no daycare, no visiting grandma in the nursing home, and principals can send just the unvaxxed kids home if they feel like it.
This is my take on it too.
They are not using an ounce of prevention, just making sure they will have patients, they don't even care when they die, just the patients please.